Keekenox Lukeman56789 Citadel RP server ban Quailty control ban

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Re: Keekenox Lukeman56789 Citadel RP server ban Quailty control ban

Post by Keekenox »

Not really thrilled about an unban for this one. You were very consistently awful, abused bugs, made everyone that played with you hate your guts on an OOC level by getting yourself intentionally killed every round, and you refused to acknowledge what you might have done wrong when you did get warned.

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Re: Keekenox Lukeman56789 Citadel RP server ban Quailty control ban

Post by Blubelle »

trefoils wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 3:17 pm
So early in the shift as an atmos tech noticed an alarm in the cmo's office. I went to look at it, I banged against the doors knocked on the window. Said hey can you let me in to the medical personal in the lobby. Got no response I tried this around three times. Then just hacked my way in because it could be any kind of alarm I don't know the reason this is going off time tends to be critical. from ic pov the room can be freezing over on fire siphoning anything and I need to get in and see what the issue. So, this paramedic I think starts to get all grumpy because of my actions to get myself in. He walls me into the cmo office or tries too, I just exit through the maint door. Then rather then let it go he follows me back to engineering or comes by later and walls off engineering. So, ic now my char is pretty peeved at this person. And, I have to think of a way to respond with out being too far off the wall. I didn't want to wall medical off because people need medical treatment so responding in kind would not work. But, a fitting engineering based punishment of snipping their power was a happy medium a mild annoyance but didn't stop them from doing their job. Medical doesn't need power to do surgery or defib so people could still get treated. Then I go back to medical later start to replace their doors with windoors that anyone could open, at which point the paramedic shoves me and a fight breaks out. Sec arrests us both and takes me up to sec. We talk for a bit then I get out by just casually walking out of the holding cell. On skyrat you can either serve time or pay a fine, so I just huck like two hundred credits at the sec offs feet. Cause my char was done with this annoyance and just wanted it over with. They didn't like that and started demanding I get back in the cell my char didn't see the point of that as they had paid their fine and were free to go. Sec attacks me to arrest me because I wasn't listening to them. This was a while ago so my memory on events after isn't too clear. My char burned themselves on a lightbulb getting a t3 burn which becomes infected and slowly kills you. At this point I need to explain my char is what is called a ghoul, They can removed their limbs at will and thusly remove the infection/wound this comes at the cost of 10% blood loss. Chars plan was simple try to trick sec into taking them to medical by burning themselves with a wound they could easily "treat" themselves. They just put me in perma with no doctor so now my char had a ticking time bomb with the building toxin damage and the infection. They figured they could remove the arm and make up for any blood loss from the food in permas kitchen. My char noteabley has low blood so their base blood level is around 80% with the arm removed that leaves them at 70% which is slowly fatal. I tried to get to the kitchen to get food to restore my blood level, but luck wasn't on my side there was a fire alarm blocking off the kitchen and the food. So, there was no way for them to get their blood level back up to stable levels.
I'm no expert on Skyrat rules as I never played there, but assuming you could've just left by using a fee instead of serving time there instead of what security chooses for you, and that was absolutely was what the rules were, wouldn't it have been better for you to ahelp about security being a problem instead of committing LRP nonsense in what I believe was a MRP/HRP environment? Constant self-harm through a lightbulb is what a lot of people would consider shitter behavior on other servers. I assume Skyrat generally has the same sentiments about self harm and self preservation instinct that a character should have, but failed to demonstrate in specific situations that we do here on Citadel. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be constantly bashing your head against a wall in real life after all because you got put into a situation you didn't like.

Also, this generally feels like the same behavior where you keep getting yourself killed and injured constantly back on Cit-RP, which as Keek mentioned, a lot of players were getting tired of.
trefoils wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 3:17 pm
The dev ban is so old, I honestly don't remember what that is for.. its been like a year or two.. I think I got in argument with a dev at one point. Sorry.. my memory on that is just non existing.
I figured it out. You were being inflammatory towards a mapper of Skyrat who told you that an issue that you were talking about was an upstream issue that they couldn't do anything about September of 2022. An answer which you didn't accept at that time. Which, honestly, we should've figured out sooner, considering that this was before some incidents that you gotten involved with later this year in 2023 where you were being disrespectful towards our own development team as well as making bad faith arguments there.

It's still interesting that I've been hearing about the things that you've been doing on Skyrat before and after your time here on Cit-RP are almost nearly the exact same things that we have had to witness from you in your time here that you got in trouble for. It's pretty difficult to consider letting you back in given this. You demonstrated that you are repeating behaviors that we've been criticizing you for. How do we know you aren't going to continue repeating those behaviors and actually follow the rules to the best of your ability if we let you back in?

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Re: Keekenox Lukeman56789 Citadel RP server ban Quailty control ban

Post by Blubelle »

It's been almost a month since my last post here. I may request the headmins to make their judgement soon if there isn't going to be a response to the question I had in my last post:
Blubelle wrote:
Fri Oct 13, 2023 2:57 pm
You demonstrated that you are repeating behaviors that we've been criticizing you for. How do we know you aren't going to continue repeating those behaviors and actually follow the rules to the best of your ability if we let you back in?

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Re: Keekenox Lukeman56789 Citadel RP server ban Quailty control ban

Post by trefoils »

Sorry give me a bit been a busy month. I do apologize for the long wait time been swamped irl.

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Re: Keekenox Lukeman56789 Citadel RP server ban Quailty control ban

Post by trefoils »

I was a race that could effectively nullify the damage by removing the limb. So, IC wise the damage and perhaps pain if they felt pain wouldn't be a huge worry. That race can remove their arm and then replace it back with the chunk of meat that comes when you tear the limb off. Weird kind of LRP race, but I enjoy them for some of the RP they can have given their unofficial lore.

I don't get tickets often or at all anymore.. I have become more chill over time.. I mostly just sign on as assistant these days and relax maybe talk to a few people. but most of it is just vegging out watching youtube on my other monitor and waiting for people to walk up. I mainly want to be unbanned just for the few friends I got there, there's some I can't interact with anywhere else and that sucks like really sucks. but that is the cost of my behavior and I am willing to accept that. Even if I'd love the chance to interact with those people again. I really just wish to have fun with those people again. I miss it, was a simple fun time and a different kind of RP then I normally got. I'd love the chance to prove that I am different and that I have learned even my notes on skyrat have down steeply past couple months. I am slow to improve and I will admit that but I do improve given time. I was improving even here my accidents and stupidity were going down its just hard to buck a reputation when its stuck on you.

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