[CygnusB] Administrator Application

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BYOND Username: CygnusB

[CygnusB] Administrator Application

Post by CygnusB »

BYOND ckey: CygnusB

Character name: Malric Terrowin / Cygnus (Borg) / Helios.MK2 (AI)

Discord username (+user id): MalricB#5697

How long have you played on Citadel?: About 10 months; took a two-month break so I'd say 8 months in total. Can't check statbus as it never worked for me.

How long have you played SS13?: About 11 months.

What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: Timezone is UTC -03, a few hours ahead of USA in general; it depends on the day but usually it varies between 12PM to 6PM or 9PM to 2AM.

Previous SS13 related admin experience: Hyper Station, I took the two-month break to check a new server out and apply as administrator there, mostly to get experience and see if administrating a SS13 server is as chaotic as it seemed. It kinda is, and it surprised me how heavy the amount of tickets can be on a green-shift.

Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: A Second-Life roleplay sim where I took the position of Group Leader for a few months until I gave it up due to IRL issues (then 2IC/Second in command).

Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: BlackMajor.

Reason for application: Citadel is the only reason I began playing SS13 at all, and Major told me in a casual conversation they needed a few more staff members under their belt- so all I can do is help the server that introduced and *got me* into SS13 to begin with, by applying as an administrator.

Please answer the following questions to the best of your abilities:

1. How would you engage with two players having an out of character altercation?
Depending on the situation and place; if they're arguing in a peaceful or civil manner I'd most likely leave them be, but if insults or threats are being made to either side I'd mute OOC (if it's in SS13) or warn them not to be disrespectful to either member/drop it. We're all here to supposedly have fun in a videogame anyways.

2. What should an admin do if they're involved in a situation that needs admin intervention?
To get bias out of the way, another administrator should be called, or if no other staff can log in to handle the ticket; said administrator should use the same channel any normal user does for these kinds of situations: #ahelp in Citadel's Discord server.

3. How should an admin determine in what way to punish someone who breaks the rules?
Depending on the situation; first-timers should only get a warning/note at most if they admit to it being a mistake and non-intentional. Repeated issues of the same type/coming close to breaking a rule repeatedly should have a harsher punishment and an ultimatum, or a day ban/jobban depending on how severe the rulebreaks are/were.

4. Under what conditions should an admin de-admin themselves while playing?

On roles where IC attention is needed (Captain, AI, any antagonist role) and handling tickets requires godlike concentration and multitasking to do both things properly. I've learnt this from Hyperstation, aghosting in maintenance to check logs and proceeding to get randomly stripped as a roundstart bloodcultist.
Or to simply take a break/avoid having meta-knowledge from the adminlogs cluttering their chatbox while playing.

5. What is expected of an admin on Citadel?
You might be an administrator, but it doesn't mean you're exempt from the rules, nor that you're above any other player. Act fairly to all!
Administrators should be welcoming to new players and able to set the expectations of a positive environment both in SS13 and the Discord community server.

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Re: [CygnusB] Administrator Application

Post by Nethaufer »

Really digging your answers to the questions, most of the time they're about par for the course but yours are pretty in tune with how I tend to try and admin. I will note that it's quite frequent, in regards to what you said in question 2, that if we have a ticket involving us and we're the only admin on, we'll go right to pinging for another admin in the discord achats over using the admin help channel. You've got a solid +1 from me.

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Re: [CygnusB] Administrator Application

Post by BlackMajor »

I'm just gonna be quick.

This boi's good, has my ideal traits of being generally calm and on the chill side of the scale.

I'd be willing to trial him, think he's got exams coming up at the moment so it'd be smarter to let him trial after that.

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Re: [CygnusB] Administrator Application

Post by kevinz000 »

Needs more time back on the server tbh, but before that yeah they're a really decent dude ~~like there's a reason I call you one of the only non shit taur players~~
+1 mostly

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Re: [CygnusB] Administrator Application

Post by bluefishtuna »

pretty chill dude

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Re: [CygnusB] Administrator Application

Post by moltoretardo »

pretty chill dude

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Re: [CygnusB] Administrator Application

Post by ForrestWick »

pretty chill dude


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