[Main/Discord] Hatterhat/Harold Robinson - Constant Bragging about Validhunting

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[Main/Discord] Hatterhat/Harold Robinson - Constant Bragging about Validhunting

Post by Owai »

BYOND Name of complaint against: Hatterhat

Your BYOND name: WFTWP / Owai-Seek

Date of issue and round ID: 2-7-20 through 2-12-20

Reason for complaint:

This dude comes on the discord after rounds gloating about using lavaland loot to hunt valids. It's been brought up to admins and the staff forum, more than once, only to get shit on by the peanut gallery. A PR was made to try and address the problem mechanically, only to IMMEDIATELY get shit on by Harold and several others as a "SALT PR" when several people including Justin, thought it was a good idea. Despite that, the PR was closed within hours because of the excessive amount of unrelated salty comments thrown on it.

I don't want to drag the PR into it more than I need to, because the person who made it is already sick of dealing with this, but here it is for relevancy.

https://github.com/Citadel-Station-13/C ... pull/10963

This isn't the place to drag the one who made the PR through the mud more than it already has been, the point of posting this is that as soon as the PR addressing Hatter's behavior is posted, them, and several other people jump on it, dismissing the entire thing as pure salt. The PR was closed so fast that nobody could post any constructive criticism on it. Yes, the PR was made AFTER the poster made a complaint about the abuse of lavaland gear, but it was a good change discussed by several people on voice chat, which is apparently -completely- irrelevant because there's no documentation, despite several people mentioning that they were in the discussion afterwards.

Meanwhile, Hatter CONTINUES to post shit about them validhunting with lavaland loot on a daily basis in the discord after they've been complained about in the staff forum, and can often be seen running around as a non-sec officer with equipment meant to kill people. I've DM'd admins about this issue, and have gotten the literal response of "If Hatter is playing, he's validhunting." These are just a FEW examples, there's loads more, but I dont feel like drudging through discord logs.





Not only does this behavior drive people away, it makes it feel like the admins literally do not care. He's flaunting this, in the open, for everyone to see, and when it's brought up through DM's or the staff forum it's completely dismissed, or you get piled on by other people who shouldn't even be in the discussion to begin with. I find it strange that any time an issue with Hatter comes up, -certain people- immediately jump on it to defend him. I understand people backing their friends, but backing shitty behavior is another problem altogether.

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Re: [Main/Discord] Hatterhat/Harold Robinson - Constant Bragging about Validhunting

Post by Cameron Lancaster »

I like Harold. Harold's a cool dude. But I can't help but feel like if someone less likable was doing the exact same thing, it would have been actioned by now. This isn't new information or some big revelation, admins have known about it for a long time. I'd personally like either confirmation that what he's doing is okay for *anyone* to do, or some definitive statement that what he's doing is wrong and that something *concrete* is going to be done about it.

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Re: [Main/Discord] Hatterhat/Harold Robinson - Constant Bragging about Validhunting

Post by kevinz000 »

Leave the PR out of this. It did not need to be "addressed mechanically" at the time. Admin issue (if it is one). You don't address one and only one player with PRs in general and we're free to deny them if we think it is one. And for the record, the spam wasn't why it was closed in its entirety.

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Re: [Main/Discord] Hatterhat/Harold Robinson - Constant Bragging about Validhunting

Post by Owai »

I wasn't entirely the reason but it was still a reason Ghommie gave for closing it instead of letting it simmer for 24 hours. if you want me to delete that portion of the complaint it's whatever, but I don't want to delete part of the post without being told to because it could be considered "hiding" it.

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Re: [Main/Discord] Hatterhat/Harold Robinson - Constant Bragging about Validhunting

Post by Cafaling »

One of these screenshots is just a loot pic at the end of the round.

There's nothing wrong with showing off your gear at round end. If you had a good set of equipment you worked to get, wouldn't you want to show it off? Most of Harold's time in said round was spent in space, and he narrowly made it onto the metastation cargo ship, then teleported onto the escape shuttle. Where he was promptly killed by people with far better equipment.

The 3rd screenshot is him mentioning a conversation because "Oh hey someone said 'what if X happened' and when I did Y, X DID happen."

I don't really see what the point of including this is. The only reason it was mentioned in the discord at all is because something they joked about actually happened.

The last screenshot involves a gang round.

Fighting conversion antags isn't validhunting because it's in your interest as crew to stop them because they pose either immediate threats to the station, your free will, or reality itself. I would be concerned if a player WASN'T trying to fight back against those. Do you expect him to just stand around waiting to be converted AND THEN start robusting?

If this is the most evidence you have to bring to the table for accusations of validhunting over the course of roughly a week, based on the timeframe presented, I don't know what you're expecting to accomplish. Miners become highly powerful by the end of a round due to the gear they acquire and mobs they kill. At some point their job is done on Lavaland and they choose to seek new challenges. Sometimes that's fighting the Legion and megafauna, sometimes that's going into space, sometimes that's facing off against antags on station. Harold plays roles that are highly combat focused, yes... but the only time he outright validhunts is when he plays Sec, where it's his job to do so.

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Re: [Main/Discord] Hatterhat/Harold Robinson - Constant Bragging about Validhunting

Post by Owai »

The third screenshot is him having a laugh about the PR getting shut down, so he can continue his bone-axe shenanigans.

The fourth screenshot has him LITERALLY SAYING he was validhunting people, and an admin responding that if Harold is playing AT ALL, he's validhunting, which means this is ALREADY A KNOWN ISSUE.

And no, this is just after two days, the timeframe is how long it's been since another player reported this behavior on staff forum and dunked on for doing it. They specifically wanted me to add this as additional proof.

if you want to add to the complaint
https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 0565676065
https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 0205191178
https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 7802697741
Note the above one was after me complaining about him making improvised shotguns for no reason

I'm not the only one to hate this behavior, a lot of people complain about it because they don't want to stick their neck out and deal with the crap that comes with it. One of the screenshots is him gloating about being in full miner gear, and buying a full shuttle of weapons, which -HE HAS BEEN BWOINKED FOR BEFORE. I don't really have anything to add to the other ones, because I don't know the context of them.

Then you have stuff like this, where he admits to going fully lethal in situations where non-lethal methods were being employed, opting to beat people to bloody pulps instead.


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Re: [Main/Discord] Hatterhat/Harold Robinson - Constant Bragging about Validhunting

Post by areebur »

Owai wrote:
Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:22 pm
This dude comes on the discord after rounds gloating about using lavaland loot to hunt valids.
Why is it news that someone's talking about their escapades in a previous round? This happens literally everywhere. Validing antags is a part of ss13 culture, a way of life for some of these fine cavemen to make their daily bread and get sweet, sweet rep.
Owai wrote:
Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:22 pm
So what, he's supposed to just let the gangs take over the station? Nuke Ops, Gangs, any conversion or high thread antag round can find the entire crew geared up ready to destroy whatever may come. If you're going to attack Hatter for valid hunting during a gang round instead turn to every other crew member that's made a weapon against a nuke op, gang or cult.
Owai wrote:
Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:22 pm
That's pretty typical end-game miner gear. In fact, that's actually less than what I've seen a miner have on them at one time. Jackhammer to make paths, Cleaver to mine specific nodes, and bone axe/cleaver to kill fauna to your heart's content. Bodybag of holding because the bag of holding can screw you up if you jaunt/teleport.
Owai wrote:
Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:22 pm
This dude comes on the discord after rounds gloating about using lavaland loot to hunt valids.
ANY MINER, and I mean, ANY MINER, comes back to the station for one of a few reasons:
  • It's erp time
  • The shuttle's almost at the station (and even then if it's code red they don't have to go to the shuttle)
  • Antags went loud
Name me a competent miner, and I'll name you an avenger's level threat to anything that may come.
What, are we going to file complaints against any miner that uses a PKA to hunt blobs and xenos now?
Any miner that uses their magic, weapons and robust combat know-how to get their objectives done or defeat nuke ops(if you're a nuke op that lets a miner get a boss weapon you deserve to lose anyway), gangs, cults and extra loud traitors? Any assistant? Any chemist?

The admins don't care because, well, what are you going to tell him? Stop killing conversion antags when they're taking over the station? Stop fighting because security's dead?

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Re: [Main/Discord] Hatterhat/Harold Robinson - Constant Bragging about Validhunting

Post by HazelBailey »

I've been bringing this up with increasing regularity in admin chat as of late. This is absolutely something that is not allowed and really should have been stomped out long ago. I'll be bringing this thread up in admin chat a little later, but no, I dont believe this is something that should've been allowed to continue for as long as it has.

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Re: [Main/Discord] Hatterhat/Harold Robinson - Constant Bragging about Validhunting

Post by raiq »

This happens constantly and consistently, and I've been bringing this up for nearly a year now.

Back when Hatterhat/Harold regularly was on the RP server, they'd do mining and break into science to do R&D despite scientists being on. A few weeks ago he built a Gygax without any sort of authorization to run around the station and smack corpses. Recently he's been bragging about using bluespace body bags to carry around a multitude of gear.

But the core of the issue is his behavior regarding confrontation of others about it. He blatantly brags about having a ridiculous amount of gear, his literal OOC notes say "watch me get boinked". He also changes his discord name to brag about it. Noteable ones being "That Shotgun Fella" and "I LOVE VALIDHUNTING"
Some discord examples.
https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 0380147755
Linking an image of him attacking Kroto, the quartermaster, and stating that he "just keeps validing people"
Proof he looks for any and every reason to valid people.
https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 1064174592
"i keep delimbing people for the lowest shit there and the only thing i worry about is "will it get me a bwoink" instead of "did he really deserve it"
like. clown ejects some money from the cargo budget? that's his leg."

https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 0565676065
^ Harold buys a entire ship full of weapons during an extended shift. Pings blackmajor and kevinz about "how many boinks is this worth"
02/09/2019 in which Harold was purchasing null crates. (RP Server Example)
https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 2065044514
https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 5753004042

"harolds memes are indeed funny. And legit, I dont think him ordering his null crates is a bad thing considering they immediately go to helping him in mining or expeditions whenever he does get them."

Except that ordering null crates is absolutely not allowed unless you've got full authorization and establish some form of chain of custody for said items if all the departments/heads agree with it. Something that did not happen in these scenarios. Another comment below this states what most people feel is the truth. "If you are funny, some of the rules don't apply". Another comment was "Harold is like RP's pet greytide"
shows his mindset in staff forum, showing this has been a regular thing for some time.

https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 1529611284
"invading into my maint shack? i'm gonna cripple your limbs"

https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 0380984351
"imagine not validing anyone at the smallest slight"

Shows that he purposely plays to skirt the rules and antagonize people in a way that doesn't get them in trouble.

https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 5824195585
"recreational powergaming but lowkey enough it doesnt catch me a bwoink"
And to further show this mentality has been a long standing issue, here's a quote from 11/30/2017
https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 6988348417
"i treat spess as a horizontal sprite simulator"

And my personal biggest gripe lately is this

https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 9664765972

TL;DR, Harold as an assistant built improvised shotguns on a calm round (before vampires were known). He tossed one to Timothy, who was a Botanist, onto the botany desk and I took it for like maybe 20 seconds tops to actually see it because I hadn't seen an improvised shotgun yet, and tossed it back onto the table. Harold thought I stole it and I told them I didn't, so they proceeded to (about 1 minuteish later) shoot me in cargo lobby with beanbags and strip my bag, which was promptly stolen with my heirloom item, and put me on their back. I resisted off and toolboxed them because of my stuff being gone, and ended up just Cyroing out because HoS (Gronko) didn't seem to give a shit about their metafriend distributing out improvised shotguns for literally no reason

Want to know what happened when I made the ahelp in ahelp channel and talked with admins about it? Harold changed his name to "that shotgun fella" and started linking people pictures of improvised shotguns he's been making. Every single time I have ahelped issues with Harold, I get a "he's been warned" or just outright ignored, so it's gotten quite exhausting. Note https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 5225037825 which he states he's been doing this for a while.
Another issue is where they'll ping their friends in discord screenshots of them attacking people they dislike in some sort of effort to stir shit/brag about attacking people they dislike.
https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 7910427668
Linking an image of someone making a complaint in the staff forum in SS13-Main. No reason to link that in ss13 main channel other than to stir shit.
https://discordapp.com/channels/1615742 ... 5082716188
When they chopped my limbs off because I shot them with a riot dart, they've linked this image multiple times. No reason to link that in ss13 main channel other than to stir shit. Note I made a complaint about this in the staff forum as well.

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Re: [Main/Discord] Hatterhat/Harold Robinson - Constant Bragging about Validhunting

Post by Nik707 »

I gave harold a "no more favoritism" speech, and if I have to observe and babysit him then so be it. Keep collecting proof and feel free to post it here as it happens and let me know.


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