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Admin complaint: Tk420634

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 2:05 pm
by sivgon
BYOND Name of complaint against: Tk420634

Your BYOND name: Sivgon

Date of issue: 9/14/2016

Reason for complaint: Refused help due to some kind of personal problem with me when someone was abusing their job power and not doing it correctly

Security officer assaulted me numerous times, detained me, arrested me for nothing, did no investigation, continued to assault me further, flashbanged me, flashed me numerous times, had ridiculous trouble simply arresting a clown, which beepsky ended up doing for them, and confiscated a telescopic baton from me, and instead of returning it, dropped it in a hallway for anyone to take, and someone else stole it. In extended.

( if imbed did not work)

I have further come under the knowledge that Tk420634 and ThingPony are married, which this may explain the personal issue they have taken with me for some reason. I have no understanding as to why, but ThingPony has been targeting me exclusively over the past week or two, and if the two are working in conjunction for ulterior motives, then this is not okay.

I know for a fact that if I did the same exact things as this security officer did to me, I would've been bwoinked and/or ban/job banned near immediately.

additional interractions with Tk420634 and ThingPony:

And although I didn't manage to screenshot it at the time, ThingPony had also threatened to ban me if I didn't shut up when trying to ahelp when I thought I got meta/powergamed during my traitor round. I do have a screenshot of my complaint to another admin during said time however.


RE: Admin complaint: Tk420634

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 2:26 pm
by Kenzie
Not really gonna comment on anything else, but the clown jobban was well deserved and frankly both lenient and overdue.

RE: Admin complaint: Tk420634

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 5:56 pm
by Leon_Leonardo
I've asked TK to make sure that he gets someone else to handle a PM if he doesn't want to. I understand that the security officer wasn't exactly performing their job well, they've already been handled. I also already concluded that your jobban was 100% justified.

RE: Admin complaint: Tk420634

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 5:01 am
by sivgon
lm40 wrote: Not really gonna comment on anything else, but the clown jobban was well deserved and frankly both lenient and overdue.
wasnt really disputing the clown job ban, typical clown ss13 antics arent appreciated on the server and I get that, so i'll avoid clown in general, this was mostly just a complaint about targeted/biased judgement to someone rather new to the game as a whole.

RE: Admin complaint: Tk420634

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 12:07 pm
by Leon_Leonardo
I don't really see any bias. If you feel that admins are targeting you specifically because they don't like you, you're probably mistaken and are instead causing more than your fair share of trouble.

RE: Admin complaint: Tk420634

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 6:23 pm
by JGlitch