[Alex123890] - Whitelist Application

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[Alex123890] - Whitelist Application

Post by Guest0007 »

Byond name: Alex123890

Time on Primary Server: Indistinguishable from a part of the station at this point, i mean i couldn't even guess an accurate amount of time, Years?

space station 13 Experience: lets see here started out on goon, soon became a thing of myth after surviving the first unofficial chaos round, after that i moved on after a few years to citadel, than virgo for a bit than thing and TK's thing and ive mostly stuck to Cit nowadays.

Roll playing experience: generally mid tear in experience though it could have Ben better if most of my partners did more than a Line at this point and virgo is fun but it gets old fast, ARFS doesn't fill the itch and cits the closest to my action days on goon with lewds, hoping this white listed server fits me better.

Number of kicks/bans: uuuuuh, i think there was a few points i was job banned starting off? tbh most of my bans and kicks are for silly things though there was one that i abandoned the station as a head? thats one of the few i remember that ill say i deserved but back than it was boring as fuck so i went mining while everyone was off getting there rocks off in dorms.

are you willing to follow the rules to the dot?: thats debatable, RPing requires creativity i will say i wont do anything without someones prier consent, but if you see me getting up to some Weard shit in dorms that slightly bends the rules in some way, as for example 'stay in character' or something, ill occasionally have 'ooc moments' to fix up a previous rp with someone, but i always get consent with what im doing with someone ooc wise, its debatable and im being honest with you, if i do something ban worthy ask me what im up to, usually im just being silly or something but ill never do something like blow up part of the station (i never learned toxins, i hate bombs, engineering too because lord singuloth always scared me that i would fuck up) but if i legitimately fuck up feel free to boot my ass to the curb, but i always try to follow the rules.

what reasons do you feel would make you applicable for this server?: truthfully i want to experience what we used to be back when we were less action focused and more about people actual having fun just chilling and rping things out, i missed that from what the Server used to be (and the eeveelution plushy's those things could cause wars) so long as it doesn't end up like it was when i first started out with everyone going off to dorms without setting up the engine or doing any of science or something agen leaving me to be super hop agen than i genuinely think i could fit in pretty well, though mostly ill probably end up doing a good amount of work anyways its just what i do (rping modifying Borgs is fun).

signed: the servers ever present blue fox (seriously how long have i Ben here?) alger treeby.

PS: this form hates internet explorer apparently it wouldn't let me log in for weeks until i downloaded Chrome and tried it there.  :-/

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RE: [Alex123890] - Whitelist Application

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