Xenomorph Hybrid Whitelisting

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Xenomorph Hybrid Whitelisting

Post by ShadowXite »

Discord name: Shadow#1839

Byond ckey: ShadowXite

Characters you currently play: Simon Webbinder

Job/Races you are applying for: Xenomorph Hybrid

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognise and log): Falon Harvest - Former xeno botanist

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species:
Falon was a Xeno Botanist in the service of a megacorporation. He often found his job boring and only practiced it because he was paid so well. After three years in the service of the megacorporation, he received a job offer with the promise of three times the wages.
Unfortunately, this job offer included a gene splicing experiment as a requirement to do the job. He agreed to the requirement and was treated with invasive Xenomorph genes. His job should be to infiltrate a Xenomorph nest and set up various scientific sensor grids. These invisible sensor grids should help the scientists to understand the behavior within a swarm.
Falon should stay within the swarm, camouflaged with his new body, remain calm, and perform technical maintenance on the sensors. He should also collect various samples from the biological environment. He and two other scientists were deployed to various locations in the swarm. A few weeks passed without great incidents until a sample, that was sent to the orbital station escaped and triggered a bloodbath on the space station.
In the course of the fight on board the space station there was an irreparable failure of the energy systems.Due to the catastrophic power failure the space station with the remaining personnel and samples burned up in the atmosphere. Falon and his colleagues lost all contact with the station and were unable to contact their employers too.
A few light years away, the responsible head department for research on the Xenomorph swarm decided to drop the project. Falon tried to contact the megacorporation for many weeks, but all he got was static noise in his communicator. In the three months afterwards, two of his colleagues died in the swarm as a result of an "internal purge". Falcon left the swarm and hiked almost 100 kilometers on this strange rocky planet, a feat that was made considerably more easy by his new body. He had decided to live alone in the wild for the rest of his days. On his journey he discovered several pieces of debris from the former space station, until he came across the half-destroyed hangar of the station. The gigantic piece of debris was burned and shredded. But inside he discovered an almost intact shuttle. With his limited engineering knowledge, he managed to repair and start the shuttle and get into space where he then sent a distress signal.
The shuttle's fuel was almost exhausted and he could only hope that someone would receive the signal. After waiting three days in orbit and eating all MRE packs on board, a rescue ship from the mega-corp arrived.
After convincing the soldiers not to shoot him and throwing his "Xeno" ass out of the airlock, his identity was verified. After being dragged to the board of directors of his employer he gave them his report, which he had recorded for months. After his report data was transferred, Falon was kicked onto the street with a warm handshake and a "goodbye". Still in his gene mutated xenomorph body, Falon decided to continue his journey and his new Life.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it:
So my Xeno Hybrid is a Intentionally genetically modified Human by a Megacorp.
I imagine playing a Xenomorph-like creature but without the brutality that the original species brings. I imagine it as a challenge to play a species that has such a bad reputation and try to be socially accepted. Even though I am not playing an original Xenomorph, I think there will be some who will look at me with a skeptical look. This is a good base for role playing. I have read the character description of the Xeno Hybrid Species and would like to try to play according to these Guidelines.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: If I break the server rules, I expect that I can no longer play this Species. And I accept further decisions of the administrators.

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Re: Xenomorph Hybrid Whitelisting

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

Hey, this is a quality application right here. I haven't seen you do bad either, so I'm willing to throw my support in for this application.

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Re: Xenomorph Hybrid Whitelisting

Post by Nethaufer »

I always say most xenomorph applications get fast tracked due to them not having any mechanical advantages. Helps that your backstory is pretty decent too. +1 from me.

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Re: Xenomorph Hybrid Whitelisting

Post by ShadowXite »

Thank you all for the nice feedback and support :). May I ask how long it usually takes to get an answer whether my character was approved or not?

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Re: Xenomorph Hybrid Whitelisting

Post by Nethaufer »

When we bug the head admins enough. Lemme throw another ping in

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Re: Xenomorph Hybrid Whitelisting

Post by Fractious »

Just added you on the whitelist.

Have fun!
Just try your best, and worse case scenario you will fail and learn.


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