Blooberri Clown Application

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Blooberri Clown Application

Post by SalemiPizza »

Discord name: Transaster#4261

Byond ckey: Blooberri

Characters you currently play: Prax, Keqla Noriere, Aerin Harris, Raine Evans, etc.

Job/Races you are applying for: Clown

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognise and log): Patience the Clown.

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species: N/A

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: N/A

In the case of applying for Mime/Clown, what are you intending to do to make them distinct and enjoyable: Look at the file i've attached. It explains everything as to why i'm applying.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: Removal from the whitelist or a full ban if i do something bad enough.

As a note, i'm fully expecting this to not to go through. I just had Nick tell me "bet" after i said was gonna post a clown app and just post the image. However, if this does go through....honk.
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Re: Blooberri Clown Application

Post by Nik707 »


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Re: Blooberri Clown Application

Post by Zeldazackman »

Everyone's got their kinks I guess and nicks seems to be on the receiving end of a vicious honkjob, why the fuck not
I'm tossing my +1 on this, but on the condition that you twist "his" in the shape of a goddamn poodle :0)

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Re: Blooberri Clown Application

Post by Captain277 »

Honk. +1

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