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Staff Application: Tekoro

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:29 am
by Tekoro
BYOND ckey: Ronesha
Character name: Juishy Stalls
Discord username (+user id): Tekoro#2225
How long have you played on Citadel?: 6.5//7 months
How long have you played SS13?: 9 months
What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: GMT +2H | 8-10AM -> 12AM-2AM [Really depends on when I wake up, but I'm usually online for twelve hours or so]
Previous SS13 related admin experience: None
Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: GMod DarkRP, TeamFortress2 TradingServer
Reason for application: I've been playing on the server for quite some time now, and grew in it both as a player and as a person, I enjoy the playerbase and the staffmembers, I love to just sit on the server to chat with people and supervise the rounds as an observer. I really care about the server because there are tons of people I enjoy talking to daily, playing games with and help with whatever issue they need help with. 
Why I want to be considered for the Trial is mostly because I want to help the server as much as I can, I usually keep the game open on observe on another monitor, so I'd be able to answer to ahelps whenever it'd be needed. I'm mostly making this application just to lend a hand, help here and there where it's needed. It's honestly about that, I'd love to help.

Below you will be required to describe how you would handle a handful of scenarios that may or may not require admin intervention. 
For every scenario, describe your personal opinion of the intentions of the player(s), whether you think you should intervene, and how you would initiate an intervention with the player(s) if you decide to.

There are technically no "correct" answers for this, but you will be judged on how you respond to these questions.
You observe two players having a fist-fight in the bar. Player 1 puts Player 2 into critical condition, and then Player 1 quickly leaves the bar to go heal them-self. Checking their attack logs, you find that neither of them had any interaction before they started fighting. Checking their say logs however, you discover that both of them got in a verbal confrontation that got very heated, and that Player 2 both initiated the confrontation and threw the first punch. How do you proceed?
This looks to me clearly like an IC issue, if Player 2 started the fight and didn't attempt in any way in breaking it and running away, it remains an IC issue that should be taken to security in this case. I'd act in different ways depending if the scenario was reported via ahelp, or if neither of them try to reach out to the staff. If one of the two players ahelped, what I think it would be best to do is tag it as an IC issue, and if they kept complaining over ahelps, then I'd PM them, so hopefully they'd understand after their ahelp is tagged as an IC issue, that it is so and they have to get over it, especially if it's Player 2 complaining, who started it. If Player 1 is the one complaining, I'd need to check what kind of heated conversation they had, if Player 2 was intentionally trying to create an antagonising scenario, harassing and insulting Player 2, if it's a case of metagrudging or just random hate towards the IC character. If it is a case of metagrudging where the two players are known to always have problems ICly and OOCly, a note and a warning would be fair, in my honest opinion, telling Player 2 and 1 to stay away from eachother for a while, or I'd take them both in a private room to clear up with eachother.

You observe one player acting suspiciously and decide to watch them. While watching, you discover that they are a new player with less than a day of time on the server. You also discover that they haven't said anything for the entire round. Their contents include a full set of tools, and not much else. While watching they spend their time breaking into unsecure areas like the bar back room, hydroponics, the chapel office, EVA. How do you proceed? 
Starting with the premise that this is a totally new player and they showed to be so, I'd honestly PM them. If they've been hoarding items and breaking into place for no reason at all (counting I've checked their antag status and all, to make sure there is no reason for them to be greytiding that hard), I'd be more than happy to PM them and ask them about their actions and intentions, and from there I'd go on. If it's genuinely a new player, I'd love to help them and tell them why it's a bad thing, giving them a really light warning and answering their questions privately if they have any, about the game in general and server rules. The player could also reveal to be just a troll that made a new account, and if they act like so also in PMs, and their actions are fueled by just wanting to grief and ruining the round for other's by breaking open places and stealing items without real reason, I feel like a ban would be in place, especially if also there's something in the attack logs saying that he joined in fights for no reason in IC and just to hurt other players.

You observe Player 1 who is a scientist building a combat mech. When they're finished, they allow Player 2 who is their friend and an assistant to come and take the combat mech out of the department. Later, Player 2 gets into a fight with security over the possession of the combat mech, and decides to try killing the security players but fails and is killed by security instead. How do you proceed?
First of all I'd check the antag status of both players, then their saylogs, how the exchange of the mech happened and why they gave it to Player 2, if it was only because they were friends or they actually had other reasons. When Player 2 decides to kill security with the mech, I'd PM him asking why he's trying to kill a mech, and how he got the mech. If by checking their antagstatus it turns out they're not an antag, a punishment can be taken in consideration for self-antagging. If they turn out to be an antagonist, however, then I'd investigate more on Player 1, asking them why they decided to give Player 2 a combat mech, a restricted exosuit that can easily kill. I'd in any case ask them why they gave it to them in the first place, but if Player 2 is actually an antagonist, I'd feel like a warning on Player 1 is fair, with a job ban from science if the thing repeats over the course of their playtime. 

RE: Staff Application: Tekoro

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:48 pm
by Cabbose
Yo, this girl is on EVERY day. That requires some serious no-life and/or server love. May as well get a few of the dumber ahelps handled if she's gonna be hanging around all the time anyway.

RE: Staff Application: Tekoro

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:40 am
by Kenzie
I don't think you're a great player, but you're not a garbage one and this application is pretty solid so tentative support.

RE: Staff Application: Tekoro

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:10 am
by illotAFV
She is online for a long period of time everyday. And she knows rules as her name. This is quite a work, to be honest. Moreover, she helped me a lot with some quiestions. So,yeah.

RE: Staff Application: Tekoro

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:16 am
by GloriousStormtalon
Personally against Juishy Stalls player becoming staff, I've known them for being a big troublemaker.

RE: Staff Application: Tekoro

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:39 am
by Cabbose
Big troublemaker? What big trouble? If it's that big you shouldn't have trouble recalling.

RE: Staff Application: Tekoro

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:57 am
by Tekoro
I would actually like to know why I'm considered such, Dicky, and if possible see my notes. If I'm honestly that bad of a player/person, I wouldn't've made an application, so I want some information in case I thought I was a better person than I really am. I'd like some constructive criticism instead of a simple "personally I don't like you so I don't feel like you'd be a great addition to the staff team", because that's what you essentially said, and I want to know what I'm doing wrong to improve as a player.

RE: Staff Application: Tekoro

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:50 pm
by Kenzie
2017-06-25 12:00:25 | CitadelStation | dickydeck [Delete] [Not secret] [Edit]
Banned for 2880 minutes - Known to be troublemaker, self-antagged during secret because 'memes'.
2017-06-20 04:37:07 | CitadelStation | ragolution [Delete] [Not secret] [Edit]
Killed the clown for reciting WGW. Claimed they didn't intend to kill them. Clown succumbed, but still bad practice to beat the damn clown into crit for something so stupid.
2017-06-01 20:20:28 | Citadel Station | cebutris [Delete] [Secret] [Edit]
Attempted to murder the RD after a long winded confusing series of demotions and promotions and insults and etc. I'm still not entirely sure who was in the wrong, but at the very least, they did at least a little improper escelation, and have been warned as such. Round ID is 8238 if anyone else would like to look into it
2017-05-26 12:24:19 | | lm40 [Delete] [Not secret] [Edit]
Almost shuttle grief, smashed cockpit door exposing the entire thing to a breach, claimed to have been checking to see if there was actually a singularity there.
2017-05-23 02:41:04 | | worgilisk [Delete] [Not secret] [Edit]
Reportedly broke into science to assault a medical staffmember after they almost accidently killed another slime-person via not knowing that they require different treatment compared to regular humanoids. Such violent actions are not needed for honest mistakes.
2017-05-16 05:15:05 | | worgilisk [Delete] [Secret] [Edit]
Meme-lawed the AI into having only one useless law during an extended round, did nothing while said AI killed off crew - including wanting to irradiate the body of one such crewman. Probably needs a talking to about this.
2017-05-12 08:56:57 | | worgilisk [Delete] [Secret] [Edit]
Reportedly gave themselves all-access as Janitor repeatedly over a number of rounds, against power-gaming rules. Needs to be addressed.
2017-05-09 14:08:51 | | fishii [Delete] [Not secret] [Edit]
On extended round as a xenobiologist they sentienced a blobbernaut and when came time for escape they found a pod with two other crewmembers inside. When she opened the door proceeded to claim the pod as "hers" and ordered them out. When the occupants refused, and one used a bat to move her blobbernaut away from them, her blobbernaut proceeded to murder the two crewmembers inside and she cheerd it on. Claimed it was in self defence even though they were the aggressor in the situation. Was given a warning and I believe this person should be watched for future situations for escalation.

RE: Staff Application: Tekoro

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 4:43 pm
by Cabbose
This is it?
Her only ban is from Dicky, who spent 1 of his 6 forum posts to rule against her. I don't know if you're expecting to just pick up nuns for this shit, but that's some weaksauce if you think someone can't improve as a player, especially if they're still learning what is and isn't cool within the confines of the game. Just look at "Jojo best cap".

RE: Staff Application: Tekoro

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:47 am
by Tekoro
I expected these notes, mostly because I recognize my mistakes and most of them were doing in the phase where I wasn't really aware of how things worked for the most part. Now, on the other hand, I am aware of what's considered against the rules and what isn't. I feel like I've kind of improved as a player and I could actually really help, noted for how long I'm online most of the times, even in the server's dead hours where there's mostly no one online and that now I know rules very well, so I'll keep the application up.