[Charles_Wedge] : RP Event Manager Application

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[Charles_Wedge] : RP Event Manager Application

Post by CharlesWedge »

BYOND Ckey: Charles_Wedge
Character Name: Ruskit Thicklimb, Lorr Klaudmann, More as I need them for events
Discord Username (+user id): Charles_Wedge#4987

Reason for Application: Right now Citadel RP is trying it improve its world building. Such world building requires that players understand there is a tangible world outside the station. This requires interaction with station outsider factions that are not simplemobs and are actually relevant unlike Scorians. As I have been developing both Atlas the map and the lore for Atlas, I figure its high time I get off my throne and do these events myself. As someone who is developing both the lore for the map and the map itself I find myself in the unique position of having metaknowledge about the map's history and am able to plan events around this metaknowledge, allowing for the gameplay world and the event to be in theory completely cohesive with itself. With this in mind I plan on restarting the currently stagnant 'map story' that will see the station placed into the middle of a Tajara politics relating to the ruins of the previous facility. Players will not only be able to effect the individual event but to some degree the wider world outside the station while contending with numerous and getting embroiled in their intrigue. Hopefully this will improve the quality of the RP on the station and make players feel more involved in the wider world that definitely exists outside the station.

Team Applying For: RP

1. When setting up an event for the server, what should be taken into account as your to-do list before announcing the event to the discord/server?

a. Coordinate with other staff and EMs beforehand so you know which extra hands will be available at that time. Good to have extra actors on hand.
b. Make a note sheet of the event. Include a simple plan of beginning>escalation>resolution for the event. Leave spaces open for players who distinguish themselves
c. Create first a In Character Event alert before scheduling containing an IC explanation for what is about to happen. Along with OOC explanation if more details need explained. This could be something as simply as a news report that is about to become relevant or an NT annoucement that the something is about to happen and the crew needs to be on its best behavoir.

2. What is expected of an Event Manager on Citadel Stations (Main and/or RP)?

a. Maintain professionalism, composure, neutrality to players and level headedness in the face of the chaos that often happens when events do.
b. to engage as much of the playerbase as possible, while making sure not to minimize disruption to the rounds and gameplay for those who are not involved in the event.
c. To be open to the players doing something completely unexpected and willing to ride the plot train straight off the rails if the crew so steer it there (within reason CC can only handle so much shenanigans after all)

3. What would you call a fun addition to a current round if the players are wanting extra spice?

Spontaneous mid round events should not be overly disruptive. Mid round many players are already engaged, therefore minor inconviences and issues should be prioritized. Perhaps the cargo shuttle is infested with roaches or perhaps some old cargo pods land out in the plains. Depending on department fills other minor taks may be delegated to departments. Explo can be asked to take the Courser out and destroy certain obstructions, Medical can be made mobilize to rescue stranded and injured civilians. Security may be taken off guard when a admin spawned thief infiltrates the station. Science can get a shipment of xenoarcheology artifacts to poke at.

4. If an event you're hosting is going off the rails, or that the players are reacting to the event in a way that is steering away from your original plan and idea,
what would you do at that point for the event?

I will have to just stomach it and go with it. The players will have to remember that their actions have consequences though. I will try to make it as clear as possible how not to derail events, however if players derail the train they deal with the train wreck. The best way to counter this is make sure I have no true intended outcome, just IC goals as in event characters as factions that I will try to accomplish in round.

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Re: [Charles_Wedge] : RP Event Manager Application

Post by Silicons »

acceptable +1

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Re: [Charles_Wedge] : RP Event Manager Application

Post by Auraknight »

I didn't even know this app was up. Could probably do with a post on the discord. All the same, I trust you enough and like your app enough, that this is an easy +1

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Re: [Charles_Wedge] : RP Event Manager Application

Post by Captain277 »

Gets a definite +1 from me.


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