Rezbit - RP Admin Application

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Re: Rezbit - RP Admin Application

Post by moony »

So, my two cents. I don't like the vibe I'm reading here, there's a lot of corporatism in the writing in wording choices, and as others have stated the motivation behind this application is up in the air.

While you're a good player, I don't trust this. -1

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Re: Rezbit - RP Admin Application

Post by Silicons »

Given I partially asked for this application it's probably not much surprise what I'm going to say, but I pose two questions for the candidate regardless.


The post reads very corporate for the lack of more succinct wording. While sticking to protocol is generally a thing (and I'm actually rewriting the staff guidelines right now for the future), are you aware and comfortable with the fact that Citadel staff has never been and really, should arguably never be as restrictive and sticklers for protocol than other teams?

We do not want loose cannons doing awful shit either, but the role of staff for a RP server is generally more game masters than strictly moderators. We want people who can lead the community as opposed to enforce a book.

More over, the community has never really been a super stickler kind of community.
Things have been a bit too wild in the past but a gradual transition is better than an over-correction,
And in my opinion our issues were more from a lack of care from staffing choices over the past half decade than anything else.


While not nearly as prevalent as many others I've seen in my time (which, likely includes an older version of myself), you also for the lack of better wording have a bit of a "nah, I'd win" attitude on some things.

This by itself is fine. This is still a video game beyond the layers of roleplaying and fluff.
But if you are an administrator and wear the tags of one, you will need to be more aware of right time and place than players are.
It's potentially a bad impression on people to see staff doing that even if a player doing it is otherwise normal. Worse, we already have a relatively sensitive situation with event participation and people feeling disenfranchised from playing for one reason or another, and even if you don't really mean it, that kind of attitude at the wrong time can set people off.
I do not think it will be a problem, but do you understand and are comfortable with this?

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Re: Rezbit - RP Admin Application

Post by Rezbit »

Thank your for your concerns and posting, Moony!
moony wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:57 am
So, my two cents. I don't like the vibe I'm reading here, there's a lot of corporatism in the writing in wording choices, and as others have stated the motivation behind this application is up in the air.
I don't understand what you're trying to say here. Are you saying that my current way of writing is an issue? Please be more specific on what it is meant by being 'corporate'
Is the wording confusing? Is it too vague? Is it unspecific?

Regardless, I will reiterate my motivation for application: I am applying for the reason of general improvement in how staff as a whole is working right now. I have mentioned how there seems to be a constant lax of administration on the server. Yes, I know that this is a game, yes I know that this is just a volunteer role, and yes, I know that people have responsibilities. However, it is exactly a volunteer role for the server, and it has come with multiple expectations that should be basic. As I have mentioned on the previous posts, specifically with Monara and Auraknight, there is a continuous absence of administration on the server that it has gotten to the point that EM's and Maintainers feel more like admins. Yes, there are 'Discord Tickets', but they are not an excuse to ignore the inner game all together.

Using a previous quote on a post I placed:
Rezbit wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:43 am
All of these have connect with one-another one way or another, and continuously hearing how some decisions have been seen as wrong decisions, how staff seems to be close-minded, and how staff is also absent for a general amount, I am confident to put this piece of reasoning out there because it's one of the main reasons I want to join the administration team
The secondary issue that I have been continuously seeing is the constant complaints that I have been getting. I have been getting constantly complained to throughout the years of administration being absent, administration constantly going back and forth, administration issuing a note/ban wrongly. While these are opinions and perspectives all together, regardless of who it is, it is still a concern when it's been continuous. I have since been trying to affect these by avoiding administration, but it has come to a point that I want to be personally involved in having a proper voice, because guess what? There is a hidden staff chat where the decisions will continue to be made, regardless if I have an influence.

To put it bluntly as I always will, the main reason I want to join the administration team to make it better in regards to the rule set, offer a different perspective to decisions, offer criticisms and critiques, improving the general mindset when it comes to tickets and player-to-admin relationships. There's also the course of handling tickets, handling drama, and providing better security which should be a given already.

I will reiterate
Additional questions are suggested for more detailed/further specifications.

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Re: Rezbit - RP Admin Application

Post by Rezbit »

Thank you for your concerns and questions, Silicons!
Silicons wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 3:01 am
We do not want loose cannons doing awful shit either, but the role of staff for a RP server is generally more game masters than strictly moderators. We want people who can lead the community as opposed to enforce a book.

More over, the community has never really been a super stickler kind of community.
Things have been a bit too wild in the past but a gradual transition is better than an over-correction,
While I have a large tendency to be quite strict and restrictive when it comes to mechanics, I believe I have shown enough lenience and 'easy-going' when it comes to most decisions. I have further evidence and proof of my time as an administrator in SS13 - Colonial Marines showing such. My mindset with every ticket does not involve with the question, "How do I punish this person for this rulebreak?" but rather, "How can they learn what this rule means and work with it?" Ignoring the obvious greytiders, griefers, etc,.

I dislike handing out punishments if there's a possible way to go through the ticket without having some kind of learning process. Of course, the severity of the issue is always to be considered when giving out the punishment, but at the end of that ticket, I want the person to understand what they did wrong, and how to avoid it with alternatives in the future.
Silicons wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 3:01 am
While not nearly as prevalent as many others I've seen in my time (which, likely includes an older version of myself), you also for the lack of better wording have a bit of a "nah, I'd win" attitude on some things. [...]

[...] It's potentially a bad impression on people to see staff doing that even if a player doing it is otherwise normal. Worse, we already have a relatively sensitive situation with event participation and people feeling disenfranchised from playing for one reason or another, and even if you don't really mean it, that kind of attitude at the wrong time can set people off. This by itself is fine. This is still a video game beyond the layers of roleplaying and fluff.
I don't understand why this is a concern when I have continuously stated that I prefer for many people to be involved with said events and play it themselves and enjoy rather than me going aggressive and winning. Yes, there has been amusing times where I wish to do combat, but those only have been with the mindset of giving people a challenge. Even then, I don't believe I have displayed this tendency to 'win' in game other than me continuously speaking on my own mindset. This is besides the point.

With the secondary concern/quote, I understand where this is coming from and I have realized that I may have been too outspoken with my issues of certain events - however, those will continue to be criticisms and concerns for the events. Those will not change other than being a bit more quieter on some aspects that aren't necessary to add.

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Re: Rezbit - RP Admin Application

Post by Silicons »

Ways of writing are unfortunately the only way tone is communicated in text formats.
I think being too formal tends to communicate an intent to be overly formal on the job, which is very off-putting in otherwise laxer communities. The best way I'd put it is "it's okay for things to be incorrect while a gradual effort is made".

Regarding the second thing; you have never in my memory shown actions in IC that would be generally constituted as toxic / abjectly unfun to deal with.
It's just a reminder that perception is everything and if you are given staff you'll be observed in a very different light by everyone in the community.
I don't think it'll ultimately be a problem, rather than just something to keep in mind.

And lastly from me there's a fair warning that the most major decisions are generally not admin-chat only. At least as of recent, and will be the case ongoing given that all major decisions are now me and I already have standing precedent to have everything publicly discussed first. You might not get what you're seeking, but we'll see what happens if you are approved.

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Re: Rezbit - RP Admin Application

Post by Rezbit »

After heavy consideration over the two weeks (And how long its taken) and observation of the server, plus some of the responses on this application, I have decided to completely withdraw this application and will no longer wish to be apart of the administration team. I will not list the reasons for this, but understand that I no longer have the motivation and incentive to apply.

Thank you for those who provided satisfactory criticisms, concerns, suggestions and for the time. I will perhaps apply again on a later date. Later.


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