Staff Application- Dankseed

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Staff Application- Dankseed

Post by Dankseed »

BYOND ckey: Dankseed
Character name: Cash Radar
Discord username (+user id): Darkseed#7048
Reason for application: I have been thinking about applying for a staff position for a while. I don't feel ready or willing to try applying for an admin position, and I think we are in much more need of active moderators anyways. I know I have a long note history, and I have been trying very hard these past few months to follow the rules to a T. I understand my past notes will affect the outcome of this application, and am willing to answer any questions you may have regarding them, or anything else for that matter. Now, enough with my blabbering, on with my application.

1. How would you engage with two players having an out of character altercation?

   Well, first of all, if it was happening in OOC and not LOOC, I'd temporarily mute OOC, especially if IC in OOC was going on. Then, I'd boink the both of them and get the full story, try to de-escalate the situation, and hand out OOC mutes if needed, and worst-case, a ban if it applies. If it were a LOOC arguement only, I'd join in LOOC and try to resolve the issue before resorting to boinks/punishment. It all boils down to: try to resolve the situation IC, and if that is not possible, intervene reasonably, but strictly enough to make sure the issue doesn't arise again. This is a very general question, so my reaction would be case-by-case.

2. What should an admin do if they're involved in a situation that needs admin intervention?

   First, check if any other admins are on. If they are, call them over and explain my part of the situation, telling them who else was involved so they can also give their part of the story. I would basically handle the situation as if I were a player, as it wouldn't be fair for a staff member to judge their own ticket. If there were no other staff on, I'd ping another staff in the Discord, explaining the situation, my involvement, and the need for a third party to judge it. In the end, I'd try to make sure everything is resolved appropriately, and hopefully have everyone in the situation satisfied with the outcome.

3. How should an admin determine in what way to punish someone who breaks the rules?

   Well, it depends on the rules that were broken, who broke them, and how. For example, Greyshirt McShitter broke into the armory again as a nonantag assistant for the third shift in a row, is completely silent to Sec when they interrogate, and is a general greytiding mute. I'd boink them, if they don't respond? Give em a perm ban, let them appeal if they really want to play, as they should have time to write an application with all the time they save not responding IC/to admins. If they respond, I'd explain to them what they did wrong, how to properly act, and likely hit them with a short tempban to make sure they learned their lesson. Now, if it was a first offense? I'd boink them, note them on it, explain to them what they did wrong, and see if they fuck up again. Like the first question, this is a very case-by-case situation, as it depends on what kind of shittery, and the level of shittery. All in all, if they comply and are honest, I'd be reasonable with the punishment. Any obvious shitter? I'd slam the hammer on them.
4. Under what conditions should an admin de-admin themselves while playing?

   Is it secret? De-admin if you are playing in the round. Are you a head? De-admin regardless of round type. Any time in game that I would not be de-admin'd, I would make sure to not interfere with the events of the round, and would always be prepared to cryo out if needed. I wouldn't play any roles that affect the direction the round takes unless I was de-admined. Any antag role, I would de-admin, no matter what. Pretty much de-admin if common sense dictates. Any role that would gain an unfair advantage, I would make sure I would not have the ability to gain said advantage. I obviously wouldn't use any admin-gained information IC regardless, but I'd try my best to avoid it in the first place.

5. What is expected of an admin on Citadel?

   I think the staff are expected to be pillars of the community. This is space mans, there is a lot of drama, it is the admin's job to resolve that drama and make judgement calls. It is the admin's role to play the neutral third-party in conflicts that are not IC. It is the admin's role to make the round interesting and enjoyable for everyone involved. I personally have strong feelings towards that last statement, as I try to go out of my way IC to make rounds interesting and fun for everyone, even if it results in my death. There is no better feeling to me than someone telling me I caused them to stay awake an extra two hours to see how rounds turn out. And to conclude, I believe an admin's job is to make the atmosphere of the server a relaxing and enjoyable one, and to make sure things run as smoothly as possible.

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RE: Staff Application- Dankseed

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RE: Staff Application- Dankseed

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solid answers, friendly person in general, +support


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