[Main] Ragolution, poor comprehension of server rules, poor judgement, lying about what happened in a note.

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[Main] Ragolution, poor comprehension of server rules, poor judgement, lying about what happened in a note.

Post by Nayser »

BYOND Name of complaint against: Ragolution

Your BYOND name: Nayser

Date of issue and round ID: 03.09.2020 24306

Reason for complaint: I as a warden, the only sec member, apprehended Ash Dennison (Jr Roboticist) and quickly discovered he is a traitor from having a suspicious paper mask and blood red hardsuit which i immediately informed captain of. Meanwhile captain began silently uncuffing him which i didn't notice at first. So when he suddenly got freed and picked up all of his gear and ran i assumed freedom implant is in use. I chased him down with defender and shot him a couple of times with combat shotgun to ensure he can't get away. I asked captain if he freed him to which he responded that he didn't.

After that i received admin PM from ragolution which ended with this note: Lethal shotgunned a suspected tator, immediately assuming they had a freedom implant. Suspect had actually just been uncuffed by the captain. Warned against powergaming.

After reading it, i asked him to fix the note to make it more clear by writing that i shot confirmed traitor instead of suspected and asked if he talked to captain, in response to that he just instantly closed ticket, i assume he did not talk to captain at all. I think it is also worth mentioning that i did not immediately assume they had freedom implant but only after captain silently freed them, something that i desire to be more truthful in note aswell.

Why i think what i did is not powergaming:
Because the only point in rule 6 "do not power game" thats closely related to antagonists is. "Security are not allowed to preemptively prepare for antagonists before any antagonists are identified."

In this case i only took ion gun to prepare for combat mech since on radio i heard that people spoke of Ash making a Gygax mech.

I can agree that shooting the traitor was wrong since i could disable and cuff them. But i was confused by captain whom silently uncuffed the /confirmed/ traitor for no good reason. This is why i assumed i couldn't capture them without lethals and shot a couple of times and this is why i believe i could be reasonably given some breathing room in this situation instead of slapping me with a note just because it can be applied. At the end of the day i didn't shoot to kill.

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Re: [Main] Ragolution, poor comprehension of server rules, poor judgement, lying about what happened in a note.

Post by Redtail »

Ragolution isn't an admin anymore, don't know why no one ever got to this complaint. And...you contradicted yourself. "assumed couldn't capture without lethals" "didn't shoot to kill". Please in the future pay more attention to your surroundings as security. Granted, I understand the captain being misleading about things didn't help but....yeah. IN the end, Rag isn't an admin anymore, not much to be done here, closing complaint.


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