Admin complaint: Tk420634

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Admin complaint: Tk420634

Post by sivgon »

BYOND Name of complaint against: Tk420634

Your BYOND name: Sivgon

Date of issue: 9/28/2016

Reason for complaint: 


Job banned me from OOC for "complaining". I was simply complaining about how often we get extended, and the fact that we dont get secret as often due to people consistently murderboning. 

The fact that they jobbanned me from OOC for some simple complaints, instead of the people who CONSISTENTLY complain in ooc nearly every round when they die to aliens, murderboners, etc, is asinine.

Once again, Tk420634 is going out of his way to target me. I question this because weren't they told the last time I complained to pass problems with me to other unbiased admins?

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RE: Admin complaint: Tk420634

Post by Leon_Leonardo »

I'm going to lift your ban, after looking at the logs you didn't really deserve a ban. TK tells me that you often get on just to see the gamemode and then complain that it's not secret; try to keep that to a minimum please. If the current gamemode isn't to your like just stick around to participate in the next vote (if there is one) or come back later.


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