[MAIN] Trojan_Coyote

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[MAIN] Trojan_Coyote

Post by HeroWithYay »

BYOND Name of complaint against: Trojan_Coyote (Game Admin)

Your BYOND name: HeroWithYay

Date of issue and round ID:

Reason for complaint:
Roboticist got their hands on some guns, including a .357 revolver and some SMG's. I wasn't there to see exactly where they came from but it sounded like it was from a dead, clown-themed antag that Trojan had bussed in.
After this, the station received two Centcomm announcements, increasingly desperate and threatening while claiming that the weapons were "Nanotrasen Property" and must be returned immediately to the cargo shuttle. The crew noted there was evidence to counter this claim in that the guns had syndicate firing pins, a trait which proved they could not belong to Centcomm and IC'ly indicated that the Central Command channel was hijacked by syndicate operatives. However, security still feared for their life and wished for the weapons to be returned anyway, leading to verbal negotiations.

Now this seemed like a pretty successful event setup to cause some in-station drama and was going smoothly so far, but midway through these in-character negotiations with sec the roboticist was bwoinked by Trojan, who just forced them to give up the weapons and ruined the entire situation.

Admins taking away items crew have obtained legitimately in-round is incredibly lame, the round had confirmed traitors so there was IC and OOC reasoning to keep the weapons, especially regarding Centcomm's shaky claims about their origin. Even worse, the only reason the station had the items in the first place was because of something Trojan bussed in. Which means Trojan:
- Spawned an antag who died before becoming a threat.
- Got upset a player managed to obtain the antags items.
- Dole'd out a bwoink, threatening punishment to the player who had the items if they didn't forfeit them.

If it is how it seems, this behavior is extremely lame and direct admin intervention like this during a round is even lamer. I hope I never have to see it again.

Small Disclaimer:
This being the work of Trojan is only a very likely assumption as I can't confirm it 100% for myself.
Trojan and Putnam were the only admins online and due to Putnam having been participating in the round as a player, it being them is unlikely.

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Re: [MAIN] Trojan_Coyote

Post by Trojan_Coyote »

So even though there was a big ol discussion in #staff-forum about this cause it's just easier to talk there.
To address the bullet points directly.
-Spawned an antag who died before becoming a threat. From what was said in staff-forum, I assume Hero means the Centcomm security officer that was dead in the Abandoned Theater. The security officer was dead when I spawned them, as I had intended from the beginning for them to be.
-Got upset a player managed to obtain the antags items. The whole event was supposed to be a 'grab the stuff and give it back to CC, but theres a lot of cool clown/bananium stuff you can loot otherwise' thing, and thus is why the announcement was made immediately after the equipment was retrieved.
-Dole'd out a bwoink, threatening punishment to the player who had the items if they didn't forfeit them. The bwoink was not, in fact, about returning the items. It was about Janako/Juri Harrow hacking into the armory to grab a firing pin (they had previously asked for the seclathe, so I assumed they were also going to print a lot of ammo for the wt550 as well), Janako was understanding in admin pm's when I explained that I had attempted to handle the situation through IC means, via centcomm announcements, attempting to create a CC official to retrieve the items, and having CC headset message the security officer to retrieve the items and send them back via the cargo shuttle. They had originally wanted a whole thing to go down with CC over fighting for the gear, but when told no ghosts accepted the CC official, immediately said they would return the items. The admin intervention didn't end with any action, and the event ended there due to items being returned.

In the end, had someone accepted the CC official ghost role, or had juri not hacked into the armory, I would've never even done anything outside of CC announcements. Honestly, the CR20 WASNT supposed to be there, I thought I had deleted it which is why the WT550 was there. When it was brought to my attention that they DID have it, instead of something lame like deleting it, I ignored it and adjusted my actions as CC accordingly.

The CC announcements were to the tune of 'There's a ruin on your zlevel that we sent one of our Security Officers to investigate, but recently his comms went dark. We gave him some pretty expensive gear so we'd like you to try and figure out what happened to him and recover it' followed by 'We gave him a gps, hopefully he used it' then, when Janako had returned with the gear 'We see that the expensive gear from our security officer has been recovered, please return it to Central via the cargo shuttle' and when it was clear Janako was planning on keeping it, something to the effect of 'Please return the gear your crew member has stolen from our security officer, as it is property of Central Command'. This is when I attempted to spawn a single CC official with the objective of retrieving the gear, and it probably would've escalated IC from there.

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Re: [MAIN] Trojan_Coyote

Post by HeroWithYay »

I still don't agree that this was a fun addition to the round but /seemingly/ it wasnt as bad as I thought and Trojan seems to have stopped playing entirely anyways.
So if anyone has the power to close this, go ahead.


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