[Animatedtanker] RP Staff Application

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[Animatedtanker] RP Staff Application

Post by AnimatedTanker »

BYOND ckey: Animatedtanker

Character names: Kenji J. Hideri, Habiki, Nayuki A. Hideri, Evelyn Lauffer, Kaida Sycamore.

Discord username (+user id):Spext0r™#8010 [unoriginalspext0rtm] [769621200707256340]

How long have you played on Citadel?: Since 2019 until 20, Resumed at 23.

How long have you played SS13?: Since 2017/18? Had a hiatus start from 20 to 22/23.

What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: Monday All day/night when possible, Tuesday Rarely, Wed. Rarely [Work Open->Closing shift], Thurds 4pm->7pm, Fri-Sat 12pm->7pm, Sund 11pm->7pm.

Previous SS13 related admin experience: Moderator, TrialAdmin, TestAdmin [Long gone HRP Server called Eridanus Station].

Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: Senior Moderator x1 [Still Active], Admininstrator/Mission maker x1 [Still Active].

Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: Unknown for now.

Reason for application: The same reason i have had long ago on a server i thoroughly enjoyed long enough to gain the courage and willpower to apply for staff despite being a low numbered startup server. I would like to try and improve however i can and provide a safe and balanced place for everyone that wishes to enjoy Citadel peacefully if possible. I don't expect myself to be perfect but i want to be part of the team to make everyone's experience fluid and enjoyable, I have had the thought to try and join up the staff but i never found the willpower or courage to do so until now.

What do you want to do as staff that you wouldn't be able to do otherwise: I've no want to do what i wasn't available to do as a non-staff, the only things i would do are only when it's necessary.

What do you see the role of game admins as being:I see it as a role of responsibilities and guardians of the flow, observers that steps in when something is out of the line or disruptive of the flow of the game, something that disrupts everyone as a whole.

How can you see this role affecting your methodologies in engaging with others in the community: I don't see this much of a problem when in the past or in another server i engaged in a different manner when it came to a rule breaks, unbiased and centerlined if need be. I remain as myself but carefully at normality.

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Re: [Animatedtanker] RP Staff Application

Post by Sakuya »

I feel that there's a lack of effort put forth in this application. Apologies but I'm going to have to -1 this.


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Re: [Animatedtanker] RP Staff Application

Post by Auraknight »

I hate to dogpile, but the application doesn't sell me. You list times, but no timezone, your Q&A is barebones and unenthusiastic as to why you want to be staff. It gives me a feeling of 'I want clout without effort.'
Further, if you lack courage, this isn't really the position for you. It's all good and well to build up the interest to help a community that you've enjoyed- but a staff position doesn't always allow for that time to build up courage.

Furthermore, I don't really recognize you from the discord, and I only barely recognize the Ckey. I have no personal information about if you'd make a good staff member besides that you used to be here once and came back.

None of this is conductive to my usual neutral position on these applications, so I'm sorry to say that I can't honestly approve of this application.


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Re: [Animatedtanker] RP Staff Application

Post by AnimatedTanker »

I would like to offer apologies for this application i have made and wish to retract it so i can improve upon this at a later date. I also sincerely apologize for how my answers have been if it was unsatisfactory to what was needed and i have stepped back and look upon many errors i have committed.

I'll return at a later date with proper answers to make up for this, i thank you for the time that was given as well as inputs to make me step back and re-asses this. :heart:


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