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[MrJWhit] Lolman360 - CE role ban, Main

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 6:44 pm
by Lolman360
BYOND Name: Lolman360

Reason Banned:
Banned from Chief Engineer - managed to delam the SM into a Tesla about 2 minutes into an extended round

Admin who banned:

Length Banned:

Appeal Reason:It was an accident, but I understand the 'min in question was being cautious due to my previous history (at the time) and with the sheer speed I managed to delam the SM. It was bad judgement on my part, I should've known what I was doing was going to do what it was going to do, I've been playing regular engi since then and occasionally doing an autismos setup without causing everything to go to shit. It's also been a year and a half since the ban, and I know more about the game now, especially in atmos/engi.

Re: [MrJWhit] Lolman360 - CE role ban, Main

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 6:47 pm
by MrJWhit
It's been almost a year, and you've been doing great things over in RP, I've got no problem unbanning.