Squeesycheesy Admin Application for Main

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Squeesycheesy Admin Application for Main

Post by qsef999 »

BYOND ckey: Squeesycheesy
Character name: Mark Mackelroy, Vladimir Mackelroy, Annabelle Mackelroy
Discord username (+user id): Leman Russ#7659
How long have you played on Citadel?: Roughly 4 months, give or take.
How long have you played SS13?: Roughly 6 months give or take.
What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: EST, usually afternoons, evenings, and nights.
Previous SS13 related admin experience: None
Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: Fair amount of experience as Discord admin
Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: None
Reason for application: Saw the @ in discord asking for new staff. Never been SS13 staff before. However, I do believe I am fit for the position. I have a strong belief in a separation between IC and OOC. A lot of people will see Mark Mackelroy is an absolute bumbling idiot with anger issues, but I believe in handling admin issues professionally, quickly, calmly, and fairly.

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Re: Squeesycheesy Admin Application for Main

Post by Trojan_Coyote »

From my interaction with you in character, I don't particularly have faith in you in a position where you need to sometimes de-escalate situations. I also generally see you pretty quick to jump the gun and chase an antag across the station when not completely necessary. Also, you didn't fill out the template in full. -1

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Re: Squeesycheesy Admin Application for Main

Post by qsef999 »

I didn't even see the bottom half of the template, my bad, I apologize for that. And like I said, I like to keep a strong seperation of OOC and IC, and act professionally when I need to. I normally play SS13 to just mess around, but there's a rather wide difference between being a player and being an admin.

Out of Character altercation is a little broad, but I would ask them politely to keep things civil. If they continue to cause problems after such a warning has been issued, notes and perhaps a mute of OOC would be in order. Once again though, "OOC altercation" is a bit broad and I would need to gather more information before acting.

If at all possible, solve the altercation IC. A heavily damaged station caused by griefing may warrant an engineering ERT. An unintended bug that is heavily disrupting the round would warrant a centcomm announcement saying they've bluespaced it far away. The point of intervention is to keep the round going and keep it as fun for as many people as possible.

Think first about what would be the best way to stop this from happening again. Simply yeeting a ban at someone for doing something wrong isn't always the right thing to do. Make sure the offender knows fully what they're doing is wrong, and make sure they know why its wrong. After which, if necessary, a punishment may be handed out depending on the severity of the situation. A scientist self-antagging by taking a toxins bomb and blowing up a meta-friend because its "funny" while destroying a enough of the station to warrant a shuttle call, for example, would call for a note. If, however, they already have a note or two for a similar situation, a 3 day science ban may be in order.

Playing cyborgs or AI, playing command staff, security staff, or any kind of antag. Additionally, if I think meta-knowledge could legitimately influence my actions. Obviously, however, if a player is rampantly griefing, or if there are no other admins online, or some similar extreme situation, dire times call for dire measures and all.

To act professionally, with common sense, and to always act in order to make the game a pleasurable experience for everyone involved.

As a side note, I'm entirely ok, should I be brought onto the staff team, with starting with something much smaller than normal. I understand the doubts about me, and a chance to put those doubts to rest would be wonderful.

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Re: Squeesycheesy Admin Application for Main

Post by Silicons »

yeah gonna have to say no.
i'm not taking "give me a chance to show that i am better than rumored to be" when you can't even do that as a player.


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