Moderator Application - JennaSilver

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Moderator Application - JennaSilver

Post by JennaSilver »

BYOND ckey: JennaSilver

Character name: Amber Nash, Alex Stark, Silver (And many more)
Discord username (+user id): Jenna#8301
How long have you played on Citadel?: At least 1 year (High activity within the past 6 months)
How long have you played SS13?: Since January 2017
What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: PST 9 AM - 11 PM (Unreliable work schedule. Could be changing next year.)
Previous SS13 related admin experience: N/A
Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: Three high pop discord servers
Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: N/A
Reason for application: I would like to contribute to events and assets of the Roleplay server, to deliver a little something of what I would want as a player to friends and the community.

1. How would you engage with two players having an out of character altercation?
Suggest moving the conversation to a more private place of discussion such as discord to reduce distraction for other players.

2. What should an admin do if they're involved in a situation that needs admin intervention?
That would depend entirely on the situation. I hope to learn more about this in trial.

3. How should an admin determine in what way to punish someone who breaks the rules?
Determining the intent and reasoning behind the issue would be my first action. If there was no reason or not enough justification then the issue should be punished accordingly. I aim to recognize that IC issues are not to be dealt with by staff members.

4. Under what conditions should an admin de-admin themselves while playing?
While playing high power and high importance roles such as Command, Security, and Antagonist barring events requiring constant monitoring and intervention.

5. What is expected of an admin on Citadel?
To help those in need, to uphold the rules and to show what is expected of players.

(My application was previously denied due to me posting it at a time they were no longer being accepted.)
Last edited by JennaSilver on Wed Dec 12, 2018 7:19 am, edited 3 times in total.

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RE: Moderator Application - JennaSilver

Post by Useroth »

Your answers are a bit short but to the point.
I'm willing to throw my +1 in on this one, based on the interactions I've had with you.

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Re: Moderator Application - JennaSilver

Post by Worgilisk »

Hmmm, unfortunately can't find solid enough ground for me to support your application; The reason for you to apply for a Moderator already has me wary, since I find the idea of joining primarily for event management a bad idea when events can either fail in their intent, or just not happen due to burn-out. Your answers to the first two questions are lacking, too - especially the second, since it should be a general knowledge matter of not passing lawful judgement on something you're involved in, thus sporting a potentially biased view, and why such judgement should be passed onto someone else not directly involved... in this case, another admin. And for question 3, there could be IC matters that may need admin intervention; a character may be repeatedly detrimental to the experience of other players even without OOC-violations, whilst other cases might involve improper escalation... such as killing someone for a insult.

So as it stands, my vote is a 'no' on you being a Moderator... for now, but if you try again with a better degree of understanding, you may fare a better chance.

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Re: Moderator Application - JennaSilver

Post by kevinz000 »

I've very rarely seen you on citadel
i am pretty sure that when i have seen you play on rp your playstyle absolutely did not give you a good impression on my mind
while our questions are bad and I will preach about this all day your answer to number 2 is low effort.
so's 3, it's given that not every ahelped thing is an administration issue but you really haven't elaborated on it either
also not every "ic issue" is an ic issue.


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