Raksha Dakote, Xenochimera

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Raksha Dakote
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Raksha Dakote, Xenochimera

Post by Raksha Dakote »

Discord name: Digital Prophet#5651

Byond ckey: Raksha Dakote

Job/Races you are applying for: Xenochimera

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognize and log): Luscia

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species: Luscia tends to act civilized when in the company of others this is due to her upbringing. During her early years Luscia found herself hunting as most xenochimeras would, eventually happening across yelling prey that had been trapped by vines, she proceeded to eat the prey developing speech and sentience, over the course of time she found an outpost, and decided to break in via a window her description of this wall she tried to break through was "see through wood", little did she know she had broken into a research outpost and stood face to face with an old researcher who had heard the noise, she promptly ran into an open storage closet with no lights on and hid in it, the researcher who was weirder than most just opened the door and threw food into the storage closet, they eventually made a deal to trade daily food for the researcher to do minor tests on the xenochimera, this continued for a while before the old researcher died of unknown causes, a little while after a supervisor came along after being recently assigned to this research outpost found a note detailing a creature (xenochimera) he named Luscia and the tests performed on her, stating that he had taught her basic laws to follow and that after being with her for so long she is civilised enough to be offered a job and a place onboard a nearby station to be supervised, it is my belief that this creature is sentient and independent enough to make her own decisions." she was moved to NSB Adephagia to start a new life. Luscia is bad with non-basic technology and knows next to nothing on how technology functions internally, "Cells... maybe bugs?" despite this, she knows more about her own anatomy then anyone else would without cutting her open or scanning her in a body scanner.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: Xenochimeras may have extremely unstable DNA structures, therefore making them unfit for the normal cloners. They are notorious for their voracious nature and extremely violent tendencies when they are stressed or hungry for long durations of time. Majority of the chimeras have the ability to sustain some sort of regenerative technique, at costs of nutrients.
  An extraterrestrial colony organism, xenochimera are unusual in that they have no real defining physiology of their own kind - effectively, xenochimera like to mimic other beings or the features of other beings by consuming them and mutating their own cellular structures to the beneficial evolutionary features they may have found. Xenochimera does not reproduce sexually. Genetic diversity is attained through their diet, making the evolutionary advantages of mating a somewhat moot point. They consume other creatures and copy their features to create outlandish hybrids. As a result of this, no two examples of species are alike, and they can, in fact, be vastly different in appearance.
  Xenochimera are highly remarkable and rare creatures, and thus to great interest to Nanotrasen's xenobiology division. Owing to the moral and legal restraints in place surrounding experimentation on (arguably) sentient creatures, NT's landslide Science Division on Virgo Prime has proposed simply hiring them with the hope that doing that would allow the company to examine and study them in a fashion that locking them in xenobio pen would not- and if the scientists on the station can sway them to volunteer themselves for examinations, that's a bonus.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: Whitelist removed/Job banned
Last edited by Raksha Dakote on Sat Aug 18, 2018 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Raksha Dakote, Xenochimera

Post by BlackMajor »

Mildly iffy on this, overall in the ok-zone however.
English is off but you've exclaimed to me that you're EnglishSecondLanguage (ESL) so that's ok.
Character description seems like you'd be playing a low-IQ, curious character, also acceptable.
Your species summary seems to have just been a copy-paste of sources however, and that bothers me. Hence where the iffy-ness arises from.
But I'm still not opposed to the idea of a whitelist of this for you.

Get a +1 from another staff member or two as per the norm before proceeding.

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RE: Raksha Dakote, Xenochimera

Post by Useroth »

I'll drop my +1 here.
I've had a bit of talking with the player myself and they seem to be serious about becoming a part of the community, as well as engaging in actual RP.
No reason not to give it a shot, in my opinion, it's just a race.

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