Shirumic's Admin Application

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Re: Shirumic's Admin Application

Post by Sakuya »

Shirumic, you are my friend. I think you're a good Lore Maintainer. However after reading some discussion internally and thinking about it, I do not see you as a viable admin candidate at this time. That doesn't mean I think you just flat out should never be admin. Please understand it's hard for me to say this as I appreciate you a lot, but I have to be honest or else my ability to take in the totality of the circumstances is compromised.

I think others here have voiced anything I'd probably bring up, so I don't really have much on my end to bring up. Personally I'd like to see some more server-side activity before you apply, but that's just me personally.

As for now I'm going to have to give my -1 for this.

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Re: Shirumic's Admin Application

Post by shirumic »

Silicons wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:28 pm
the time to apply is when you are
1. part of the debate
2. able to understand and accept the logic of the debate

someone should become an administrator when they are able to take custody of the community.

this kind of reads as "my hands are tied if i'm not an admin in a discussion" which is completely wrong from every standpoint as someone who frankly never had that problem. when it reads like that i do not care who it is i automatically am against it for the express reason that someone is ready to have the authority that comes with staff when they can do things without being staff.

sure, i'm staff, but i only make staff after changing the community / codebase / whatever; not before.
that is not a requirement by far but people are granted custody of the community after they prove they're able to handle it, not before
That's not what I'm trying to say.
I've been through incidents in the past where people have come to me for more than just lore issues, but fears over server direction as a whole, and I have voiced my thoughts many times before.
I have, informally, already been a major part of the community, an aide to many admins, and many people have spoken to me privately when they have issues with citadel.
People hear my voice but I've always been careful with it because there are others who are more invested in the community than I were at the time.
Now that the future is so uncertain, I want to do my part and do as much as possible to help citadel.

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Re: Shirumic's Admin Application

Post by shirumic »

Jaybirdnerd wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:45 pm
+1 as Shiru was a capable lore team member and they seem capable as a staff member based on prior experience with them in the community. They haven't stirred the pot, they haven't really done anything against our code of conduct, and as I see it they're worth having on the team.
Thank you for your support.

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Re: Shirumic's Admin Application

Post by shirumic »

SpessInquisitor wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 1:22 pm
They've done a lot for the lore team over the past few years, and their enthusiasm is admirable. But no people-pleasing crap, no being a centrist in any argument, and he has to learn to take a side.

+1. Put him in a trial position, see how it shakes out, and we'll go from there.
Thank you for your support. Could you elaborate on your latter points?

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Re: Shirumic's Admin Application

Post by shirumic »

After thinking on things, I believe I approached criticism yesterday with the wrong mindset and interpreted some criticism as false pretenses with wording more personal than I should behave in regards to administrative issues.
It is not my intention to allow myself to mix my personal biases with professional action, nor is it my intention to imply that it is necessary to be an administrator in order to affect the community.
I strictly compartmentalize myself and I have been led to believe that it is obvious that my actions as a community member, or a personal friend, or even a lore maintainer are all different from each other. While I try to be fair and impartial in everything I do, I also understand that, when seeking someone for a staff position, it is important to be able to make decisions that will not "feel good" or have a satisfying conclusion for all parties involved.
It is my aim to minimize that as much as possible, but that is also why policy must be enforced as written, even if the community does not wholly back something.
Socially, I have changed a lot since 2020 before I joined citadel, and it has caused me to approach people differently than I used to, which has impacted both my thought processes and mindset.
I still believe I have much to offer the staff team, and I am eager to hear what other staff members think of my application, but I realize why, when historically all I have presented myself to citadel as a needy friend, and when I continuously go through cycles of burnout, why there is hesitance on accepting me as an administrator.

I'm committed to this community and I will endeavor to surpass all standards given to me, because I believe from my efforts with the server so far, I can do well to represent the community and foster a healthy, comfortable relationship between the staff team and those who are not admins or friends of admins, with the good faith of the player base and developers alike

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Re: Shirumic's Admin Application

Post by FreeStylaLT »

I appreciate you applying, however I don't see you as a good fit for our staff team.

While your activity in many of the discussion threads, general chat and lore channels is undeniable, and your presence in most if not all lore matters, that aren't very niche to a specific species / topic, is often appreciated.
You've also expressed your opinions on the server and its issues as you saw them in a variety of ways. Some of these ways was by making snide remarks on the server's general state

Code: Select all

"I keep wanting to play citrp but the nagging sense of wasting my  increasingly limited time doing nothing keeps blocking me"

Code: Select all

"citrp usually bores the hell out of me"

Code: Select all

"but citrp is so mindnumbingly borong"
or in particular, its code.

Code: Select all

"by 2026 we'll have the same features bay did in 2017"

Code: Select all

"also no one would fork from citrp because our code is bad"
We don't silence people or expect them to flower up their opinions or the like, however, we do prefer constructive feedback as staff rather than one that beats down. On top of that, most of your issues, as far as I can tell, are code, lore and partially event focused, rather than anything to do with player-reaching or staff policies. As far as making the server a better place, one that you'd prefer to play on yourself, all the most viable tools are already at your disposal, and as far as I can tell you've helped improve several lore-oriented topics and drove large, encompassing threads like the visual design, lore planner and premise rework (a suggestion). Perhaps you have been unaware of your own effects, or dislike the amount of impact (as far as you could tell) they had, but I'd honestly suggest focusing on those things, and particularly, picking up code or mapping to contribute directly to the content that you seek to actually enjoy playing, rather than delving further into painful and often solutionless staff topics.

To add, as an aside, there is little that is discussed internally as a policy or otherwise, that doesn't come with a public discussion thread or the possibility for it to be openly talked about after. And to add to the aside again, the last 'surprise' policy that was not discussed was, I believe, an edit to SoP back in November of 2023, which was preceded by a public discussion on an issue.

All in all, I see you as a valuable community member, just not as an admin. -1.

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Re: Shirumic's Admin Application

Post by shirumic »

FreeStylaLT wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:37 am
I appreciate you applying, however I don't see you as a good fit for our staff team.

While your activity in many of the discussion threads, general chat and lore channels is undeniable, and your presence in most if not all lore matters, that aren't very niche to a specific species / topic, is often appreciated.
You've also expressed your opinions on the server and its issues as you saw them in a variety of ways. Some of these ways was by making snide remarks on the server's general state

Code: Select all

"I keep wanting to play citrp but the nagging sense of wasting my  increasingly limited time doing nothing keeps blocking me"

Code: Select all

"citrp usually bores the hell out of me"

Code: Select all

"but citrp is so mindnumbingly borong"
or in particular, its code.

Code: Select all

"by 2026 we'll have the same features bay did in 2017"

Code: Select all

"also no one would fork from citrp because our code is bad"
We don't silence people or expect them to flower up their opinions or the like, however, we do prefer constructive feedback as staff rather than one that beats down. On top of that, most of your issues, as far as I can tell, are code, lore and partially event focused, rather than anything to do with player-reaching or staff policies. As far as making the server a better place, one that you'd prefer to play on yourself, all the most viable tools are already at your disposal, and as far as I can tell you've helped improve several lore-oriented topics and drove large, encompassing threads like the visual design, lore planner and premise rework (a suggestion). Perhaps you have been unaware of your own effects, or dislike the amount of impact (as far as you could tell) they had, but I'd honestly suggest focusing on those things, and particularly, picking up code or mapping to contribute directly to the content that you seek to actually enjoy playing, rather than delving further into painful and often solutionless staff topics.

To add, as an aside, there is little that is discussed internally as a policy or otherwise, that doesn't come with a public discussion thread or the possibility for it to be openly talked about after. And to add to the aside again, the last 'surprise' policy that was not discussed was, I believe, an edit to SoP back in November of 2023, which was preceded by a public discussion on an issue.

All in all, I see you as a valuable community member, just not as an admin. -1.
Yes, I made snide remarks about a server I love, in a casual environment. I would not hold this against anyone for any reason.
I've been nothing but constructive with my feedback in suggestion threads and in discussions regarding development. Case in point, the lore meetings I contributed to provide a consistent form of progress and organization for not just lore, but many development efforts. If I dismissed the server entirely, I would not be here for as long as I have, and I would not be going through so much effort that you yourself pointed out to make it a better setting.

However, I myself am not a developer. I have always, and will always be, a community-minded person. I will not code or map, and I should not be expected to in order to volunteer for a community-based position. I'm concerned with the environment that our staff team is trying to foster, and I wish to ensure that it remains a welcoming, comfortable place for newcomers such as I was four years ago and existing players and staff members alike.
I do not seek to join the staff team because I want to make things 'easier' for me, but because I want to engage with "painful and solutionless" staff topics and make the community a better place for everyone.
You seem to be implying that I should stay in my lane and avoid concerning myself with deeper community issues, which given how I feel about Citadel, in that anyone who feels passionately about the server should volunteer to help it as much as possible, I find difficult to agree with that anyone should be kept from a staff position because they have criticized elements of development and because they have done more work outside of community-focused issues.
Still, I appreciate your feedback, and this application has given me a lot to think about on how to carry myself for the future.

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Re: Shirumic's Admin Application

Post by Auraknight »

Years ago, back when I started playing, I already viewed Shirumic as a pillar of the community. Their behaviour in-game, as a fellow player, felt... not welcoming, but tolerating. More than I expected to get when I joined.

Fast forward a few years, and they're still here, still playing, and still of great value to the community- but yet, sitting here and looking at this application- across multiple days- I cannot bring myself to feel anything more than an apathy for it. The worst passing accusation I could level at them is a few mildly bad takes and poor conduct that I've witnessed, over the course of several years. No-one's perfect- none of it I view as worth dredging up or pushing accountability on. The things they've said in this application, and in responses should speak to me- it's viewpoints that I agree with, and would like to see more of- none of it sparks any confidence in me that I would like for giving my affirmation.

I, in the end, cannot simply say nothing- Shirumic deserves more than that- but I do not feel like I can offer meaningful contribution beyond my personal feelings on the subject. I do not have any strong opinions on why they should, or should not, become an admin, I do not have any strong opinions on the talking points they've made, that have come up for discussion, or that I feel need to be addressed. My stance in these applications is that it requires more then just a 'why not', but a strong 'why', and while there are a few 'whys' here, none of them manage to make me feel strongly about anything at all.

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Re: Shirumic's Admin Application

Post by moony »

-1. Silicons put it best, and Monara's point stands too. I don't think I have any more to say beyond "You don't need to be an admin to be involved in community discussions, they have as much say as anyone else."

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Re: Shirumic's Admin Application

Post by Silicons »

This will be closed in 2-3 days.

Regardless, I personally would leave a recommendation for the applicant to consider Event Manager if they have an intent of learning tooling to propagate the lore and more importantly, help with player engagement.

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