Derkuleen staff application

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Derkuleen staff application

Post by derkuleen »

Beyond key: Derkuleen

Character name: Desamus Kwarm

Discord: Derkuleen#4627

Time on citadel: Ive been on cit for about a year and a half, maybe about two.

Time on ss13: about the same time as above, i surfed servers and citadel was one of the first i tried.

Time zone/hours: EST, play generally late at night to early morning hours. I often play off and on playing for weeks at a time then taking week breaks. Moreover,  summer hours are subject to change and often have increased activity.

SS13 admin experience: no previous ss13 admin experience

previous admin experience: was briefly an admin for a rust server back before the game was reworked.

current staff support: Upon inquiring into the admin-forum on discord Bhjin, for one, supported me saying id work well in a staff position. Previous conversations with Sharknet were supportive-although at the time i never made the push to try for it. I like to think i've been playing on citadel to know a healthy population of its players, at least its older players, and administrators whom would support me in a staff position.

Reason for application: I have, before, made comments in passing about my desire to be part of the citadel admins given my play time on citadel as my go to server for ss13. I feel like its a common occurrence that as players spend more and time on a particular server they become more and more disinterested in the game just by virtue of doing the same thing over and over again. One solution to this is to find something new to do on the server, like taking part in the logistical and overwatch work necessary to keep things running smoothly. My time in ss13 has been enjoyable to say the least and I've meet some great people I feel like its now time for me to move on-before i get bored with playing and quit altogether. As a staff member i think ill find some more to do even if its not always the most enjoyable task at least it will be new. Whats more, as i graduate the ranks of staff I will be able to contribute more to the community in that i will be able to remove the players that cause trouble when other are not available to do so.

Scenario question 1: 
this is the classic question of improper escalation
personally I believe this is just a scenario where two players got "too into the game" and took it too far most likely setting them selves up for followup interactions that will no doubt be bitter. The players probably did not intend to get into a fight at first but certainly through character interaction, previous or otherwise, ended there at which point admin interaction is needed.
first thing that would need to be done is get both sides of the story from the players directly after that I would have to ask player 2 (who threw the first punch) why they did not escalate the fight in a proper manner. Was the "heated" conversation enough to skip directly to punches, why not attempt to disarm the other first? why not walk away? At this point I would wait for player feedback, and unless there is no underlying conditions attached I would instruct player one that in the future see to it that the person they crit'ed also gets aid and dismiss them as having done mostly everything right that they could in the situation. Additionally, I would instruct player 2 that they need to use caution about improperly escalating fights in the future and i would advise them to limit interaction with player 1 in the future to avoid "bad blood." if either player had a history of such incidents-particularly with each other-a warning would probably not be enough and they would be forced to sit out the round in admin jail. If one or both players had multiple incidents like this, in particular referring to improper escalation, then I would advise a short ban period for the repeat offenders. 

Scenario question 2: 
this is a pretty benign situation and doesn't require much input except in regards to being proactive and helping a new player avoid poor decisions. 
everyone that plays space station 13 has probably been here at this point and would of appreciated some sort of input or help. Personally, i feel this is the perfect time to message the newby and ask if they are new. If they confirm they are new to the game i would direct them to mentorhelp, the wiki, and give them some tips about how the game is played so they have a better chance of learning the game. Additionally i would refer them to the discord so they can join in the chat and talk more directly with mentors/see the resources available to them about the game and the server. If however they say they are not new i would apologize and mention that they were mulling around like some one new to the station, if they begin to break into more and more secure areas i would allow the issue to be solved ICLY by the security team at hand. If the security team at hand never solves the issue or is unable to i would message the individual and warn them about powergameing and breaking into secure areas with out reason.

Scenario question 3:
Theres quite a few things with this i find troubling. Firstly what was the communication between the scientist and their friend before hand, ICLY of course. Next, why was the scientist building a combat mech in the first place? was there a valid reason like permission from a head or hostile lifeforms on the station? lastly, what is the player history like for these two individuals does one or the other have a note history of powergaming or meta-communicating? The first thing that i would have to do in this situation is communicate with both players and ask them the story. I would ask the scientist first what was his intentions with the mech and did he have a valid reason to build it, next I would ask why he gave it to an assistant of all people and i would want to know the nature of their relationship with the assistant. Unless the scientist had an extremely good reason for building the mech i would add a note regarding powergamming if other such notes exist i would consider a short ban for this reason alone. If the player openly admits to metacommunicating the sentencing would be shorter but they would still be invariably banned for metacomming and metafriending. In regards to the assistant I would immediately check their history to see if any such previous incidents like this have occurred before. Because the incident was solved ICLY i would be less inclined to ban them out right for self antaging but they certainly would be noted for it and if they have a history of this behavior i would be inclined to ban them for a fitting amount of time. I would also try to find out the nature of their relationship with the scientist in question if they openly admit to metacomming/metafriending as before i would be inclined to ban them for such activity but for less time given their honesty in the matter.
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RE: Derkuleen staff application

Post by geemiesif »

I might not be staff but I support this app.

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RE: Derkuleen staff application

Post by Cabbose »


100% support this fuck yes

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RE: Derkuleen staff application

Post by deathride58 »

No major incidents spring to mind. You've always been pretty chill, and you seem to have a firm grasp on what the game's about.

Your note history is also something I'd like to praise here. About a year ago, your note history was rather dense, though the density of your note history has tapered off rather quickly. It's also pretty notable that, aside from one single ban you appealed a year ago, none of your incidents documented in your note history have been out of malice, most of them are genuine, understandable mistakes/accidents that normally occur when someone is initially learning how to play the game. The lack of notes for repeated incidents is also commendable, as it proves you're more than capable of learning from mistakes pretty fast.

You've also been consistently chill and level-headed from what I've seen, which is a fantastic quality that does wonders for a staff position.

All in all? You'd make an excellent addition to the staff team. +support

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Ruby Flamewing
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RE: Derkuleen staff application

Post by Ruby Flamewing »

What boxhead above me said.

Minus the whole "hop on server and dig up your notes to find that stuff out" work he put in. Because I still need to go grab some coffee I brewed at the time of this post.

Real talk, though, you kind of remind me of myself when I was looking to join the team. Please don't make the same mistakes I made, which is hilarious to me saying that because that's exactly what the fuck Pooj said to me, and guess how that turned out.
But you get a +1 from me, as well.

Also, Rust server before the rework? What was the server name?? Totally not asking because I keep tabs on Rust still with the idea of someday, at some point, maybe giving it a try once more, if I can find people to play it with that I can work together with. Totally not Ser Winter's fault with the whole "can work together" standards I have in mind, either. Totally.
Last edited by Ruby Flamewing on Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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RE: Derkuleen staff application

Post by Trojan_Coyote »

Eh, I say give them a shot. Only notable thing that comes to mind was filling lavaland with kudzu as a lifebringer.
Last edited by Trojan_Coyote on Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Derkuleen staff application

Post by Cabbose »

Commence the modding!


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