[RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

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[RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by Kazkin »

BYOND Name of complaint against: JGlitch

Your BYOND name: Kazkin

Reason for complaint: Thread Title.

Fuck where to begin. This has been a long time coming and frankly I'm surprised nobody has already done this. Some of the RP staff knows the shit JGlitch does, its practically a meme with how hard he self antags, so much so I'm going to pre-face this with this little gem. Keep this in mind as we progress through the list of things that just I alone have experienced as I'm sure other security mains and staff members have seen much more and will have very little positive things to say about JGlitch and his revolving door of self antags.

We'll begin first with his main character Johnny Glitch, a notorious self antagger who is despised by security mains due to constantly self antagging, skirting the rules just enough to avoid serious charges while being as annoying as possible. To keep this complaint short and easy to read I will bullet point screenshots of a 5 hours shift in where Johnny Glitch spent 4 hours of it in the brig due to constantly breaking regulation. It was done so often that I couldn't fit all of his crimes into the records computer. In no particular order here is everything that happened in 1 shift:

The start of the trouble where Johnny was reported using drugs and an emagg, I confiscated his weapons and gave him no brig time or fines and just a stern warning. Proving beyond reasonable doubt I was being extremely lenient with him.
Johnny admitting he was intentionally being childish just to mess with security.
Johnny trying to get me to fight him while taking drugs after he emagged the holodeck and got two people attacked by carp.
Attempting to escape security during transfer to central. (This one will be a reoccurring theme.) His meta buddy Ajax also tried to escape with him and was summarily shot and cuffed as well.
Glitch attempting to kill himself after being marked HuT for trying to escape the brig. This was later lifted when it was found out cuffed people can't be put in disposals. It is my belief he did not know this prior to the suicide attempt.
Another screenshot of me being extremely light with him despite everything, giving him minimum charges for lack of concrete evidence.
Him literally GETTING THE BARTENDER TO SHOOT HIM WITH A SHOTGUN NOT 30 SECONDS AFTER BEING RELEASED FOR A 49 MINUTE SENTENCE. Fucking look at this, I literally said "He's released" and before the log can progress my computer screens length he gets himself arrested for assault.

Now this was just my second misfortune with running into the frankly insulting and annoying behavior that Johnny does. At this point I had warned him not once, not twice, but three times with the third being in a voice call on the server which had Avarice, an admin, in the call agreeing that Johnny needs to shape up with the greytide behavior. It is well known among the admin stuff how Johnny conducts himself and the self antagging he has done. Multiple admins have talked with me about it, but I digress, I'm only focusing on what I experienced and won't use rumor. I have asked other veteran security players to post in this thread detailing their experiences. However, after several incidents JGlitch changed his tactics for self antagging, instead of doing it as his main character he now uses a revolving door of throw away characters to do self antagging.

As a one off character JGlitch played as a man named Yueng who he tried to play as a street doc. This included breaking into medical while I was there for an unrelated matter in an attempt to steal surgical tools so he could do maintenance surgery. After being caught he was roundly beaten by Sid for his actions. Naturally I told Sid that was extremely foolish and opted, in my usual lenient ways as warden, to let them both escape charges. Sid only dealt enough damage to get minor assault and Yueng attempted to resist arrest when I tried to handcuff him, his escape stopped by Sid's reactionary attack as he tried to run. As you can see by the screenshot I offered for him to have the resisting arrest charge (10 minutes) dropped if he didn't make me charge sid for battery (4 minutes/400 thaler fine). An extremely generous offer, which he declined. Unfortunately the round ended before his 19 minute sentence was up and he was transferred to central where he tried to escape the shuttle again and had his meta buddy tried to body block me to prevent me from using my taser. You'll notice I had to disable Mikayla first to get to Yueng. There was no RP or indication of friendship in character, to note, as this pattern continues yet again.

Now to bring to the most recent event, one where I actually fucked up at the end and fully admit to it. You see, as a character with a confusingly complex name I'll just called Akeb, JGlitch showed up refusing to speak galcommon saying "he didn't know it" and began causing serious problems in the bar during a power issue. A situation with another crew member with Anthony was escalated until both Akeb and Anthony needed to be arrested. During the arrest Akeb's meta buddy who up until that point had said nothing tried to jump in and stop the arrest. After knocking out Akeb and cuffing Anthony I moved to get his meta buddy Ronan who pulled a shotgun and unloaded two slugs into my chest, which brought me down to 49% my health status giving me massive internal bleeding. But hey, we don't have brakes on this stupid train. After attempting to wordlessly kill me both of them got arrested and I was treated in medical. The tram was then called and go ahead and guess what happened next? Did you guess "tries to escape on the shuttle?" Well arn't you clever because thats exactly what he did. He then proceeded to use this to negate movement when I followed to recapture him. While this isn't technically an exploit it sure as hell feels like it since it can't be reacted too or countered. Sadly for him I used an alternate route and found where he was. He then proceeded to rush me when I went for my taser. I was forced to mag dump him due to him having major non-conductive (shocker) and then realizing I had no cuffs and a hostile prisoner who was working with a man that nearly killed me (I was suffering from an infection while this went on) I proceeded to give him the unholy smackdown. I beat him into critical thinking I had no handcuffs, stopping at 150 brute damage and going for my medkit where I saw in my bag the set of handcuffs I took off of Anthony earlier, with so much going on I forgot I had it as it was in my bag and not in my webbing or belt. This is my mistake and I fully admit it, but my intent with said beating was never to kill him as proven by this screenshot. I did, because again, I fully admit my mistakes, smack him twice more after he was cuffed. I should have dislocated his legs or joint locked him over harmbaton, that is fully and 100% a mistake on my part. That said, it does not excuse anything he did leading up to that point. His constant self antagging pushed me to the point of making that call. It was not done out of malice, nor any grudge as I didn't even know it was JGlitch until after the round.

I have been, as my screenshots and logs prove, extremely forgiving for his actions but he is a complete detriment to the server and breaks rules constantly, yet nothing has been done. I don't expect this complaint to fix the problem, but I want the problems of my self and other players noted, equally, I'll continue doing my job as a security main and handle his greytide. But a lot of people are upset about this and something seriously needs to be done.
Last edited by Kazkin on Mon Aug 05, 2019 6:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by Allakai »

Well... this is a lot to unpack. As described above in the statement of Kazkin I was called to place my input as a member of security. I would not say I am a veteran nor an experienced member of security but I will say I am a member of security that knows what they’re doing and to maintain an air of stability and reasonability for the crew ICly as Sajiid as well as OOCly for the playerbase as Allakai. Now to see into the crux of this issue. Today, obviously, we look into the player complaint regarding JGlitch.

I am going to state the opinion rather truthfully I have not seen any of this except for the one time I had logged in as IAA Sajiid to hang out in security only to find Glitch in custody of the ISD about something rather ridiculous. I cannot remember the full details but I remember specifically the instance of them attempting suicide and being an HuT then complaining in LOOC about “not liking this.” (This being, in confinement after committing crimes and being upset at being punished for an IC action.) I remember distinctly speaking to another player that actually had told me apparently that Glitch is KNOWN for the self antagging behavior on another server!

So looking at this with a healthy chunk of neutralism and a small glass of wine I can firmly state that this behavior is NOT acceptable. Light antagging I have no issue with of course. However, upon being a nuisance to the station, actively harming other personnel and worst, nearly killing other players is beyond the barriers of acceptability from myself as a member of security as well as a player of Citadel. I hope my small amount of detail, can shed some more light as another concerned player upon this topic.
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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by bear »

Hi, this is the person that plays Sidera. I made an account literally just for this post.

I'm going to have to chime in on this thread in addition to what Kaz has said. Disregarding the many ""IC"" and weird metagaming issues that have happened with Glitch briefly, there's also a level of OOC antagonism that I really don't appreciate. This is referring mainly to how he holds himself in discord and how he talks to people. The hot second anything goes wrong for him, he immediately pipes up in discord and gets into basically full-blown arguments.

It is not a joke when I say that if you go into discord and type in the filters from: JGlitch#9245 in: ss13-rp that you will see three plus seperate incidents of Glitch being a mix of an absolute salt-mine and a child throwing a tantrum over IC actions. (check results for that search on the following pages: 2/3 for an argument on 8/3/2019, 15/16/17/18/19/20 for an argument on 7/27/2019, pages 28/29 for an argument on 7/14/2019 where an IC issue involving me went OOC, the issue in question of which I was reprimanded for.) These search pages may be shifted back a bit as Glitch posts, but the logs are still there and it's all very publicly available.

Now, going back to the stuff he's done ""IC"" on his characters: I self-admittedly play a jerk-ish character. I've gotten bwoinked two or three times about her being so provocative and doing really rash and stupid things. So I hope that gives context when I say that I do not think that Glitch should be punished for having an antagonistic character, but that I think he should be punished for a rediculous level of metagaming, discord toxicity, IC/OOC mixing, LRP'ing to try to get the upper hand in an OOC grudge, and basically just making the same character three times so he could attempt to do the same shitty things and avoid IC consequences for being IC'ly disruptive. It really feels to me that the dude isn't RP'ing antagonistic characters because that's how the character would act, but that he's making an antagonistic character because he wants to accomplish an OOC goal or OOC'ly avoid IC consequences. Like Kaz said, it's a revolving door of throwaways. It's such an absurd level of ""IC"" and OOC blending that I feel compelled to put quotes around IC.

I spoke up in defense of him when someone, unprovoked, poked fun at him in discord, but that doesn't mean that I don't think he should get kicked in the shins. Something needs to be done to end this, because it's really not fun for anyone. Apologies if this post is poorly worded or sort of intense, I'm super duper fried while typing this.

(Edited because of grammar mistakes and to johns for myself, bleh)

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by VailTheWolf »

I don't personally have logs of either occurence I'm going to talk about directly, but I will still give my account of them.

Glitch as a character when I've dealt with them as my Sec character was a roller coaster trip akin to Orange County Police Department dealing with Florida Man. The constant instigation, insults, and insanity all within the span of five hours, multiple times, is a pattern. If he had successfully committed suicide this would be a closed case and we wouldn't be here talking about it now. (Rule 03.6.) When we caught him he kept a story that he just wanted to climb into the bin, which goes along with him hiding from Security by going into Medical (not as medical) and climbing into disposals. The contradiction of his story is the self inflicted brute damage Security found all over him that got him to remained cuffed during a regular timed sentence. I do believe there is a problem with someone as either a player or a character when the first thing they do after getting out of the brig is valid bait a bartender with a cap gun. Once they had their HuT sentence and they were sitting in the security section of the Tram Station, they made their best efforts to be as insulting as possible about every Security member's character design in IC chat. They later gave me an apology after I confronted them on their behavior. (It was pointed out to me that they may have done this before as damage control for repeated issues and insults.)

The Akeb incident was rather annoying and it's the only reason I'm glad I accidentally fucked up the engine during that round. Akeb was a character with almost no flavortext, generic human sprite with default hair and hair color, spouting in Sol Common as their default language. Mind you that this "colorful" language over the Commons Channel was riddled in profanity and narcissism that would make a sailor blush. My first experience ever with this character directly was him running in the surface base hallways, naked, spamming the scream emote. I don't know who or what convinced him to stop, but when I saw this character again in the same round he was attacking people with a towel and didn't stop until after Security stopped him.

That's all I have for now. I'm sorry that I can't back up my grievances with logs.

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by Breogán »

As others have stated here before me, yeah, I just made an account to answer to this same topic. Yeah.

I'm new when it comes to Citadel, but I aint a rookie on neither the SS13 itself or roleplaying. I was there during both last incidents Kazkin mentioned, the first one behind the POV of the already said Mikayla, with whom I watched over an ilegal security camera monitor how they caught JGlitch's character breaking into medbay, including the whole arrest and beating by Sidera. I'm one who enjoys security job, and personally I think its one of those you gotta at least try and take seriously but even with that, I must say that Kazkin's (Who I am going to assume was the white tajaran warden) actions during the proccess were almost an humillation. It's okay to delay an arrest slightly so you can portray your character, write down some interactions and not making it just a drag and cuff thing, and even when I had only the chance to look at the roleplay (not to actually read the logs cause cameras dont record audio) I do put my right hand over the fire and going to say that delaying an arrest which should have ended on a 10 minutes lockdown (as it's stated on the corporate laws) to make it get to the tram was rather suspicious and most probably something out of an OOC dislike over the player. Not only because I saw how he was in jail without a timer going on for at least five minutes.

I dont know if you didnt pay attention to my interactions during the time when I got to you and your security buds in the tram and started yelling over my character's partner being publicaly humillated and treated like a murderer (He was at the back of the tram, chest naked and cuffed while being held by at least three officers like he was Hannibal Lecter) just before he got his cuffs off and started running, for what I placed myself before the door with the harm intent, just to being shot down before him (Which is something that had to happen, not going to complaint about it but the way Kazkin mentioned it could make anyone think we were metagaming and that's completely FALSE. I do encourage any admin who might want to take a look on it to check on that day's logs.

Regarding the last 'issue' you've mentioned where JGlitch was playing as a inmate/janitor who happened to not speak GalCom. I dont know how Suleiman and Anthony escalated from disarming each other to Anthony hitting and chasing him with a crowbar but when we all went to the bathroom Kazkin started shooting their blue beams like it was Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, taking down Anthony, and when she kept firing to Suleiman (Who actualy didnt even threw a punch on the whole fight) I tried to stop her(I was Ronan, and by the way the inmates gimmick idea was mine), only to end up hiding on the bathroom which led into me having to shoot her ONCE with a zip gun I was carrying because if I'm going to get fucked up I rather defend myself... Right? Well, so I ended up being tased, beaten with a baton and blah blah blah which I dont really mind, the only thing that makes me lose it over you my dear warden is the fact that you dont even type a single ME during none of the arrests I've seen you performing. Like, of course I aint asking you to stop during a gun fight to roleplay BUT... Once you're over someone who's already cuffed and being pulled so he cant move, you do really have some good time to try and make it look less like a mechanic based game and more like a roleplay one. (To clarify, as someone else mentioned this same scene while I was writting the message, it all started with Huey taking Suleiman's towel off, leaving him naked and then he started chasing the same to hit the red demon with same colored towel)

And, about the 'toxicity on discord' and such, I aint personally in the community server but I'm really aware of him (JGlitch) taking stuff to the LOOC or OOC context, WHICH I HEAVILY DISLIKE and trust me it triggers me more than any of you, but I wont say that could be considered 'toxicity' unless, you know, he was actually insulting someone in which case I will shut my mouth up. Now that I've reached this point on my speech, I apologize for my english and wish you all a good night.
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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by JGlitch404 »

I'm sorry in advance if I go all over the place with this post, I'm pretty tired and this caught me by surprise, as I didnt get any complains from admins in any of the rounds I played.
First things first... I dont think this post was necessary. I admit I've done bad things, however in the past I was way, way worse, and admins have told me more than once that I've been improving as of late, so if ''doing something about this'' would mean permabanning me, all that progress would be lost, and I would lose a place that means a lot to me.

The first issue was resolved by an admin, if I recall correctly, and I got off with a warning, I didnt want to harm anyone and I never want to or do so, only in very, very rare ocassions, the reason why I emagged holodeck was to see if there was any extra options, being this a vore server, but then saw that it wasnt the case, tried to fix it, couldnt do so and didnt think much off it, I didnt expect that someone would activate the carps and I felt very bad when that happened. ICly, of course, my character had to defend himself and deny it all, the emag was hidden and there was no proof that he ever had one, just fibers and prints placing him in the place, the holodeck, wich is a pretty public space and it wasnt touched only by Glitch.

I quote what I said before, I dont like harming people, at all, and as you can see in the screenshots I never did, what my friend did wasnt under my control, but I assure you that all of our gimmicks are ultimately harmless for the crew, even the illegal ones, because we dont focus on being robust or cool, we focus on the roleplay, and if I was a shitter I wouldnt get caught so many times, and I would be insulting you as harsh as you've been insulting me as of late, both ICly and OOCly, I'm pretty sure I've never insulted you, I got very fed up and ranted about it in discord, yes, and I dont wanna do that anymore, and I stopped doing it, tho you today tried to instigate me, probably to get screenshots for this post you've made: http://prntscr.com/oobcd7

We even have some legal gimmicky characters, too, some people may recognize a couple, like Jason Toussaint, Pedro Tijeras, Ybrimchi Shikar, and Lawrence Holdeman, people seemed to enjoy them, as well as Glitch, not everyone hates Glitch...

Going back to the ''emag incident'' I didnt want to kill myself, I thought it would be funny and did it without thinking about it, I knew that I wouldnt die and I just did it for the fuck of it, and that, I admit, is a bit LRP, and it wont happen again... Also what happened in the bar was just silly, I just aimed at the bartender and said ''Heh, hands up, this is a robbery~!'' or something like that, the bartender thought it was real, shot at me and hit me with the shotgun's stock and Ahz decided to arrest me because of it, even when the bartender said that it was cool, and I said that too. It was a misunderstanding and it should've been left as one.

Abek was a mistake, to be honest, I wanted to roleplay as a creepy janitor, and the reason I was nude as @Vailthewolf just said is because Huey Hemmerich took my towel off, as Abek just showered, then whey Huey took his towel off he ran all the way back to the showers where his clothing were present, it was funny, people seemed to had enjoyed the little moment, and I did, nothing serious there to be honest.
Continuing with Abek, he was being assaulted by Anthony Mathews, wich, if we are talking about not having lavish flavor texts, Anthony didnt have any to begin with. He followed Abek around the bar, Abek (me) cowering and trying to get away from him. Ahz shot down Anthony and I thought I was in the clear, finally, but then she started shooting at me too, I got spooked and pushed her on the ground and tried to escape, as any sane character would do if they are getting shot and are bleeding from the head because someone hit them on the head with a crowbar! Then he got shot down, as well as Ronan apparently, cuffed, then Ronan got up and shot at Ahz with that single bullet from a zip gun he found in maint, wich he showed me ICly, too, (Because no, we dont use discord while playing, our characters only know what they should know ICly), and got shot down by Ahz again, I raised my arms so I wouldnt get shot, while I was wearing cuffs, and got shot down anyway, but I wont get mad about it as it was a crowded situation and things were tense. (PD: As you see in the screenshots, I didnt hit anyone, not even once, a shitter would've gladly taken this opportunity to click at a sprite and try to fuck that person up.) Screenshots backing up the side of my story on the Abek case: https://prnt.sc/oobfp2 https://prnt.sc/oobfut https://prnt.sc/oobg26 https://prnt.sc/oobgb3

Of course I gotta talk about Abek trying to escape and blocking the ladder when Ahz tried to follow them, I didnt know this could be considered an exploit, it's a word that I really never heard in SS13, it's obviously intentionally coded like that, it could easily let people pass on top of each other but it doesnt, so I dont know what to say regarding that... What I can say is why I decided to do it. I got fed up because I was being held until transfer while Anthony, the attacker, just got off with a fine, when I was the one who got assaulted and didnt even retaliate that much, not even a punch was thrown on his direction. Anthony was teasing both Abek and Ronan about it, so yeah, I tried to escape, as I think it was very unfair.

Now I know I'm all over the place with the cases but I'm a bit tired and drained while making this post, but now about Yueng, we asked for tools at science, cargo, medbay and basically tried everything to get them without having to steal them from medbay, because I dont like stealing things either, but we couldnt do surgeries without bone gel and bone settlers.
The interaction between Yueng and Mikayla was done mainly on communicators or in our hidden ghetto prosthetics and implants shop, wich by the way was a success, people came in, roleplayed and had fun with us, Nefreta even got a tattoo from Mikayla and we made a couple of deals with other crew.

On an ending note, I'm aware that I fuck up sometimes, mainly OOCly when I go on rants on Discord and I say things I shouldnt say in LOOC, the only time I was pretty mean with anyone was with @Vailthewolf and I still regret it...
What I see here is three situations that could've been handled differently by both parties tbh, and I could defend myself better if I had my logs from the previous rounds, but I dont...

I already apologized to you before, Kazkin, and not inmediatly before of after you made this complaint, I did it yesterday, but I'll do it again. I'm sorry if I compromised your enjoyment of a round, and I never want that to happen again, not to you not to anyone. I want to leave this behind us, move on, not only give me a chance but give each other a chance, we started on the wrong foot, you're not a bad person and neither am I, I hope we could do that soon.

I hope I didnt miss anything, sorry for the long post..!

EDIT: I got the whole round logs from Abek's round, if someone wants them PM in discord: JGlitch#9245

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by kevinz000 »

My first question is why you aren't on your best behavior after I've told you that we will absolutely not tolerate anything like this from you no less than two times in less than a week and made it clear that you would be removed if you were a constant problem.

Edit: Okay I forgot if I did it a second time but yikes dude how did you even come up with the idea of starting this character when you knew you were on a very thin rope?

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by JGlitch404 »

kevinz000 wrote:
Sun Aug 04, 2019 9:10 pm
My first question is why you aren't on your best behavior after I've told you that we will absolutely not tolerate anything like this from you no less than two times in less than a week and made it clear that you would be removed if you were a constant problem.

Edit: Okay I forgot if I did it a second time but yikes dude how did you even come up with the idea of starting this character when you knew you were on a very thin rope?
My friend suggested it, I didnt like the idea but well, I gave it a try, figured that the only thing that would happen is me doing my job.
I wasnt actively looking out for a fight, was being a bit of a creep, but nothing serious that would be against the rules in my opinion, I just roleplayed looking at butts and whatnot as I mopped, one thing lead to another and before I knew it I was getting chased by Anthony and then that clusterfuck happened in the bathroom...
For real, I put a lot of effort in trying to have fun within the boundaries of the rules and as long as their complain is and as hard as they try to make me look bad, again, I did not intentionally try to hurt anyone, ever, and the only instances that I trully regret is me complaining in discord and LOOC, but as I said before, I dont go full on toxic and start throwing shit everywhere like a monkey in a zoo, I felt overwhelmed at the time I ranted a bit too much in discord. However this stopped and it will not be repeated... :(
Edit: And I've asked another admin about my status, and apart from this complain (That has been made from very separate instances across the span of one month) I've been behaving pretty well according to them, and that I'm in the right path. Nobody ahelped about me and I didnt get any notes... And I would love to be able to continue improving as a player and person, I met quite a bit of new friends here and developed some interesting characters, wich bonded with certain people and I just cant lose this, I'm invested.
What I will be taking from this is an important lesson, as an admin recommended me, I will remember that not all forms of player-made events necessarily require conflict, and if done even semi-frequently they could just get on people's nerves.
So I'll be investing more in neutral and legal characters from now on, I've gotten tired of trying to make things like the illegal prosthetic/implants shop, wich by the way, apart from that attempt to steal a surgery kit, I've never stolen anything from any department whatsoever, everything was found on maint, we just couldnt progress without bone gel and a bone settler.

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by PostmanPet »

Howdy, Anthony Mathews here.

Can't comment on much of the situation, only was a witness to the actions that happened in the last part of the text.
From my point of view, the overall RP that round with the power down was actually pretty low. The following is based solely on my memory of that round and can be slightly different from the reality.The bar was full with people, there was security and a bunch of randoms. The bartender was Huey. Akeb displayed pretty weird behavior, including stripping off completely naked, running around and screaming, smashing towel (that actually does hurt for some reason) at bartender and constantly speaking Diabolic language. When Anthony tried to intervene and protect Huey from being smashed with the towel with the good old disarm, Ronan Gallagner, someone who was completely not intervened in the matter, started pushing me in turn and blocking the way to two fighters, without saying a word. The fight lasted for a few minutes, involving the pushes and towel slaps. The situation heated up quickly, with my char becoming antagonistic to Akeb (note, not self-antagging, but in the way of disrespecting or feeling disgust towards someone). Then, the security arrived, with Ahz and some deer girl (din't remember her exact name, plays security a lot) to solve the matter. Even despite Ahz addressing to Akeb in Galactic Common, he continued to talk Diabolic (which, I believe, could not be understand by anyone but Huey). My character vocalized out aggression towards Akeb, and, as his char threw a lit cigarette at my char's face, Anthony rashed in to smash him a few times, now using crowbar (previous interactions with Akeb were disarm, and Anthony got hurt from several towel slaps). I hit him twice,chasing into the bathroom, where security gunned me down with suppression bullets. Deer girl proceeded to keep me down and in cuffs, while the last thing I saw after exiting crit state was Akeb in cuffs. He got up and wrote a /me emote involving him putting his hands up in cuffs, but at the same time bathroom door opened, and Ahz stormed in, clearly being in a fight with someone else (I heard shots and believed that it was Ronan). Ahz put a bullet into a standing cuffed person, and I can't judge her for that, since the cuffs were not so clearly visible (the back of the char faced the screen). By the time, I was dragged out of bathroom to medical, noticing a few spent buckshot slugs on the floor, got delivered to medical, proceeded through face reconstruction surgery and met with Ahz, who told me that my charge was battery and I served it in medical ward, while the charges of the two were assault and attempted murder. Being freed after the surgery, I followed onto the Tram, and saw both Akeb and Ronan being escorted to the tram, Ronan spilling out curses towards Ahz. They were dragged to the backside of the shuttle, and sealed off with security tape, but then the third person, them being Suleiman, escaped off the tram just the second before it could take off. Ahz rashed out of the tram to catch him, same as deer girl, who later was teleported back on shuttle with the help of shadekin. I assume that Ahz could use excessive force on a dangerous criminal in the confines of the station, where he could hide at any moment, but that's just my view on the subject.

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by JGlitch404 »

PostmanPet wrote:
Sun Aug 04, 2019 9:52 pm
Howdy, Anthony Mathews here.

Can't comment on much of the situation, only was a witness to the actions that happened in the last part of the text.
From my point of view, the overall RP that round with the power down was actually pretty low. The following is based solely on my memory of that round and can be slightly different from the reality.The bar was full with people, there was security and a bunch of randoms. The bartender was Huey. Akeb displayed pretty weird behavior, including stripping off completely naked, running around and screaming, smashing towel (that actually does hurt for some reason) at bartender and constantly speaking Diabolic language. When Anthony tried to intervene and protect Huey from being smashed with the towel with the good old disarm, Ronan Gallagner, someone who was completely not intervened in the matter, started pushing me in turn and blocking the way to two fighters, without saying a word. The fight lasted for a few minutes, involving the pushes and towel slaps. The situation heated up quickly, with my char becoming antagonistic to Akeb (note, not self-antagging, but in the way of disrespecting or feeling disgust towards someone). Then, the security arrived, with Ahz and some deer girl (din't remember her exact name, plays security a lot) to solve the matter. Even despite Ahz addressing to Akeb in Galactic Common, he continued to talk Diabolic (which, I believe, could not be understand by anyone but Huey). My character vocalized out aggression towards Akeb, and, as his char threw a lit cigarette at my char's face, Anthony rashed in to smash him a few times, now using crowbar (previous interactions with Akeb were disarm, and Anthony got hurt from several towel slaps). I hit him twice,chasing into the bathroom, where security gunned me down with suppression bullets. Deer girl proceeded to keep me down and in cuffs, while the last thing I saw after exiting crit state was Akeb in cuffs. He got up and wrote a /me emote involving him putting his hands up in cuffs, but at the same time bathroom door opened, and Ahz stormed in, clearly being in a fight with someone else (I heard shots and believed that it was Ronan). Ahz put a bullet into a standing cuffed person, and I can't judge her for that, since the cuffs were not so clearly visible (the back of the char faced the screen). By the time, I was dragged out of bathroom to medical, noticing a few spent buckshot slugs on the floor, got delivered to medical, proceeded through face reconstruction surgery and met with Ahz, who told me that my charge was battery and I served it in medical ward, while the charges of the two were assault and attempted murder. Being freed after the surgery, I followed onto the Tram, and saw both Akeb and Ronan being escorted to the tram, Ronan spilling out curses towards Ahz. They were dragged to the backside of the shuttle, and sealed off with security tape, but then the third person, them being Suleiman, escaped off the tram just the second before it could take off. Ahz rashed out of the tram to catch him, same as deer girl, who later was teleported back on shuttle with the help of shadekin. I assume that Ahz could use excessive force on a dangerous criminal in the confines of the station, where he could hide at any moment, but that's just my view on the subject.
I didnt run around naked because I wanted to, as I stated on my previous reply, Huey Hemmerich roleplayed taking off my towel, I lasted like less than 1-2 minutes naked, time that I spent going back to the bathrooms to get my clothes back. Then, I came back fully clothed, and I whipped Huey with the towel, and chased him around the bar, we were PLAYING. I didnt know the towel would hurt that much and I mostly swiped it over the floor missing Huey in purpose. Huey was being playful, as you can see here: http://prntscr.com/ooh2ry
My character's reaction was more than appropiate, I would fucking yell if someone did that to me, and I would run away, thats when I met with @Vailthewolf's character, I *screamed and proceeded to continue running thowards the dorms: http://prntscr.com/ooh3b8
Then, when my character came back to the bar, confronted Huey about it, but we were both being playful and I think Anthony misunderstood my intentions, and, as you can see, I missed a lot of towel swipes in purpose: http://prntscr.com/ooh4ps and, again, Huey was CLEARLY being playful: http://prntscr.com/ooh5nq
Also, Suleiman didnt speak ''diabolic'' he spoke Sol common, and a little bit of Gal common, just tried to squeeze the language mechanics to add to the roleplay, turns out I shouldnt had done that, that was my first time trying something like that and it will be the last, too, Ronan was supposed to translate for me, but couldnt catch on with all that was happening at the bar at that moment... Oh yeah, people didnt mention, or at least I think they didnt, that there was some kind of event put on by Zeldazackman, I think, wich involved a shadekin? I never saw one of those before, but it looked like it could turn the lights off, whisper things to people and stuff like that... Wich is fine, but made everything a bit more confusing!
EDIT: You, Anthony, also cant call me out for low rp, unlike me you didnt post a single /me, you dont have flavor text, at all, and apparently you speak Unathi being a human: http://prntscr.com/ooha2j http://prntscr.com/oohaxg ((The second screenshot also brings attention to my character and Ronan, we were having a friendly interaction, roleplaying our own thing))
In my opinion you saw an opportunity to engage in combat and you gladly took it, if not for that, I bet this whole Suleiman's fiasco never would've happened.


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