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Post by Bapldap »

Discord name: Bapldap#4733

Byond ckey: Bapldap

Characters you currently play: Petri Neri (Character last played on RP)

Job/Races you are applying for: Protean

Name of the character you intend to be using: Xero

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species: Xero would be a positronic intelligence uploaded into a nanomachine swarm by an advanced corporation. They were created with restrictions preventing them from harming living beings, as a precautionary measure to prevent a grey goo situation. Their function was to serve as assistants for individuals able to afford the price of hiring highly intelligent robotic workers, and through the passage of time they were eventually able to pay the organization that created them the amount it cost to manufacture them. They still worked for the company while they searched for more opportunities with newfound freedom, and after an indefinite amount of time wandering they found the Triumph. As for why the would come aboard the Triumph, it can be due to the insatiable curiosity for new experiences. This is only an example of many, many possibilities for this race.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: Proteans are essentially a mass of independent nanites that make up a collective individual. The most common linkage between all proteans is the fact that it requires a highly advanced society with extraordinary manufacturing capabilities. Of course, at the interstellar level it is definitely plausible to find civilizations capable of doing so. They are capable of emulating most things, and can self-repair and maintain themselves without any outside assistance. The only thing needed would be some raw materials such as metal. It's a very interesting species driven by player creativity, and there is no lore set in stone besides what the playerbase makes of it.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?:
Whitelist revoked or banned.

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Post by Jaybirdnerd »

Hello, Bapldap,

At this current time I'm unsure if we're even taking protean whitelists due to the overabundance we've had recently. I think we're just sort-of waiting for things to shift down into low gear with all the applicants we have. At the time of you writing this, I'm unsure of what status we were under with protean whitelists but I'm very much so certain that currently we aren't likely to be taking protean whitelists due to, again, all of the other protean players on server.

Until then, I would wait and see until we open the applications for this specific specie and sit tight. It may be a minute or so, however, in the mean time please feel free to familiarize yourself with the species and such until we officially ease the gates on protean applications in the future.

As it stands now, I do not believe I can give any sort of verdict on your whitelist application and I do have to apologize on that front.

Thank you for applying,

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Post by Silicons »

application will be moved to denied in 24 hours not because it's "mechanically" denied but because protean apps are still closed
protean application status will be reevaluated in the future

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