[Mewchild] Phoronoid Whitelist

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[Mewchild] Phoronoid Whitelist

Post by Mewchild »

Discord name: Apos#8640
Byond ckey: Mewchild
Characters you currently play: Phi Vietsi, Ciphrom Markov, Atrophus
Job/Races you are applying for: Phoronoid
Name of the character you intend to be using: Dimethyl MC (May be subject to change)
In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species:Dimethyl is a phoronoid of typical make, having come into contact with Nanotrasen (and humanity by extension) via exploratory missions launched to their homeworld. The Plasmaman soon found itself in an uneasy kinship with the race, taking a particular interest in the anatomy of those less ephemeral than itself. Interest turned to passion, passion turned to study, and study turned to accreditation, in time, as a qualified medical personnel, one of the few phoronoids with intimate knowledge of carbon based anatomy. These days, Dimethyl finds employment plying his craft aboard Nanotrasen vessels, with a particular aptitude and preference for orbital establishments (where his protective suit oft allows him assist in risky EVA operations)

The only lore I was able to find was from a PR that was never merged, on the Cit-Main git:
Phoronoids are a race of skeletal, phoron-based lifeforms. Almost their entire body, from their 'bones' to
their organs, is made of crystallized, solid phoron. Despite this, their bodies ignite almost immediately
when they come into contact with oxygen, in a similar vein to gaseous phoron. While they don't need to eat,
their bodies power themselves in a very similar way to Nano-Trasen's radiation collectors. The phoron they
inhale is filtered out and irradiated within their 'lungs,' resulting in tritium and a massive amount of
energy. They are completely immune to radiation and freezing, as well as diseases due to their non-organic
nature. However, they're exceedingly weak against brute force trauma and burns. While completely devoid of
sex and by extension sexuality, some plasmamen adopted gendered pronouns following their learning of
galactic common.
Hailing from Snowdin, Phoronoids survived under the crust of the ice-giant, in an expansive series of
phoron-filled caves, featuring a small assortment of other phoron-based lifeforms. Prior to a Nano-Trasen
mining operation on Snowdin, Phoronoids lived in a feudal society, their religion heavily focusing on the
worship of the freezing lakes of liquid phoron which 'birth' Phoronids. Due to disputes between Nano-Trasen
and the Phoronoids, very little is know about the finer functions of these lakes, or how they produce
Phoronoids. They are necessary for sustained Phoronoid life, as the lakes are responsible for converting
the tritium Phoronoids exhale back into breathable Phoron.
Alongside the lore blurb when selecting the species:
Phoronoids are a race rarely seen by most, tending to keep to themselves throughout known space. These curious skeleton-folk react violently with oxygen, catching alight in the normal concentration needed for humans. Luckily, with the help of NT, they come equipped with specialized suits, keeping oxygen out and phoron in.
Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: Flaming Skeletonman. Oxygen bad. Spacesuit always. Phoron!!!!

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: A removal of the species whitelist alongside any other punishments that may occur depending on the severity of the incident in question

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Re: [Mewchild] Phoronoid Whitelist

Post by Nethaufer »

You're a pretty good RPer, the background you gave is solid. You've got my backing for it

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Re: [Mewchild] Phoronoid Whitelist

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

Yep. I'll ping the headmins to give you phoronoid perms.

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Re: [Mewchild] Phoronoid Whitelist

Post by deathride58 »


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