Monara - RP Staff Application

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Re: Monara - RP Staff Application

Post by Keekenox »

You've been more active than most staff historically when it comes to contributing and moderating and generally show reasonable judgement when doing it.

Obviously I'm for them being reinstated.


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Re: Monara - RP Staff Application

Post by mouseofthecake »

From my personal experience dealing with you, as both a colleague and an admin, I can not in good faith recommend you for the position. Your way of handling even the most basic opposition from staff and players alike is way off, and it's clear you're likely to go off the rails whenever you get emotionally invested in something.


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Re: Monara - RP Staff Application

Post by Nepbalt »

This is a tough one for me. You're a very active player and you've contributed a great deal to the server. However, a lot of situations have arisen from your mismanagement of issues particularly among other members of staff. Because of this and how recent your return is, I don't think I can support your application as an administrator at this time.

I share Auraknight's stance that if this was an event manager application, I would be very comfortable to give my support.
As such, my view is that you should reapply as an event manager to contribute as you have been, as this also gives an opportunity for staff and players to see how you handle discussions and communication.


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Re: Monara - RP Staff Application

Post by Hjorthorn »

Hello. I'm sure my word carries little weight due to my LoA, but I was asked to weigh in on this. I've not worked directly with Monara as a staff member more than a few times, but never had any personal issue. I have heard of past difficulties and arguments, however, so I will echo Silicons' stance on this - support conditional on a more diplomatic approach this time. Confrontation and escalation always make settling an administrative dispute harder and bearing more collateral damage. I think it's narrow-minded to -1 this for sudden disappearance alone, as we can't make assumptions about the details of people's lives and circumstances - a sudden disappearance, especially one where the individual does not want to share details, could be any number of severe real-life situations which could have dramatically affected somebody's life. That's all.

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Re: Monara - RP Staff Application

Post by Captain277 »

Howdy howdy, I suppose it's my turn to join the discussion.

Opinion/Personal Statements:
It's certainly no secret by this point that Monara and I had issues of our own during their tenure, and my personal opinion about their temperament as a member of Staff on the last go-round aligns with some of the more negative views. However, in my opinion that's a personal concern. Although it cannot be denied that there are many people here who clashed directly with Monara (as evidenced by many responses in this thread), sometimes the larger context provides clarity. It may be helpful to consider Monara's point of view. For instance, how their frustration regarding perceived inaction would transform into an aggressive approach. Many of the stated personal issues with Monara are that they took that aggressive approach and applied it in multiple areas where it was inappropriate and directly hostile. There's a fundamental difference between providing opposition and trying to bully people into line with your personal standards or ideas.

Monara and I spoke about this recently, and I also spoke with a variety of other staff members over several days. I understand there are genuine concerns from the Staff Team - I held those same concerns upon Monara's return and voiced them at the time. However, it is clear to me that the staff team at large is aware of the issue, and it costs us very little to give Monara a second chance at integrating with the team under the provision that they likewise adjust their approach going forward.

It shouldn't need to be said, but as an aside, Monara's abrupt withdrawal from the Staff Team is not being counted against them. They were not penalized for it. They were removed from Staff upon their recent return because when they resigned, we (I) forgot to remove their perms.

I don't want to breed hostility from either end on my staff team, and some of the confrontations throughout this past year were completely avoidable and conducted unacceptably on both sides. So I would like to ask that everyone that voted -1 act in good faith on this with an open mind. In the future we're discussing a rework to how Trial Admin positions are managed, but that is not immediately relevant to this discussion.

Final Ruling:
After a couple of weeks of debate and internal discussions over how to best proceed with this matter, the consensus attained among the Head Admins is to deny this Staff Application. However, we have decided to approve it instead as an Event Manager application, if that transition is agreed to. This is clearly a highly contentious topic on the Staff Team, and the best way to try and mend prior damage and instill a sense of cooperation among the team is to take things at a more deliberate pace without fully preventing Monara from being able to interact with and contribute to the community.

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Re: Monara - RP Staff Application

Post by Monara »

Application transition is accepted, thanks everyone for saying their part here during the application process.


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