Administrator Application: PostmanPet

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Administrator Application: PostmanPet

Post by PostmanPet »

BYOND ckey: PostmanPet
Character name: Anthony Mathews is the main one, though I sometimes play others
Discord username (+user id): Robert E.O. Speedwagon#4891
How long have you played on Citadel?: c.a 9 months
How long have you played SS13?: Approximately 5-6 years.
What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: My timezone is UTC+03:00. Generally I am avaiable at different times, from the early morning till late midnight, but this can change in future.
Previous SS13 related admin experience: Was among head admins of one of the tophub servers
Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: Several forum and wiki administrations
Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: N/a
Reason for application: I played this server for pretty long,it became one of my favourites. There is balance between "teaparties" and mass murders, friendly and open people, and /tg/ code. I'd really like to give any help I can to this server, mostly in form of various events or admin-to-game interventions. Also, as I have noticed, despite the amount of staff, people are rarely avaiable to ahelp. I want to try to fix that with my possible efforts, and encourage people to contact CC/pray more.

Answering questions

1. How would you engage with two players having an out of character altercation?

I do understand that people (and me personally) are not angels, and they often argue with eachother. I'd prefer it to stay in private messages through, because it can flood OOC chat and just make everyone a little bit less happy.

2. What should an admin do if they're involved in a situation that needs admin intervention?

They need to intervent- if the situation demands it, and it falls under server rules/approval from higher rank admin/special IC situations (like prayer)

3. How should an admin determine in what way to punish someone who breaks the rules?

It depends on the damage that someone has caused by breaking the rules. For example, inadvertently typing IC information OOC can go unnoticed. Someone who breaks walls around brig "just for fun" and understands their mistake can just repair the walls back. Someone who shitters at admin when he asks why they drag full plasma canister around with welder on must be punished harder.

4. Under what conditions should an admin de-admin themselves while playing?

If he is not the only admin stuff present, if he has an antagonist role/game mode is secret

5. What is expected of an admin on Citadel?

Make server enjoyable to play for everyone, regular and new players, making each round unique while keeping an eye on serious rule breaks. Or be a Birb.

My advantages:

1. Have a good sense of humour. Probably. Can create Eternal Memes
2. Fairly young, capable, ambitious will work for food
3. Can translate those ugly cyrillic messages
4. Becoming an admin makes me play less, and try to avoid rule breaking, acting like an example to others. Or at least try. I promise.
5. You don't have to congrat me on the b-day that comes 11 of January. I know noone of you would anyways. Sob.

My disadvantages:
1. Don't know some of game mechanics, like toxins or atmos still (four years, and never learned them). Also circuits. To hell with circuits.
2. Can have minor language problems due to the paragraph 3 of advantages. Through people find it nice.
3. Memes are sometimes too Jojo

I write this application again, after thinking that I became familiar enough with the server.

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Re: Administrator Application: PostmanPet

Post by Worgilisk »

Ehhhh... you might have had prior Head-admin experience on another server, but the answers you've provided don't translate too well to what's expected of an admin here - especially with the first question, which seems more concerned with stating how you feel about such a topic rather than what you would do should such a situation arise.

-1, you're going to need to put in more effort into your application if you wish to show yourself capable.

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Re: Administrator Application: PostmanPet

Post by kevinz000 »

- A biiiit too memey to be competitive amongst the other applicants
- Not the best note history but not the worst either
- Haven't seen OOC behavior that would tell me you'd do well in administration I guess?
Not going to completely downvote this either but whatever.


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