Mr.Doge's Protean Application

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MrDoge [Ashie]
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Mr.Doge's Protean Application

Post by MrDoge [Ashie] »

Discord name: [Lt. Mr.Doge] or Mr.Doge#1386

Byond ckey: LT. Mr.Doge

Characters you currently play: Garrett Highlands, Asher

Job/Races you are applying for: e.g. Protean

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognize and log): Garrett Highlands

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species: Unit Garrett was set to be a assassin that was to kill one of the other factions at the time to kill their leader, with Nano Technology being an all time high, the Civilization Garrett was app art of used him and his abilities as the first step in infiltration and assassination technology, he was sent out on numerous missions to get rid of certain people here and there, eventually after killing many people Garrett started getting tired of killing people, he wanted to learn about life and other species in the universe to find a life of peace, eventually a massive collapse begun of the Civilization Garrett was app art of, He was at a factory getting his upgrades when one of the other factions decided to attack the planet, both sides fought valiantly Garrett was tasked to protect the director of the site he was stationed at for upgrades, eventually the massive fighting of both factions lead to both sides own destruction, Garrett was severely injured and had to crawl for days to find anything to help him he then lost power and shutdown, after nearly a decade later some explorers Found Garrett and when they had moved his body out of the way, Garrett's emergency power went online after playing dead for a few hours the explorers ventured off else where, Garrett's Nano tech still active he crawled for a bit until he came upon the unfortunate Explorers who were both dead.

Garrett saw some materials and crawled to the Steel metal and devoured as much as he could, after a few moments he looked at the two explorers who both had been killed by something, One of the explorers being a German Shepherd, Garrett thought if there were explorers maybe theirs a ship, he transformed himself into the poor dead Shepherd taking his appearance and then looting the poor shepherd after hiding his body proceeded to carry his dead friend searching his bag finding a GPS device that leads Garrett to getting out, after walking for a few minutes Garrett Find their ship and takes it to a nearby colony that they had flown from, after awhile he arrived to his destination and able to blend in perfectly Garrett assumed the Identity of Garrett Highlands an unfortunate explorer who had died while exploring, Garrett then grew accustomed to life and started to study the other species that he met and begun learning their languages and eventually finding a job with Nanotransen.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: Proteans are a Synthetic nanite like being that uses nanites to morph itself into any creature it can think of, however requires metal to be able to transform and change its gender and appearance, it can morph into what it actually is which is a black blob which allows it to crawl through vents or even fit into someones backpack, they share the exact same amount of properties that NanoTransens Synthetics have such as, Not requiring the ability to Breath Oxygen, can Space walk, and Not need Food. ETC.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: I expect the White-list to be removed from me in an instant and even perhaps a permanent ban for abusing this Species Special abilities. I personally have been playing on Citadel for at least a good 2 years now and do not necessarily plan to abuse the Protean's abilities in anyway possible as Citadel RP is the only server I can come and enjoy the game.
Last edited by MrDoge [Ashie] on Sun Nov 10, 2019 1:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Mr.Doge's Protean Application

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

If this is just Garrett 2.0, Doge, I'm sorry but I'm not going to support this. I refuse to support the, 'same character but cooler,' thing a lot of people try to do with Proteans.

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Re: Mr.Doge's Protean Application

Post by mouseofthecake »

Backstory's your everyday "I used to be an assassin who killed lots of people". Not close to the mentality we want our protean players to have.

Gonna -1 this.

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Re: Mr.Doge's Protean Application

Post by Kered »

Applications should add something to the server, not be an excuse to rehash an old character in a self-contained microcosm of roleplay with a background that, to be frank, is a little over the top. -1

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