[HatrackAntlers] - Whitelist Application

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[HatrackAntlers] - Whitelist Application

Post by HatrackAntlers »

HatrackAntlers (Previously Skylark8811)

Time on Primary Server:
This one's actually kind of tough. If you mean like since first join, it's been... a year? Two years? I think? My long-term sense of time is really, really bad.
For actual playtime, I think I've had around... fifty rounds? Some of those were really long. I don't know, I play sporadically and admittedly haven't much lately due to life.

SS13 Experience:
Approaching a decade, around 3/4ths if I had to ballpark it. Introduced to SS13 when it was just Bay and Goon. Everyone always faced south, the concept of a gravitational singularity did not exist, and the derelict was the biggest mystery. It was a simpler time.
Since /tg/ was introduced, I've been with it. Construction and powernets, chemistry and medical, produce and service, cargo and paperwork, admittedly limited space-law and crew rights stuff. Unless it was introduced recently, I can tell you how to do it. Except xenobiology. For some reason I never really got into it.
I'm not so versed in other branches, like Bay, or /tg/ derivatives, though I don't think that's altogether relevant.

Roleplaying Experience:
I'll admit to starting off on Goon back when I was a brat with none, but mixing random, light, jokey RPs together eventually lead to taking part in a three-year D&D campaign that's since concluded, and lead into another currently ongoing. I don't really know how to summarize this one. I just know I have a pile of characters with their own attitudes- including on Citadel before it updated and lost its long list of races- and I've got both their physical and behavioral details kept in my notes. If there's any evidence of caring about and knowing what it means to RP, it's character sheets, right?

Zero. I think. I might have been reprimanded once or twice for excessive OOC chatter and/or arguing. I can't remember what it was about, but I'm like ninety nine percent sure it ended with being told to knock it off.

Are you willing to follow the rules to the dot?
Yes. That was short. Should I say more? It's just asking about the will to, not the brains to actually understand.
I can't promise I won't do some gray things, no, but that's on the presumption of the spirit of the law, not because "I can get away with it lol". File the one time I unintentionally burnt poor Camille to death under 'workplace accidents', court rulings be damned! It was a setup! I'm being framed!

What reason do you feel would make you applicable for this server?
I mean, if I want chaos, the normal server still has its place, but a more ordered experience appeals too, y'know? I tend to not play because of anxiety cropping up, some characters I like playing I care way, waaay too much about, and really don't want to run face-first into death playing them. At the same time, fleshing them out in actual use rather than on paper, while trying to connect with others doing the same, letting it all flow together- that's something I've learned from playing D&D, but it's kind of hard in a server setting where one moment you can be chatting idly with someone, and the next you're punching in the ghost verb because you were shredded and the tile you were on is now space due to a bomb. Or you can't keep any promises because meteors annihilated the station. Or you get an esword to the face before even mixing up silver nitrate.
... I'm not really sure I understood what this question meant, but I gave what I thought relevant- the want to participate, and the will to fit and behave.

tl;dr - Irregular player, Long time experience in SS13, reasonably long with Citadel, looking for good home, does not need training to go outdoors, wash with MRPers in hot and HRPers in cold water only.
Last edited by HatrackAntlers on Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: [HatrackAntlers] - Whitelist Application

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