Tupina got banned for expressing criticism on the discord

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Tupina got banned for expressing criticism on the discord

Post by b1gb3ast »

So here I am to express criticism on the forums, at the risk of my own life of course. This entire charade is pointless, since it will get buried and ignored, so I am not going to bother sticking to the proper bureaucratics. Ofcourse, considering the exact nature of the CONTROVERSIAL THINGS :cool: Tupina said, I expect slightly more response here than for example the player complaint I made 2 weeks ago that has gotten no admin attention whatshowever. I give this thread approximately 5 minutes of living before getting labelled as "trying to stir drama".

All the admin staff involved in this knows what happend.
I'm assuming all the other admin staff discussed this at length with eachother.
Towards the playerbase, you're toxic little shits so get out of here.

Either way, I will post exactly the type of toxic and unwanted message that got Tupina banned here. Not for the content, but because admin man said to stop talking or else ban.

Here's the logs, I've already wasted enough words on this dead end.


"@Shamin This only divides players and admins even further than they already are. This is incredibly counterproductive. Instead of addressing issues that players have and trying to get better. This comes off as just wanting to silence people so you don't have to actually handle the criticism.

Forums are easy as shit to ignore and I don't see a whole lot of activity there."

It's a shame we can't just get along, and its also a shame a decent person was kicked.

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Re: Tupina got banned for expressing criticism on the discord

Post by Redtail »

They were told to take the topic of conversation elsewhere. They continued talking about it despite numerous blanket warnings , and so thus got kicked . They came back and it was handled appropriately in staff-forum on the discord

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Re: Tupina got banned for expressing criticism on the discord

Post by Tupina »

I was kicked, not actually banned, and when I rejoined my roles re-instated on discord. While I do believe not actually telling me "hey you officially pushed it too far we are going to kick you to give you a moment to break away from the situation" or something similar was not a good way of handling the situation, Honestly, since I didn't actually get banned, this post ends up coming off as an exaggeration. Still worth a read just to see the context, as it might be important when determining how the new rule that lead to the kick is going to be handled.

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Re: Tupina got banned for expressing criticism on the discord

Post by Weblure »

Just gonna pop in to fix the ordering on those screenshots:

Not much context to go off of here, so I have no clue what started the conversation or how it lead up to this, nor do I know what the initial complaint was even about. From what little the screenshots show, that certainly isn't the best behavior I've seen from admins, but they did ask multiple times for the conversation to be moved to the proper channel.

I don't feel like much can be learned or even understood from this thread in its current state. It'd probably be a good idea to merge this (preferably with more context) with your initial complaint and then leave a link to that thread in #player-bulletin-board and ping the appropriate roles.

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Re: Tupina got banned for expressing criticism on the discord

Post by deathride58 »

Complaint does not follow the format, which alone is enough reason to close it.
The provided screenshots completely lack context, and are very clearly positioned in a way that focuses only on words of staff that express aggravation. This is a red flag that this complaint was not made in good faith. The context missing includes numerous requests from staff members to simply move the discussion to #staff-forum or the forums. This is why Tupin was kicked; he continued with the discussion in #ss13-main instead of moving to #staff-forum like was requested multiple times prior. Your choice to exaggerate something as simple as that in the title of your post also does not indicate that you have the best intentions at heart here, bringing the red flag count up to two.

The childlike comments of "here I am to express criticism on the forums, at the risk of my own life", "I give this thread approximately 5 minutes of living before getting labelled as "trying to stir drama"", and "Towards the playerbase, you're toxic little shits so get out of here." are another indicator of bad faith. We expect a basic level of maturity out of our players, and the inability to show any ounce of maturity while you're trying to be taken seriously is another red flag pointing towards bad faith. That's three.

You also weren't even the person that got punished, and your involvement in the conversation leading up to the kick was as part of the peanut gallery, which, again, is another red flag indicating poor intentions. Four.

So that's a total of four red flags. That shows that this complaint was blatantly made in bad faith. I'll be leaving closing this complaint to any other staff member that wishes to do so, player reps included.

Also, in case you didn't notice, the conversation did end up moving to #staff-forum as was requested after Tupin got kicked, and was able to continue on for several hours without any further administrative action necessary whatsoever. Criticism was expressed. A lot of criticism was expressed. And neither Forrest, Tupin, or me are banned from the Discord at the moment despite all of us expressing verbose criticism of the current state of affairs. The key? We discussed it in the proper channels, and done so in a mature and civil manner.

tl;dr: This complaint was made in blatant bad faith, and has some pretty obvious exaggerations in the title.

Also, charge your fucking phone.


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