Slippyjoe Xenomorphybrid

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Slippyjoe Xenomorphybrid

Post by slippyjoe »

Discord name: Plateau#4664

Byond ckey: SlippyJoe

Characters you currently play:...Oh god, lets see
Louise Edward Stuart
Bonnie Fluff
Ghob Smashfist
Alice Flem
Sadie Mason
Delilah Laylington
Molly Burnett
Yuri Miline
Michael O'Hara
Lilly Cyphre
and the little boy who lives down the lane

Job/Races you are applying for: Xeno Hybrid

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognise and log): Prohect Eros

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species: Prohect Eros, at this point Project Eros, was...well born isnt the right, more spliced into invention in the late 2540s, on a minor planet by the name of Cairéad, sister planet to Carota, the native populas of both was bunny people, type varied family to family but when research teams and colonisers arrived, they classed them akin to an up right Oryctolagus cuniculus, (anthro rabbits basically), blah blah blah, colonists mate with the rabbits and create 'Bunny Humans' as they call themselves, but this isnt about the Bunny Humans, that's a story a certain polite bunny could tell you. Prohect's 'queen' was a simple one, while some bunny folk on Cairéad would tell you that a wild egg being found 'Was those damn human Nanotrasen goons, tryin to wipe us last pure bunnies out!', they're only half right, a research vessel by the name of Guiderian was shot down by a space pirate crew called 'The Bacon Boys', not knowing that it contained unhatched eggs, luckly the ship made a landing near the research outpost on Carota, unluckly this caused something called 'The Great Wake', NOT a story a polite bunny would tell you, unless you were close to her, AAAAAAANYWAY, egg crash, egg is uncovered by a rural village on the outskirts of Cairéad, called leitís, eventually the infestation gets bad, like "Jesus dude send the Squad" bad, now while clearing out a Xenomorph hive the size of a small village may make a good movie, this application is already filled with too much barely related lore , this isnt about that, anyway, Village clensed, and at the heart lays the Queen mother and her Praetorian guard, their (non xeno) advantages being a knowledge of the land due to their old hosts being...well rural people living off the land, and the group against them's being weapons, very powerful weapons, and a (possibly insane) commander with charisma, Intelligence and with a Wicked Sense of Humor...okay maybe not that last one, but screw you, it fit, the fellow named Matt Jacob Edward Jeff Mark Chrishime XIX of the House of Hardy, being the possibly insane bastard he was, he says to the Squad being sent in, "You're taking the thing alive."...the room fills with laughs...then silence when they realised 'Dear god he's serious.'
Somehow, somehow by the grace of god they did it, the insane bastards managed not only to capture the Queen and a praetorian, they also managed to only lose 46 men, a record low for their entire brigade, they whipped a shock collar on both of them, slapped them in a cargo hold, and shipped them off in seperate ships, with seperate cells made of a dwarf star alloy.
Isnt this where...we come in? Yep, this is finally the bit with Prohect, through a long and boring serious of experiments upon many theories of the Science team being given this project, by all regards smart, if a bit...skewed in their priorties, anyway, between tests like "Do they like tea and if so which way do they like it?" (The answer turned out to be very milky with two and a half sugers), and "Can you make a creature of evil like Pineapple pizza?" (The answer was no, the only thing stopping a containment breach being a fast thinking intern called Andrew Fluff), they eventually created a new really don't want to know what they had to do to get an egg with a Ovipositor-less queen...(Dr. Andraes Kleiner died a very happy man with two broken hips), this egg was swiftly brought for the splicing, they were mixed with the recently departed Oprhanage owner, Grace Smothe, from the planet of...drum roll please... Cairéad, now whatever they were thinking mixing sugar, spice, and everything nice with structural perfection matched only by its hostility, a survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality is...not really known, some say it was something to do with a will, some say it was something involving Dare Dice, and someone just said the person doing it found it funny...

Thus created Eros, a creature with the shape of a queen, attitude of a mother, yet the size of...well a drone, eventually (rumored to yet again be another dare dice roll, or one of the many experiments), Eros was deemed sentient, and...convinced that it was worthy of employment, finding it's self accustomed to both service and science, making tea with perfection...well to its own standards at least, or science standards, fuckin nerds.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: Domesticated xenomorphs, defanged with no real ability to reproduce, at least out of erp scenes, hue, usually a created xeno, (because in alien lore xenomorphs take on the traits of their hosts, and if it was domesticated and taught english, it'd probably be like a xeno hybrid) ((oh yeah and no we aint counting the black goo, engineers i can kinda accept but fuck outta here with that 'made by david, age 12' shit, xenos most likely originate from G-435, xenomorph prime, fuck you Jack Palagen, Michael Green, John Logan and Dante Harper, you ruined star alien wars trek)).

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: Well, what I'd hope for is a spanked botton, ooooo, nah but seriously, I expect the same as any other user
A warning assuming my crime wasnt so major, if I abuse the race for my whitelist to be stripped, and if it's that major, a ban.
Last edited by slippyjoe on Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Slippyjoe Xenomorphybrid

Post by Nethaufer »

Looks good to me, you have a fairly good ability to roleplay things out. +1 from me

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Re: Slippyjoe Xenomorphybrid

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

For a xenomorph whitelist you didn't have to go all out, holy moly. Yeah, I'll happily support this.

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Re: Slippyjoe Xenomorphybrid

Post by slippyjoe »

AvaricePleonexia wrote:
Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:28 am
For a xenomorph whitelist you didn't have to go all out, holy moly. Yeah, I'll happily support this.
a lot...well SOME of it is pre existing lore (mainly Carota and The Great Wake, which is...well it wasnt called the Great Wake in Bonnie's records because I didn't have a name for it, but the cause of the wake can be found in her Exploitable Information.) relating to other characters (Bonnie and Eugene Fluff, didnt mention him because he isnt played much, and Alice Flem, who has a mention to the Bacon Boys in her security records...and the Hardy Boyz which makes the House Hardy reference a bit- ehh whatever), but most of it was just sitting and typing, i had fun typing this insane bullshit up, and thats all that matters.

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Re: Slippyjoe Xenomorphybrid

Post by Fractious »

Hi there,

Just added you on the whitelist!

Have fun.
Just try your best, and worse case scenario you will fail and learn.


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