admom application / mainserv

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admom application / mainserv

Post by Dilithium »

BYOND ckey: Dilithium
Character name: Alma Avala // Madison Albright
Discord username (+user id): Dilithium#4526
How long have you played on Citadel?: Few years, I reckon. Two, maybe three?
How long have you played SS13?: I remember when /tg/ had Metroids instead of roros and then slimes. So, around about that long.
What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: My activity is a mess, but I live in the UK so early hours, and late night.
Previous SS13 related admin experience: None. I blew up a station once with the admin tools and gave myself a spell that summoned killbots once though.
Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: I run a discord server, and I've adminned on a few different roleplaying communities before, so I kinda know what's expected from a member of an administration team.
Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: Nobody.
Reason for application: Honestly, I just thought it'd be a bit of a laugh to submit an application. I don't expect anything to come from it, but on the offchance it does, I'd be more than happy to offer myself and my time to the a community I enjoy being part of/ I'd be lying if I said I've wanted to admin on a SS13 server for a while though, it seems like quite a beneficial experience. Maybe this should have been a moderator application instead.

Please answer the following questions to the best of your abilities:

1. How would you engage with two players having an out of character altercation?

Depends on how malicious it is. If it's just a bit of back and forth shitflinging in OOC it'll die down soon enough, but if it takes in-character events of the current round, or if it goes too far into actual offence, ie death threats, racial slurs, ect, that'd be a good time to step in and tell them to chill their shit.

If they're arguing in-game on an OOC level, they both need to be talked to. In my eyes, OOC in IC is on an equal level to IC in OOC. It breaks immersion and it's generally a shitty thing to do. Everyone involved will be getting BWOINKED.

If it's via discord or something like that, it's a bit too far. Ask for logs, recommend a discord block on the antagonist, and if it's deemed threatening, speak to the discord leadership on a possible server ban.

2. What should an admin do if they're involved in a situation that needs admin intervention?

If it's directed at you individually, Adminhelp. Just because you're an admin, doesn't mean you should be dealing with every issue you find while you're in a round, and there's always the threat of salt mixed with a shiny ban button if it happens to YOU in particular. There's also the possibility that the action was justified, ie, an antag action. Just because someone beat you with a toolbox and ran away isn't a reason to drop out of deadmin and take a dump on them, someone else can do that for you.

If it's something that's a clear breach of the rules, or it effects multiple people, ie a force vore, a scientist griffing and dropping bombs everywhere, a non-antag head uploading kill laws to the AI, then bwoink the person or people responsible.

3. How should an admin determine in what way to punish someone who breaks the rules?

Depends on the severity of the rule broken. You should always speak to the person you're planning on punishing first, check their notes to see if they've done anything of the same kind before, and try and gauge whether it was a mistake or a mistake of a new player, or whether it was just a shitter being a shitter. In most cases a warn or a kick usually does the job, but if it's a very big oopsie they've made, or if they're a repeat offender, a ban may be justified. The server rules should be taken into account in this situation.

4. Under what conditions should an admin de-admin themselves while playing?

I'd say if you're intending to play a round seriously, and not either mess about or properly admin, you should consider de-adminning yourself. By that I mean, if you're playing a Head role, if you're playing a job that you're actually going to DO, if you actually want to play the round properly, basically if you're not planning on having an orgy in maint bar, sit in the actual bar and drink yourself to death or you're not planning to actually administrate the round.

If you get Antag, you should de-admin too of course. You already have an advantage over the rest of the crew by the fact you're an antag, there's no need to make it an unfair one with the admin logs.

5. What is expected of an admin on Citadel?

I'd say Cit admins are basically there to make sure the game is as enjoyable as possible, by cutting shittery and keeping things moving in a fashion that doesn't bring down the tone or the mood of the round currently being played. Punishing people who effect the round in that manner is a big part of it of course, but from what I've seen Cit admins are cruel but fair gods in regards to their punishments, which can be a good thing.
Last edited by Dilithium on Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: admom application / mainserv

Post by Ragolution »

+1 otp

I disagree with some of your answers to the prompts but disagreements in a team are healthy.
If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.

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Re: admom application / mainserv

Post by Dilithium »

I agree. Disagreements promote discussion, growth and improvement.

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Re: admom application / mainserv

Post by Worgilisk »

I for one, will largely agree with your answers - that they go into such detail helps things.
I'll give a +1 for support.

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Re: admom application / mainserv

Post by kevinz000 »

good answers, enjoyable player, good roleplayer, etc etc, someone who makes the main server better, almost never causes trouble
wholehearted +1 from me


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