KepyTW - Black-Eyed Shadekin

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KepyTW - Black-Eyed Shadekin

Post by SaltyS »

Discord name: Salty S.#5119

Byond ckey: KepyTW

Characters you currently play: Virgilian Shakes (former), Nafoy, Saisni, Itzcuauhtli, etc...

Job/Races you are applying for: Black-Eyed Shadekin

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognize and log): Insipid

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species:

A story of Insipid, of which they are now called, with their own name burned out together with their past and possibilities and numerous options of a species named Shadekins, is short at this point and somewhat unfortunate. Born to a family of a few others, raised in melancholic comfort of its family, with hardship and joy just of their own can ever feel, seeming simple by their own standards, perhaps even mundane, where path’s for each are like a destiny just for them to uncover and follow.

But at the time when the rest get to follow their paths, Insipid wasn’t as fortunate. The Ritual, which should have raised it over the dependent past, worked too well. The chants and sounds of its brethren filled the mind to its preparation for accumulation of power, energy that would bind it and the dark, growing louder and louder, with tingling sensation passing through its hide and reverberating in each strands of its fur just to be silenced.

It’s unclear what went wrong and how long past since the attempt, as the unfortunate creature found itself in the dark of its own, with air heavy of volatile phoron, sparking bright of vibrant colors as Insipid manages through the rubble. It was dark and silent, with howls of passing breeze being its only company. No more whispers, no more chants, now alone, somewhere beyond its comprehension, severed forever and left to the burning pain in its limbs and most importantly – stomach.

What is a day for a creature of darkness when your own survival is at stake? It is just a cycle of burn in ones stomach, forcing to seek prey, to seek nourishment until the next wave appears and calls out for the hunt. The place they got locked in took its toll, little to feast upon as most suitable to the atmospheres creatures and gooey like blobs, tasting just slightly better than rare patches of moss on the caverns walls, but quenching thirst better than any small rodent located around, and has little of a requirement to crack their shell open to get to the flesh. Such diet infuses the flesh with toxin and even if harmless – it accumulates, turns one own flesh into poison and slowly degrades once prominent features of a proud standing creature.

However, what does it know, other than hunt now? Nothing, for that matter, just clearing its habitat of anything to nourish ones needs, eventually forcing to delve deeper into the unknown. Unknown filled with danger, as they too want to live and survive as long as they can. Overpowering foes was easy at first, growing some strength and confidence in ones moves, but as well know – confidence can be a silent killer. A rock in shallow water comes out to live, with its tiny dark eyes locating the source for its distraction, and how lucky it felt, with its mighty claws as their sharp edges latched to the prey, and it’s flaps for a mouth uncovering it’s vicious myriad of hairs, anticipating for a warm and fresh substance to gnaw on for days. Confidence works on the same principals, for everyone. For a moment, you are a predator, and the next moment you are prey, backing away to sharp pain to one of your eyes stalks and the hairs torn out from your maw. Maybe the crab will be lucky next time, maybe it will learn, with baring it’s wound as it rests it’s carapace in the shallow waters, with cuts around its maw and one less of an eyes to remind them of their confidence.

Good thing about phoron is – it is volatile, it accumulates around the wound, almost preserving it from oxidation, but just as it preserves the wound from festering – it does not help in sealing it. Insipid crawled back to its chamber, devoid of life but its own, wounded and weak, with no power to survive. The creature of dark should regain power, just a bit of a nap, a bit of a rest, with anguish and pain, filling the mind as quiet whispers, descending upon it and leading into embrace of madness. In its sleep the whispers continue, like echo sounding around it, fillings its mind. A weak smile builds in its sleep, for maybe now it can be again with its brethren.

It is an unusual sensation, something solid yet pliant forcing its way into its maw, and it tastes…like pure bliss! Is it a dream? A dream worth living... It’s gaze now wide open meets with yellow large orbs of a creature of similar stature, small, furry, dark, and just tiny blue lights dancing around it as the pain seem to end and maw fills with joy, as much as a stale protein bar can give someone in their time of need. A rapid tug on the substance – and the creature is gone, no longer there, vanished, just leaving a shivering, crumpling cover down where they once stood. However, whispers are still there. Calling strong in their head with unease but tones of compassion.

Days were spend with just whispers and no sight of its new companion with just their minds melding together in the story of ones creatures misery, loss and forbearance, turning into pleads and desperation as whispers would turn more and more quiet with each passing day. Anything but this existence would be better at that point, but with that final supplications, the whispers stopped as the creature appeared, stretching ones arm as a chance given to everyone. It was not even a question for Insipid, their fingers entwined with the others and its heart-beating wild, and strong to a sudden embrace and the feel of that motherly care it once felt, with power of Dark engulfing them both on a trip to the future.

Under the light of Sif’s star, reflecting for its sole moon, it finds itself standing alone with whispers and light of their companion,’s eyes turning dim and vanishing in the darkness behind them. With construction of metal and glass seen in the distance and giant dark creatures landing into its compartment in set intervals. The air feels fresh, feels cool and its eyes catching wondrous display of white frigid shards falling down from the sky. So dreamy and mesmerizing, losing focus on the surrounding and hearing ones breath as a small creature of black and white fur of orange eyes finds it standing at the entrance, just slightly tilting their head, meeting with its overly excited tail.

It took a bit to get used to, but small compartment felt better than endless tunnels with food and water appearing whenever it whimpered and knocked on the vanishing door, just to have it’s new acquaintance bring in more and more exotic foods, looking like nothing ever witnessed before, and then staying around, with endearing smile shining on it, filling ones heart with hope.

Many cycles pass and there’s more and more understanding of the creatures nature, with it’s unusual sounds bringing reason and definition to all odd utensils it bared with it, be it metal made sticks they used for their own food or peculiar boxes of thin white material and pretty dark lines, shaping into symbols, row after row.

Their voice is soothing, their voice is caring. Their voice as of many others fills my head, just rarely hearing a distant whisper… And they call me... Insipid... I am...Insipid.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it:

To put it simple - a black-eyed shadekin is just like a regular shadekin but with severed connection to the Dark and it's powers. Physically they are the same, except for the eye color. Power wise - they don't have any of the ones that "true" shadekin posses, be it phase shifting, healing or darkness conjuration. It's not very clear how the whole "Ritual" process goes and how it "links" to shadekins when they come of age, but some apparently don't take that procedure well and either end up dead or forever severed from the Dark's source of power. It's not very clear what happens to a shadekin if one manages to survive past the "Ritual" failing, but apparently it depends on how the Ritual goes or how merciful are shadekins brethren to a "failure".
Since they are severed from the Dark, they don't actually get much connection with the other shadekin and are forced to survive on their own for most. Survive and adapt.
They are curious in nature, and can study well, but since their life is cut into "before Ritual" and "After Ritual" - they face a lot of distractions so concentrating on specific fields can be hard, unless they find some very exciting to their person. And there's just too much to learn, starting from how and what to eat, talking and even wearing clothing...sometimes at least, which isn't necessary but still.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?:

It's a tad tricky to abuse them, as they don't have too much abusable features, other than atmos specific quirks and empathy. However if something would somehow end up "gamebreaking" rulewise - I suppose I'll be frowned upon, asked to not abuse stuff or in severe cases get a whitelist removal. In very severe cases - even a ban.

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Re: KepyTW - Black-Eyed Shadekin

Post by SpessInquisitor »

I'm not terribly knowledgeable about shadekin, but, you got a good understanding of their current lore so far. And you've got something...interesting, for their character. I can't say from past experience that you've been a negative type of player, so...yeah, I'll +1 this.

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Re: KepyTW - Black-Eyed Shadekin

Post by Captain277 »

Sure, why not. Seems like it could go well. +1

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