I feel like things got out of hand.

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I feel like things got out of hand.

Post by Wut-Man22 »

BYOND Name: Flipy-Flipperston

Reason Banned: Griefer, RDMing Constantly, Poor Escalation 

Admin who banned you: Leonleonardo

Length Banned: Permanent

Appeal Reason: OKAY, I would like to open with, I am at fault here. So cozy up by the fire while I tell ya'll a story of one whack ass shift! I play as Milla, an annoying as hell mini-rights activist. I tend to try and just be a station annoyance (and avoid fighting since you're practically unclickable.) Half-Asleep me gets the wonderful idea that equality can be achieved via the application of a shrink-ray. To everyone. Well, Leon was nice enough to tell me this was against the rules. So I dropped the gun, and decided I should give the rules a read, and move on with the shift. Maybe actually do a job. We had annoyed two people because of it because we shrank them at a REALLY inopportune time. Either or, they hunted me and my fellow mini-peeps down, and nearly killed me whilst Scott was being detained. I had been yelled at for killing people before, so I used adminhelp to ask him not to get mad at, or yell at the two because I understood I had done a lot to piss them off. I felt bad. I got revived and tried to lay low while they blew off steam. They killed both Scott, and Tim. Didn't really get in trouble as far as I know, but again. We made them pretty mad it was partially our fault for how awful we had been. Now, I wanted to let it go and move on with the round. The two practically hunted for me. Patrolled the hallways, chased me on sight, ETC. This all boiled over at the end of the round where these two became wanted for murder. They decided to go out in a blaze of glory and notified us via comms. They showed up and I freaked out, mostly because I had been pretty much paranoid for the later half of the round, and immediately shot one of the first to arrive with a beanbag shell so I could run. Well his friend showed up with a spear, so like the irresponsible person I had been this entire round, half-asleep me rationalized dropping a soda can grenade was my best option. Thank goodness no one got hurt as far as I know. Either or, a brawl insued between a security officer, me, and the two assailants. My reason for fighting was because I really did not want to die right at the end of the round, and I was a tad upset about being hunted the better part of a round. Maybe I was wrong about them hunting me, I 'unno. Either or, after the fight was over, one had been thrown into space via a lower airlock in escapes by I dunno' who, and the other assalint and I had been arrested. I breathed a heavy sigh because that cluster-fuck was finally over. Then I got jailed and banned. So here I am tellin' ye' ma' story of one whack ass round. What my appeal is that this was brought on by a series of unfortunate events that quickly got out of hand. I had no intention of griefing, nor did I want to RDM anyone. Dying sucks on SS13, being killed because some one has an unfair advantage sucks even more honestly. Like I said, I just try to harmlessly annoy people, I try to avoid outright combat because as a mini I'm hard as hell to click. The big finale of this shift was mostly because these two sort of had be trapped in escapes. So, I am sorry about breaking the shrink-gun rule, and I am sorry for causing such a hectic shift. I would understand a day ban, a few days ban, maybe even a week ban. I just hope you all consider this. 
Last edited by Wut-Man22 on Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: I feel like things got out of hand.

Post by Leon_Leonardo »

Your ban has been lifted and changed to an amount of five (5) tickets; this would be the equivalent of a 1-3 hour ban. You have five tickets for repeated occurrences of poor escalation and starting fights through grief or abuse. If you continue, you will get another five tickets, and again, until you are at twenty (20) and you will be permanently banned with no chance of appeal.

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