IAmCrystalClear : RP Event Manager Application

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IAmCrystalClear : RP Event Manager Application

Post by IAmCrystalClear »

IAmCrystalClear : RP Event Manager Application

BYOND Ckey: IAmCrystalClear
Character Name: Connor MacKenzie, Orchid, Aimee Tale
Discord Username (+user id): iamcrystalclear
Reason for Application: I have a desire to see more events in Euro-friendly time zones and have decided to take it upon myself to get them.
Team Applying For: RP

1. When setting up an event for the server, what should be taken into account as your to-do list before announcing the event to the discord/server?

When setting up an event for the server, my checklist would include the following
  • Have I got a solid plan for the important storybeats? This includes having defined the genre and style of the event, be it combat, slice of life, horror, or something else entirely.
    Have I identified who, generally, would be primarily involved? Which departments would this focus on? I do know particularly want to focus my attention on departments and people who may not typically get much love (see, service and civilian roles)
    Have I made the event impactful for more than just two or three people? I can avoid this by focusing on events involving the station, avoiding combat intrinsic events, and ensuring they are not "go here, do this" events for security/exploration.
    Are there any lessons I could apply from my previous experience to improve this event in any given way? I want to ensure I am not just repeating myself, and where I may, I want to ensure I am not just stagnant in my delivery and design. Learning from events that have "gone wrong" will improve the experience for everyone involved. I must, however, remember that people will ALWAYS have complaints.
2. What is expected of an Event Manager on Citadel Stations (Main and/or RP)?

Event managers are expected to run events! Running events is, however, more than just running an event, and includes doing our upmost best to ensure that events remain fun and engaging for everyone involved. This includes helping players to generate natural, real feeling stories and arcs for their characters, making the world feel just a little bit more real. To that end, EMs are also vaguely expected to remain in-lore, not bending the world to fit their story, but rather bending their story to fit the world.

3. What would you call a fun addition to a current round if the players are wanting extra spice?

Introducing minor antagonists such as a pirate crew looking to make a quick buck or neutral journalists interviewing crew is always fun. For in-round events, I have seen such things as the fabled "horse" event, where talking horses appeared on-site, and various ghost related events over the years. These were ultimately small scale events, but were fun for the crew involved. I personally will likely trend towards more neutral and low-down events that do not focus on the paranormal, likely involving minor representatives from various factions coming aboard or something natural happening in the area (maybe a goat migration or similar).

4. If an event you're hosting is going off the rails, or that the players are reacting to the event in a way that is steering away from your original plan and idea,
what would you do at that point for the event?

I've DM'd for a pathfinder game before, and my method was to create a flowchart of "options" persay that people might take and plan from there. Using this technique, I should, theoretically, be able to plan for most actions the crew (and volunteers) might take. I do, however, purposefully leave my flowcharts vague and loose so that I may instead improvise without any lost overhead if needed. For example, in an event where mercs attack the station, demanding an artefact, I might write out two "pathways" that the crew might take: negotiation or confrontation. I'd write out some basic guidelines for each such as "mercs want x, y, z" and prepare what the mercs are willing to lose before they give up in combat. However, most events like can invariably go along the lines of "command tries to negotiate, while various crew perform impromptu attack", and if this happened, I'd have to be ready to improvise what to do.

[Edit: fixed paragraph breaks]

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Re: IAmCrystalClear : RP Event Manager Application

Post by Athena14 »

I'm unsure how you would do as an Event Manager due to past actions you've had on the server. (Orchid, for example which seemingly stretched into both IC and OOC issues when I comb the chat.) BUT your application looks solid, and I like some of the answers you've given. I'll leave a tentative +1.

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Re: IAmCrystalClear : RP Event Manager Application

Post by IAmCrystalClear »

Athena14 wrote:
Fri May 31, 2024 11:50 pm
(Orchid, for example which seemingly stretched into both IC and OOC issues when I comb the chat.)
I've been reflecting on Orchid a lot over the years, particularly since my last bout of playing her, and have been considering retiring her. I love the concept and the idea of the character but unfortunately chimera lore has strayed from the form it was when I gained the whitelist, among other reasons.

Otherwise, thank you for the feedback.

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Re: IAmCrystalClear : RP Event Manager Application

Post by Silicons »

you haven't played for a hot minute

EM is not hard administrative overrule authority but it's still pretty damn relevant for server direction

with that in mind

you've recently gotten into trouble on your ICs ('recent' because my mental space for ss13 generally will automatically filter out times of inactivity by people)
which we established isn't a real problem OOC and whatnot but your takes on what happened there were admittedly a little concerning to me given people tend to insert their own opinions into their administrative / event work because that's just how things tend to go

i'm somewhat neutral on this at the moment because i'm not sure if you're on the same page as us regarding what we want the server direction to be

with that in mind, what do you see for the future of the server / what do you see the setting to be portrayed as, as of right now?

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Re: IAmCrystalClear : RP Event Manager Application

Post by IAmCrystalClear »

Silicons wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:57 am
with that in mind, what do you see for the future of the server / what do you see the setting to be portrayed as, as of right now?
I'll start by admitting the general direction of the server has been hard to decipher over the years; this is in part due to the fact I have a busy life outside of SS13, I play in bursts rather than consistently, and thus often miss entire lore threads. The wiki, for years, has been outdated and there are never any obvious announcements to the community when lore/setting changes are made to it. Similarly, the open source nature of the lore, with so many hands doing so much work, has diluted the species and faction lore into several "Work in Progress" threads on the Discord server, perpetually changing and being challenged as people see fit. Finally, compounding all these things, is the fact that, being in Eastern Europe, when a new thread is posted it is typically coming up to midnight in my timezone; by the time I wake up several hundred, or even a thousand, messages have been poured into the thread, often contradicting each other. This can make it incredibly difficult for those not immediately and constantly involved in a new faction, species, or modification to actually understand it. To remedy this, I would put whatever work we currently consider canon onto the wiki, regularly update the wiki as we go, always making sure to provide announcements to the community when what we consider canon is changed. A simple announcement providing a brief summary of the changes/additions and a link is enough ala this message: https://discord.com/channels/1615742005 ... 4568233064 .

From what I can garner, we have always been a soft science fiction game. The setting is a far distant future where technologies are, to us, magical, and we have no need to show the player exactly how things work. We instead focus on providing a stable escape for our players, free to explore whatever avenue of roleplay they want. We try to stay true to original SS13 lore, but ensure we put our own spin on it.

In the future, we plan, primarily, to maintain this status quo while expanding what we can do with the setting itself. I am aware of current and upcoming development for storytellers which will help to define the round-to-round objectives to assist in providing a more concrete direction for active gameplay. However, with more mechanical gameplay elements being worked on, we do not intend to allow this to become the focus of the server, instead striving to game mechanics assist roleplay, rather than define it.

As an Event Manager, I should obviously have a desire to learn more about lore, but it is not my duty to be conscious of the active development of lore at all times. I know my personal ideal for the server direction strays from the big picture currently envisioned, and I'm thusly primarily choosing to disengage with current lore development. This, however, changes, when I am aware that lore additions may impact a storyline I am planning to run. I am more than happy to work with both admins and lore development teams to prepare events to usher in new developments and ensure my plans do not stray from the overarching design.

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Re: IAmCrystalClear : RP Event Manager Application

Post by Silicons »

when i asked that i honestly had no expectations of lore knowledge/anything

all we really ask for EMs is to not go against the lore which is easy enough (i will literally force the creation of a tl;dr for every faction if i hvae to); EMs are encouraged to explore

what i meant by direction was what do you see the atmosphere/environment of the server, which you have answered well to my point of view.

as an example, lore people have their direction, meanwhile devs have this little funny thing here https://hackmd.io/@CitadelStation13RP/HkfixplCd#Goal that we use as our direction (or rather i use it as mine and try to push it onto other devs who are receptive to working for the overall goal)
admins / EMs (same group, really. EMs basically have admin privileges in terms of 'interfering with round'.) do different things day to day still and realistically we kind of just have three branches of developers and community leaders doing their own thing and trying their best to not step on each others' toes and get a general consensus of where to go.

so really i just wanted to see how you see the ideal player experience as

as long as you are okay with the fact that we're still pretty in-dev and you might need to compromise for some things in the name of server stability and slowly changing (i believe you are one of the more realism-leaning people; this is fine and i infact try to have a decent spread but we still try not to drop anvils on the playerbase) i find no reason to have issue with this and give this my +1.

.. though i'm still a little concerned by the large amount of inactivity so we'll see what everyone else says.

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Re: IAmCrystalClear : RP Event Manager Application

Post by Silicons »

Apologies for the wait.
After discussion with staff, my opinions on this (which is somewhat in line with the consensus reached) is:

- We should trust you with buttons; you're a proven RPer and from what I have seen pretty responsible.
- We however, are not entirely comfortable with handing you unsupervised EM access yet.

The thing about EMs is we don't micromanage them; they're not separate from the administration obviously but they're allowed to portray the world for the enjoyment of the players.

We however do still want to be somewhat sure they are in touch and in tune with how we generally portray the world before handing out this access.

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