NodNodNod Appeal

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NodNodNod Appeal

Post by nodnodnod »

(Please see viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1173&p=4013#top as I have previously made a request and was ignored for a substantial amount of time before being told 'try again', by which point I just gave up.)

BYOND Name: NodNodNod

Reason Banned: "New joiner, grey tiding, possibly part of a raid" BanID #1856

Admin who banned: LeonLeonardo

Length Banned: Permanent

Appeal Reason: I'm pretty sure this was a misunderstanding. The ban is from 2015 and the worst greytiding I've ever done was be part of a clown fiesta on facepunch station or hippie station. The ban reason mentions that I may have been part of a raid, and the only thing I can think of is if I joined when a raid was happening, I probably started fighting back against people that were trying to hit me. I then probably left after getting killed, which is why I was banned and never got to explain or clarify what happened.

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Re: NodNodNod Appeal

Post by HazelBailey »

This isn't getting a reply and this is a five year old ban with a very vague reason listed for the ban. If what you said in staff forum last night is true then you shouldn't have been banned in the first place, and even if it isn't, then I doubt you'd have tried to appeal this twice with almost a year in between appeals if you only wanted to come back to grief. With that in mind, I'll go ahead and lift this ban.


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