Staff Application: Tekoro | 2

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Staff Application: Tekoro | 2

Post by Tekoro »

BYOND ckey: Ronesha
Character name:Juishy Stalls / Hulu-Wu 
Discord username (+user id):Tekoro#2225
How long have you played on Citadel?: Since May.
How long have you played SS13?: Since January/February.
What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: I am usually available at all hours, unless I'm sleeping. It depends on my sleep schedule, and I often stay up whole days when I'm busy and need to fix it. [Normally my timezone would be CEST]
Previous SS13 related admin experience: None.
Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: Some servers on TeamFortress2, Gmod.
Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: Unknown, will edit in as I ask around/see the opinions in this thread.
Reason for application: Been four months now. One exact month since my previous application! I want to apply again because I understand why I was denied last time, and I want to try again after one month passed where I've hopefully improved and established that overall I've become a better player with an even better understanding of the rules and how they work. I am mostly always on the server, even if I'm playing other games, I'm always ready to help answering questions/clearing up things, but I'd love to do more. My normal timezone is one where the sever is usually low-pop, and some of the times with no admins/mods on. If I could set my timezone on that certain part of the day, I could be helping a lot where ahelps need to be answered. I know that four months isn't really the playtime you'd want on a staff member, I completely understand that, but at the same time the fact that I've been online everyday for even 12+ hours a day, kinda makes me feel a bit more confident.

Below you will be required to describe how you would handle a handful of scenarios that may or may not require admin intervention. 
For every scenario, describe your personal opinion of the intentions of the player(s), whether you think you should intervene, and how you would initiate an intervention with the player(s) if you decide to.

There are technically no "correct" answers for this, but you will be judged on how you respond to these questions.
You observe two players having a fist-fight in the bar. Player 1 puts Player 2 into critical condition, and then Player 1 quickly leaves the bar to go heal them-self. Checking their attack logs, you find that neither of them had any interaction before they started fighting. Checking their say logs however, you discover that both of them got in a verbal confrontation that got very heated, and that Player 2 both initiated the confrontation and threw the first punch. How do you proceed? 

If no ahelp is sent in, it's a clear IC issue. Player 2 decided to escalate the conversation with a punch and P1 defended himself. P2 was either saved by other bystanders/security, in which way though? Did P1 leave him there or did someone have to intervene to stop them from killing P2? If P1 stopped and didn't kill him, considering it was in the bar which is usually a crowded area of the station which means P2 will be easily saved and brought to medbay, P1 acted in complete self-defense with a well-escalated event that didn't lead in anyone being removed from the round over an argument (even if for a brief period of time since P2 would probably get cloned), so there's no need for a staff member to step in to do anything. If P1 ended up killing P2 over an argument, it might be a bit of an over-escalation since it's not normal to do so and might be worthy of a note only if P1 was the one that threw the first punch, in this case where P2 did it first though, it's bad sport on P1's behalf but he was defending himself, P2 should've never tried to create a fist-fight in the first place.
However, metagrudging happens. It's normal, it can happen, it needs to be prevented by making the players involved talk it out and clear eachother. If the two players have an history of this kind of scenario happening repeatedly between the two, it needs to be made clear that it's not healthy for their gameplay and for everyone else's. They need to make up what their problem is and talk it out. If noone warned them about this on previous notes, take them out, discord, whatever, put them in a chatroom and let them talk it out. I've had an event like this happen, and it worked and completely fixed everything, if it doesn't, tell them to ignore eachother. If the metagrudging keeps on and escalates in being this event almost every shift, always escalated by P2 with the first punch, a ban might be considered after all the times this scenario shows up.

You observe one player acting suspiciously and decide to watch them. While watching, you discover that they are a new player with less than a day of time on the server. You also discover that they haven't said anything for the entire round. Their contents include a full set of tools, and not much else. While watching they spend their time breaking into unsecure areas like the bar back room, hydroponics, the chapel office, EVA. How do you proceed?

Keeping in mind that it's a new connection to the server and he's actually just randomly breaking into departments with zero context or reason, I'd PM the player asking for explanations regarding his actions. if no answer is given and the player just keeps on griefing the station for no reason, a ban might be needed if their intentions are clearly to just grief and ruin the experience for other players. 
However if it's just genuinely a new player that answers to ahelps in a non-trolly manner, a link to the rules and a brief explanation of why that's not really allowed to just randomly do.

You observe Player 1 who is a scientist building a combat mech. When they're finished, they allow Player 2 who is their friend and an assistant to come and take the combat mech out of the department. Later, Player 2 gets into a fight with security over the possession of the combat mech, and decides to try killing the security players but fails and is killed by security instead. How do you proceed?

Those are two separate events that need to be taken care of in order. First of all, check antagstatuses, it's obvious.
If P2 is an antagonist, they might've had a reason to try and wipe security, even then, if it's just mindless murderbone as antag it's poor sport and might end up with them being antagbanned, but if there's a reason, fine. In the event that they aren't antag and they're just trying to murderbone as a non-antag, PM the player and ask for explanations, even though there's no real explanation for someone to murderbone the whole security force if they're not antag, unless there's a legit mutiny going on. If the explanation is invalid, which most likely is, ban.
Once P2's scenario is taken care of, move onto P1, which requires a few questions answered.
Why did he build the mech in the first place, is he antag? Was there any threat at all on the station that required a combat mech to be built? Or did he just build it to give it to their friend and let him grief? Are both players new and joined just to grief?
Asking P1 his intentions and reasoning behind the mech, we can decide wether or not he was just naive or his intentions were clearly to help his buddy grief. Just naive? A note with a warning to not do that again, with a tip to not make mech when they're not needed since they're a powerful weapon. If they ignore ahelps/make up excuses or stuff doesn't make sense, ban them also for grief.

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RE: Staff Application: Tekoro | 2

Post by cebutris »

From what I know of Tekoro, I'm not sure they would make a great staff member, though on the other hand, I'm almost certain they wouldn't make a bad one, either. I personally think that they should be given at least a trial run as a moderator, and depending on their actions with it, removed or promoted.

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RE: Staff Application: Tekoro | 2

Post by kevinz000 »

what cebbu said they seem chill

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RE: Staff Application: Tekoro | 2

Post by Kenzie »

ca?️?️ose is correct

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RE: Staff Application: Tekoro | 2

Post by Kenzie »

if you all don't stop shitposting i will turn this car around i swear to god

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RE: Staff Application: Tekoro | 2

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