Sleepyleaf Phoronoid Application

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Sleepyleaf Phoronoid Application

Post by Sleepyleaf »

Discord name: Drowzy#9473

Byond ckey: Sleepyleaf

Characters you currently play: On RP, none, currently. On main, Osmium XIV.

Job/Races you are applying for: Phoronoid/Plasmaman.

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognize and log): Osmium XIV

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species: For the beginning portions of his life, he matured in a relatively secluded religious community on Boron 3. A naturally curious individual, the monotony of daily worship and labor wore down on him. A short duration after reaching adulthood, the community was visited by a Nanotrasen Surveyal Team, in search of remote locations to extract phoron from the planet without provoking an extreme response from the natives. Osmium exclaimed his interest in the crew, and exchanged his services as a guide for the surrounding area for education and employment. While his relationships with his previous community have dwindled, he attempts to maintain a cordial friendship through letters.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: Phoronoids appear as relatively human skeletons, with bones primarily composed of mineralized plasma. Their physiology makes them highly averse to the living conditions typically present on human stations, and as such are typically provided with a containment suit to ensure they do not combust. Peesh has said they are still working on the lore, and as such this remains vague.

In the case of applying for Mime/Clown, what are you intending to do to make them distinct and enjoyable: N/A

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: I expect my whitelist to be removed, or possibly banned altogether is the action is worse enough, although I will obviously attempt to refrain from such.

Notes: The backstory I have written may be modified based on future lore modifications.

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Re: Sleepyleaf Phoronoid Application

Post by HazelBailey »

Seems good enough to me. Havent really seen you on the server, though given you're a Phoronoid/Plasmaman onlynplayer, this is understandable. Regardless, I'll giventhis my support

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Re: Sleepyleaf Phoronoid Application

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

This has my support. I'll ping a headmin to get your whitelist added.

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