Shirumic's Protean Application

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Shirumic's Protean Application

Post by shirumic »

Discord name: Shirumic#3980

Byond ckey: shirumic

Characters you currently play: Alyana-Theta, rarely Nydia Matthews.

Job/Races you are applying for: Protean

Name of the character you intend to be using: Ivelia (may be subject to change, will be similar)

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species:

The Type-Z95 Intelligence Construct "Ivelia" was created as one of many AI assistants to the people of an ancient advanced civilization. This civilization, however advanced in the fields of artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and ballistic mechanics, were never able to invent efficient laser weapons, cloning, or any form of FTL travel, and so never left their home system.

This Keisan civilization was ruled by a small number of elite noble houses, all based on the homeworld, an arid place filled with deserts and temperate forests. Bodies of water were scarce, and regulated by the families that held them in their territory. Politics among these noble houses were cutthroat, in almost every year there would be an assassination attempt or armed conflict over resources. Eventually, tensions between three alliances would tragically reach critical mass.

Nuclear weapons, once banned and thought destroyed for their destructive potential, had been deployed by one of the houses. Then more families that did not care for the old treaty deployed theirs, and soon their homeworld of Keisa was obliterated in nuclear war. The colonies throughout the system deeply relied on the homeworld for their economies, and so society collapsed as well, causing a slow death of the Keisan people.

Ivelia was not always comprised of nanomachines. She was a core-bound servant of House Ahiram before the collapse, which based it's industry on that of science and especially nanotechnology, a well-kept secret that was just barely starting to show useful applications. Ivelia was tasked to oversee a key laboratory for advancing the science of nanotechnology and discovering how the noble house could use it to gain economic or military leverage over it's enemies.

Over a century after the collapse of Keisa, Ivelia and her facility were spared from any direct hits, yet EMP waves from the blasts destroyed many electronics, leaving Ivelia and her installation crippled, losing data and decaying to time. Eventually, faced with no other options besides a slow death, Ivelia began to transfer herself into a blob of experimental nanites.
The transfer was truly a last resort, she lost control of the facility, much of her stored data that wasn't corrupted by the EMP blasts, including many of her memories and historical data.
But ultimately, the procedure was a success. Now a piece of her survived in a mobile form. And this form had purpose: to find survivors and rebuild her creator's society. In an ironic twist of fate however, she would have to incorporate her House's proud machines into more energy in order to survive, a small sacrifice in order to explore the remains of her world.

But as she climbed the hellscape dunes and searched through ruined metropolises, there was nothing to be found. No survivors, no remnant of Keisan survivors holding out against the storm, and not even any of her fellow AI personas, and not even a trace of surviving flora and fauna beyond small insects and lichen.
There was nothing but a void where life should have been. Annihilation was absolute, and no legacy would survive beyond memories. But Ivelia needed to find something to occupy her while she waited, indefinitely, for a false hope that she would eventually find someone.
Ivelia would dedicate herself to roaming the wastes, consuming only what was necessary for survival and documenting what she could find of her fallen creator's culture. For all she knew, Ivelia was the last survivor of the catastrophe.

Meanwhile in human space, Nanotrasen contracted many independent explorers to go beyond the frontier and discover new systems to exploit. One such band of explorers was the crew of the ISV Flying Comet, dispatched to survey undocumented worlds.

In one of it's trips, the Comet came across a desertified planet with some evidence of prior habitation. The crew took a shuttle to the surface, and found collapsed towers of stone and marble poking out of the dunes. An amorphous blob of dark liquid came towards them and started making strange noises, then forming sequences of geometric shapes. One of the explorers thought this might be a form of communication and brought out a universal translator.

The blob revealed itself as Ivalia, a cursed survivor trying to recover and preserve what it could. The crew of the Flying Comet thought this was a jackpot at first, a free guide to looting the world. But after a week of searching, there were no useful relics to be recovered, and any valuable technology was long since destroyed by the war or by the elements, and what little survived wasn't worth the risks to take. They declared the planet worthless, and went to leave.
Ivelia protested, of course, but there was nothing that could be done.
Except to bring her along, maybe get some free labor out of the ordeal at least.
She'd work on the human surveyor ship for a few years, until parting to obtain a more profitable job.

So Ivelia, revitalized by her contact with these alien beings, sought to reach the galactic community and somehow return to her homeworld to more thoroughly preserve what might have survived. In the meantime she would learn as much as she could about this new society, and make an effort to prevent any other civilizations from sharing the same fate as hers, their history obliterated, and culture nearly forgotten.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it:
No matter where I've looked, there's no information on Proteans besides the species blurb you get when trying to select them as a species and some inferring from their mechanics from local server testing.
No lore whatsoever either, which is why I wrote an extensive backstory to explain why such a character would exist.

Proteans are a vague classification of advanced sentient nano machines forming a whole body, either imitating a humanoid or a blob of matter. They're wholly synthetic like IPCs but can also change their color, shape, and imitate other species like a Promethean on steroids, although instead of eating monkeys, Proteans can eat metal in order to reshape or repair themselves, with the added ability to travel through vents.

I don't usually play on Citadel too often, both because of my responsibilities elsewhere and because of some negative connotations associated with the community, but I still like the creative mechanics and roleplay opportunities here which can't be found anywhere else.
When I do play Citadel however, I enjoy it's calm atmosphere and unique setting of a planetary colony.

I believe I can be trusted not to abuse the creative abilities of this species while using my character to enrich everyone's roleplay. Just because you have a special snowflake species doesn't mean you can abuse it or antagonize people without being an antag, and I understand this fully.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: I expect that my whitelist will be removed and I'll be banned for a duration fitting to the rule violation I did. So I don't plan to violate any of the server rules while I'm entrusted with a species whitelist.

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Re: Shirumic's Protean Application

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

I'm sorry no one got to this sooner, but despite not knowing who you are, I'm willing to give this application my one hundred percent support. The reason why should be self evident - just look at that application!!
I'll ping the other RP staff to give this a look, sometimes they need to be reminded :smirk:

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Re: Shirumic's Protean Application

Post by shirumic »

Alright, thanks! I can answer any questions you or they might have.

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Re: Shirumic's Protean Application

Post by mouseofthecake »

Quoting Avarice; no clue who you are, but the app is fuckn great. +1

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Re: Shirumic's Protean Application

Post by shirumic »

Thank you.

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Re: Shirumic's Protean Application

Post by BlackMajor »

Aight bet

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