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[r0-adic] Admin Application

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:31 am
by zI-H482
BYOND ckey: r0-adic
Character name: Gloria Redwood, Sami Redwood and (very rarely) Persephone.
Discord username (+user id): r0-adic#0823 + 149373177758220288
How long have you played on Citadel?: Nearing a year and a half.
How long have you played SS13?: Same amount of time, maybe subtracting a day or two.
What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: I'm on EST, usually for a period stretching from 5 PM to 7 AM. Typically on vampire hours, though it tends to drift a few hours earlier or later.
Previous SS13 related admin experience: None.
Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: Moderated some small IRC channels on Rizon back in the day, none above 30 people.
Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: None.
Reason for application: I like this server. While I’ve messed around on some other ones, this place is what I think of when I think of SS13, both in terms of gameplay and community, and I’d like to do something to help keep the place as enjoyable as it is.

1. How would you engage with two players having an out of character altercation?
It depends on the intensity, but if people are starting to get personal, slinging names at each other and becoming heated in OOC, muting OOC is the right answer. Occasionally, emotions flare up while playing and a breather is what’s what required to cool heads. However, if people remain at each other’s throat despite the opportunity to cool down, that's generally when you tell them to take it somewhere private and to make sure it's not affecting things in-game. People here are adults after all and should be expected to handle disagreements like one.

This is why the intensity is important. If people start slinging threats instead of names and start acting like edgy teens, the hammer should come down hard and fast.

2. What should an admin do if they're involved in a situation that needs admin intervention?
Naturally, they should request another admin to get involved. Even if there’s no other admin available, it's usually better to open a ticket than open yourself up to the conflict of interest that arises in administrating issues you yourself are a part of. This is barring situations like dealing with an obvious griefer, such as someone singuloosing for no discernible reason, but that's a very high bar.

3. How should an admin determine in what way to punish someone who breaks the rules?

The goal of punishment should be to prevent someone from repeating rule-breaking behavior. While that means obvious griefers should be promptly shown the door, I think most people respond to being warned and informed about they’ve done wrong. This means first-time offenders should be given a bwoink and a note, if required, but when misbehavior is habitual the punishments should be escalated.

I think habitualness is the most general quality that separates an incident from deserving note from one that's deserving a ban. That is, if they've proven a lighter touch was ineffective, you should move up to a heavier one. I don't think there are hard guidelines that separate issues that deserve a temporary ban from ones that deserve a head/job ban, though the goal of curbing rule-breaking behavior remains the same.

4. Under what conditions should an admin de-admin themselves while playing?
They should definitely de-admin when they’re playing security, a head of staff or as an antagonist both because the information is an unfair advantage and because it’s not feasible to answer tickets with the attention they require and do those roles. I also think it’s important to try to avoid taking on the responsibility of those roles while admin'd for the same reason.

5. What is expected of an admin on Citadel?
I think people want someone to be impartial, consistent and professional in administrative matters, and they expect admins to strive for it.

Re: [r0-adic] Admin Application

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:19 am
by FoxyStalin
I like your awnsers, really solid responses IMO.
I do think you're someone who learns from their own mistakes and has really shown a lotta growth, which is a good quality in an admin.

I +

Re: [r0-adic] Admin Application

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 5:32 am
by MrJWhit
Overall, I'm willing to give a +1, you've been pretty chill over discord over the year and a half, and you've done a lot of improving as a player.

But, something that I think needs to be considered.
zI-H482 wrote:
Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:31 am
This means first-time offenders should be given a bwoink and a note, if required, but when misbehavior is habitual the punishments should be escalated.
A bwoink isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just how an admin gathers information. "Why did you start a fight with X player" isn't necessarily bad, it could have been a valid escalation, but, you may need to check on it anyway to see.
A note is more of a system for admins to communicate "I told them to stop doing research when there are active scientists", so a warning uses notes, it's not necessarily the punishment itself.
It's a weird distinction, but, it's an important one.

Re: [r0-adic] Admin Application

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 7:45 am
by CygnusB
I like your answers. As far as I know you don't involve yourself in useless discord drama debates/peanutposting and just generally behave like a decent human person.
However, apart from what you've mentioned here in this app, I haven't seen you play much lately (mostly because of issues with my time zone, but I see you observing/playing at least once a day; although for X reason I don't get to observe /how/ you play) so I'm just gonna have to trust MrJWhit and FoxyStalin in that you've improved.
I do wanna comment that you have one note from a month ago about some very drastic powergaming, having items from a locker that isn't yours, secbelt, medbelt, toolbelt... but I'm fairly sure Nik707 didn't mention much of the context in that particular round as a HoP, as there's no mention of any known antagonists/threats or lack of security in that same note.

Thus I'm not sure if I should support this or not. But absenting is gay so I'm gonna support it anyway. Not like Blackmajor wasn't a powergamer prior to becoming an admin anyway and dropped the act a certain time before applying as administrator as well.

Re: [r0-adic] Admin Application

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:20 am
by zI-H482
MrJWhit wrote:
Sun Aug 30, 2020 5:32 am
A bwoink isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just how an admin gathers information. "Why did you start a fight with X player" isn't necessarily bad, it could have been a valid escalation, but, you may need to check on it anyway to see.
A note is more of a system for admins to communicate "I told them to stop doing research when there are active scientists", so a warning uses notes, it's not necessarily the punishment itself.
It's a weird distinction, but, it's an important one.
I don't think a bwoink in and of itself is bad or a punishment. However, and I might be wrong about this, I think for in-game behavior that's borderline rule-breaking that just informing someone that there's concern over what they're doing can be enough to make them more mindful. I should've been more clear about what I meant since that's not really a situation that involves rule-breaking or even really a first offense.

I do get the distinction is important to keep in mind, especially since bwoinks have a bad rap of just being a precursor to punishment.
CygnusB wrote:
Sun Aug 30, 2020 7:45 am
I do wanna comment that you have one note from a month ago about some very drastic powergaming, having items from a locker that isn't yours, secbelt, medbelt, toolbelt... but I'm fairly sure Nik707 didn't mention much of the context in that particular round as a HoP, as there's no mention of any known antagonists/threats or lack of security in that same note.
Some important context is missing in that note I feel, such as being the acting captain and the only security (a warden) quitting round start who tossed me a good chunk of the equipment. However, while I could quibble about the context and the particular of the notes, it's factually correct and it also speaks to my powergaming, which is an issue that I’ve had and believe have improved upon.

I’m aware that I’m not a perfect candidate, with my record being far from spotless. However, I think that I’m person who acknowledges their problems, works on them and has done good work on them. Validhunting, for example, used to be a severe issue with me and it led to a ban that was well-deserved. While the reputation as a validhunter still lingers with me, I think you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who thinks that I haven’t mellowed out considerably from my earlier days.

Re: [r0-adic] Admin Application

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:19 am
by NicoDeimos

I personally can't overlook just how bad the previous behavior use to be and while I haven't been online as much recently I still do occasionally see bags with multiple full belts, space ruins being looted faster than some scientists complete toxins, and several notes over the past 5 months over powergaming. These issues don't really speak to me as being a decent enough staff candidate. The valid hunting and play-to-win attitude seems to have calmed quite a bit at least.

Re: [r0-adic] Admin Application

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 5:47 pm
by Redtail
+1 . There was a lot of...unsavory attitude in the past, yeah. A lot of that's cleared up from what I've seen during my admittedly fairly recent return back to full attention to Citadel. Hell, even when I saw you on Skyrat a couple of times you weren't as bad as you used to be. And I'm normally the sort to say people can't change the loudest, but you have at least shown progress towards improvement. Hell, the fact you've been here as long as you have and havne't gotten involved in heated drama or shit flinging, while still being fairly active in the community, is a pretty good sign in my book. AT the very least, you should be given a chance.

Re: [r0-adic] Admin Application

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 11:07 am
by NicoDeimos
Shortly after I posted my review it was headmin mandated that -1's on apps need more reason than note history because it's apparently not valid enough to believe someone who has had a long history of trouble following server rules might not be the best candidate for enforcing said rules. Ergo here's an addendum to my previous post: I distinctly remember after you had received a role ban you opted to quit playing on the server and even went so far as to leave the discord for several months. While it's perfectly understandable the situation caused frustration and it's a perfectly healthy thing to stay away from a source of frustration, this to me came off as a bit of an emotional response and causes me to question if you can remain calm under the usual stresses staff tends to go through. Before I get reminded yet again that you've changed; that's all well and good as a player. I'm glad you've turned over a new leaf. I still firmly don't believe with the history you've had you are staff material.

Re: [r0-adic] Admin Application

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 4:18 pm
by Silicons
It's not a "headmin mandate" as much as me not wanting people who do not particularly log on often to observe applicants to pile on with -1's without seeing how they recently performed. Their history from back then is admittedly awful but they've been decent as a player as of recent. I don't personally see reason to hold it against them.

Anyways, my thoughts were that they need more time before applying so we can see that said good behavior sticks, but I don't really want to leave an application open for 9 months like how it was done before so I'm of the opinion we should take them on as a trial admin and see how they do. They've been mostly alright in game as of recent and I doubt they'll start doing what was said above again.

Re: [r0-adic] Admin Application

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 1:26 pm
by Enzo_Leon
Solid replies, no real bad history I can see and no discord heavy issues.

+1 from me.