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SectoidDan - Whitelist App

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:32 am
by SectoidDan
Ckey: SectoidDan

Time on server: On and off for a year plus.

SS13 experience: Seven year's worth, off and on (though mostly on, save me ;_ ;) , with a couple of ckeys, and including time as an admin on a major server. I also know enough to work my way around most of the code.

RP experience: I've done a good amount of RP, both with tabletop RPGs and videogames. I GM a game with a few RL friends, I'd say I'm quite comfortable with roleplaying.

Bans? One, requested when I was getting super salty about something really trivial. 

Following rules? No I'm just here to collect valids and make sprites go horizontal Yeah okay.

Why let you in tho? I've taken some time away from Citadel recently, and I think trying out the RP server might grab me back in. Certainly there are times when I wish I could just sit around and roll dice or RP with people without the fear of antags meteors and such. I'd put off writing an application for the whitelist previously because I was worried it would quickly wither and die like other similar schemes have done, but since I've heard that's not the case I'm taking a shot. I've played on Citadel for a while now, the main character I play has become pretty recognizable, and I think this is a natural progression. 

Also I wanna ERP in peace damn it.

RE: SectoidDan - Whitelist App

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 7:34 am
by GloriousStormtalon