KepyTW - Xenochimera

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KepyTW - Xenochimera

Post by SaltyS »

Discord name: Salty S.#5119

Byond ckey: KepyTW

Characters you currently play: Virgilian Shakes (former), Nafoy, Saisni, Itzcuauhtli, etc...

Job/Races you are applying for: Xenochimera

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognize and log): Shudai Shi

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species:

Shudai Shi or Shushi, a female fennec xenochimera, born on Mars in May of 2541 Sol time to a medium class family of a biologist and an interstellar explorer, just a year before the whole species were uncovered publically. There was nothing wrong with the girl, she was an active and happy little sand vulp, with no indications showing her unique nature, with those starting to manifest closer to her coming of age.

Life wasn't exactly perfect for Shudai. Her father was rarely around and no amount of mothers care could suffice for that, leading to certain weakness to male attention for her, which at one point, apparently, led to her species "activation". Not the best experience in her life, when in the most intimate moment you blackout and come to your senses being under the table, slightly blooded, with her friend glaring in fear as just a few shreds of meat drop from her parted lips.

A thorough medical check later and there, you have it - a xenochimera with all of their perks of hastened body recovery, reproduction twists and even some sort of "shapeshifting", if genetic material is acquired. However, it also comes with downsides - zero to no chance to "restore" their body without using highly advanced means, increased need in nutrients to keep every cell working properly and the infamous "defensive" mechanism turning even the brightest individual into a covering feral beast. However, while all of those can be dealt with - you cannot really do anything about public opinion over the species. You are no longer one of them; you are someone different, someone unknown and people fear of the unknown.

However, Evo, a corporation dealing in bioengineering, cybernetics and overall supporting transhumanism in any way possible quickly found Shudai. And what can be better than to have an actual creature, or even creatures, who have abilities still unreachable for regular people. An upcoming scientist was born, perhaps being now a proud researcher whilst being just a test subject of a much bigger indagation.

At one point, however, Evo was "gently persuaded" to support their own research in similar fields, making them "temporary exchange" some of their "researchers" in favor of NanoTrasen corporation, with their first stop being NLS Southern Cross, a transportation hub which is meant to take her away to another station...or ship... or...

"N-nanoTrasen wants me there?! R-really! YES! I can't believe it...they want me to work there...I couldn't be happier..."

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: In here Xenochimeras is a specific type of species, uncovered just about 20+ years ago which are capable of changing their shape to an acquired genetic code (not like changelings however), able to heal wounds faster than a normal person and in be brought back to "life" just by injecting some nutrients into their body and letting their cells come out of "sleep" mode, reviving them. However as a downside they gain increased hunger, with nutrients being almost vital for them, if not physically but mentally. Their cells aren't actually good at understanding what's going on, be it pain or hunger - it's all grave danger which forces the chimera into a sort of feral state, an "autopilot" of sorts, where you're incapable of doing much but roar, hiss and cover, looking for food or pain relief, turning back to their normal state just as the cells no longer feel "danger". They are not dangerous in that state, just scary and have no control over their action until they calm down. The same cells cannot really be synthesized to create a duplicate or a copy, without, perhaps, some highly advanced machinery, but who would have that publically available.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race to violate any of the server rules?:
Most likely, I will be warned and frowned upon. I do not really tend to do something odd and mischievous, which cannot really be talked out or made up for. It will affect my playstyle however, even if it is as HRP as it can get. Or at least I think so.

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Re: KepyTW - Xenochimera

Post by SpessInquisitor »

You have a good understanding of the species, and it'd be nice to have more xenochimeras running around; they're neat. I'm a little iffy about how your character acts as you've described them, but, that's something that can be smoothed out in-game with time. +1, from the lore maintainer.

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Re: KepyTW - Xenochimera

Post by Captain277 »

I share Krick's assessment. +1.

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