[Useroth] RealDonaldTrump - RP Server Sec/Head Jobban

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[Useroth] RealDonaldTrump - RP Server Sec/Head Jobban

Post by ChayseRamsay »

BYOND account and character name: RealDonaldTrump - ChayseRamsay

Banning admin: Useroth

Ban type/duration (where you are banned from and for how long): RP Server Permanent Jobban

Ban reason: Banned from Colony Director, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer, Command Secretary - Constant issues revolving around poor performance, escalating IC issues that don't go your way into massive OOC shitstorms nobody has fun with, topped with threats of metagrudging. Appeal when you think you've improved.

Your side of the story: I can't really remember much of what lead up to the jobban, other than one situation in which I didn't mop the prison as the warden, so the HoS escalated it into a manhunt. The 'threats of metagrudging' from what I recall was related to a conversation on the discord after the round, and they weren't so much threats but more of an example of the kind of thing people were getting away with at the time.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I've been playing security and head roles for a hell of a long time on Main since the jobban without issues, the people I had issues with on the RP server have been long since banned and/or left the community and the banning admin has since left? the team. I'd like to be able to go back to playing the roles I love in SS13 on the RP server, please.

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Re: [Useroth] RealDonaldTrump - RP Server Sec/Head Jobban

Post by HazelBailey »

For what it's worth I did mention I'd be in favor of lifting this if I were able earlier today. From my experience RDT hasn't been getting into the OOC shitstorms, or brewing them up like he used to. The particular event that triggered this incident was, as was said in the main post, an incident that frankly didn't really warrant a jobban on it's own and was mostly an IC issue barring from RDT not wanting to mop the brig as the Warden during downtime because he was hanging out with someone IC, and the HoS threw a fit over it. This prompted the manhunt that was mentioned. But as I said, the OOC shitstorms have stopped for the most part and if I were still part of the admin team, I'd be in favor of lifting it.

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Re: [Useroth] RealDonaldTrump - RP Server Sec/Head Jobban

Post by HarliChan »

I'd be in favor of lifting so long as the New SOP is read through and well abided by.

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Re: [Useroth] RealDonaldTrump - RP Server Sec/Head Jobban

Post by Silicons »

free them

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Re: [Useroth] RealDonaldTrump - RP Server Sec/Head Jobban

Post by Enzo_Leon »

The job ban has been lifted. Please ensure to read up on the new SOP and Corp Regs to get a good understanding of the changes back from 2018. A LOT has changed since then. Attached below are the links to these references to help:

Corp Regs - https://citadel-station.net/wikiRP/inde ... egulations
SOP - https://citadel-station.net/wikiRP/inde ... _Procedure


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