[keekenox] ApathyIsKek - RP Server for constantly fighting sec when being arrested

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[keekenox] ApathyIsKek - RP Server for constantly fighting sec when being arrested

Post by ApathyIsKek »

BYOND account and character name: ApathyIsKek, Aeric Nim

Banning admin: Keekenox

Ban type/duration (where you are banned from and for how long): RP, One month

Ban reason: Has shown very little interest in actually roleplaying and has just attacked security with lethal force over and over, constantly white in custody, and before custody. Given the past history of bans and notes, this ban is going to be a month.

Your side of the story: Yeah, the only thing I deny in the ban reason is not being interested in RP. I do actually enjoy the roleplay environment provided by the HRP server, but I do see my own fault in constantly attacking security which is probably annoying to whoever is sec on that round.

Why you think you should be unbanned: After the ban I took a break from SS13 altogether, play some singleplayer games to take my mind off of it. I though about appealing two weeks after the ban but decided otherwise, deciding to appeal when it felt right. I played a few rounds on other servers as security to try to put myself in their shoes but also as other roles, trying to avoid combat unless in self defense. I thought things over and I can say that I discovered more solutions to many situations during my time away from the server. I only ask that three days be removed from this one month ban.

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Re: [keekenox] ApathyIsKek - RP Server for constantly fighting sec when being arrested

Post by Enzo_Leon »


Keek should be getting in touch with you soon on their thoughts on the appeal. Considering the past ban reason, and actions lately I can tell you're not looking to ruin peoples fun and you're trying to bring something to the table, if not a bit faulty. I'm gonna wait to hear from others on this first but I am *not* rejecting this yet.

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Re: [keekenox] ApathyIsKek - RP Server for constantly fighting sec when being arrested

Post by Keekenox »

Honestly I'd have no issue lifting this after reading through the appeal, I'm about to go to work so somebody else will probably have to actually do the thing though. (Cough Enzo help)


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