First up; Surface 1 + Tram:

My goal was to make the tram and its stations make a bit more sense and reduce congestion getting on/off the tram itself, so I went for a slightly more modern/hightech look, with the emergency lockers readily accessible by everyone at each table. The main station is actually taken from Virgo's current layout, though I pulled the tracks in together for safety since its easier to get close to them. The entrance on Central's side meanwhile has been pushed back in so there's more space there too. I initially had windoors as well, but they can't be locked and auto-opened/closed so that's a no-go for now maybe.
A few seats were lost but it's rarely filled to capacity anyway. I plan to port handrails for safe standing spaces as well.
Other improvements include the unfinished maint dorms + vacant bar being fully cleaned up and furnished. The bar now has a pre-hacked booze-vendor, privacy shutters, a front door lock, and secret fakewall exits in case of security raids. The backroom has a shaker and condimaster. Trashpit access from the station has proper zoning + an emergency shutter and walls instead of near-rock, so it's not stupidly easy to flood the station with phoron any more.
Mining has also been issued with a set of GPS trackers (1 per locker) for miners to carry in case of emergencies.
Suggestions for further adjustments either to Surface 1 or other floors are welcome.