[Jaybird1] : [RP] Event Manager Application

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[Jaybird1] : [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Jaybirdnerd »

BYOND Ckey: Jaybird1

Character Name: Trenton Stevens

Discord Username (+user id):DoctorJay#7558

Reason for Application: I wanna help make the community better and help come up with Events that we can all partake in and have fun with.

Team Applying For: (RP)

1. When setting up an event for the server, what should be taken into account as your to-do list before announcing the event to the discord/server?

Plan it with other members of the staff team a week at max or a few days at minimum possibly in advance, consult with the playerbase to get a general gist on what exactly they would want to see out of the event and if it's reasonable consult with the staff team once again in order to properly plan the event and see how we can set up an area for it to happen if there's any kind of special area it's intent on being in. i.e. "A haunted house event would require intensive room planning and decorating beforehand in order to make the experience go as smoothly and more entertaining as possible.'

2. What is expected of an Event Manager on Citadel Stations (Main and/or RP)?

To make event rounds as fun as possible and to keep the player-base entertained, to plan said events with administrative/staff team help, and to help out with maintaining said events as they take place and to keep the events running as smoothly as they possibly can within reasonable limitations.

3. What would you call a fun addition to a current round if the players are wanting extra spice?

Well, for example if we call back to the haunted house idea I mentioned earlier on in the first answer, it'd be something like giving the player-base an enemy to fight, something spooky chasing them all throughout the station that they would have to hunt down and push back to the haunted house area in order to contain it and keep the crew safe, or maybe have said scary monster turn them into skeletons so they can spook other crewmates and further up the ante of what the event might be. A fun addition is whatever seems to be both relevant and would be entertaining to the players taking part in the event as long as it's not annoying or completely turning the event into a non-containable mess that ruins future event rounds.

4. If an event you're hosting is going off the rails, or that the players are reacting to the event in a way that is steering away from your original plan and idea,
what would you do at that point for the event?

Well, if the other players aren't reacting poorly to it(like ignoring the event, not partaking, having maybe 2/50 people taking place in it) I don't mind derailing to add to the story unfolding. The way I see it it's part of the experience, regardless of what it's intended to be, as long as at the end of it things aren't 100% lost on exactly what the original event was in the first place. You can have side-points to a story, and still not lose the plot. If it did, however, completely ruin the experience I would request them to return back to the main point of the event and not derail that heavily to where the original event turns into five and six different things at a time, or have it become suddenly not entertaining to the remainder of the people who would like to partake in the event. As long as everyone's having fun, I don't mind including little side-portions to the event's plot.

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Re: [Jaybird1] : [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Mewchild »

Strong, Strong +1 on this from me, if my opinion on it matters at all. Few people on CitRP have the capacity that Jay does in terms of bringing smiles to the faces of other players, or for keeping things around them interesting as a whole. From what I've seen and interacted with them just on a character by character basis, I think they'll do wonderfully with the expanded toolkit offered by an Event Manager position.

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Re: [Jaybird1] : [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Enzo_Leon »

I'm giving this a big +1 too (since I kind of told them to do this.) I'd like to get a few more +1s or if a -1 with feedback before I full approve this.

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Re: [Jaybird1] : [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

I've got no comment either way. Trent isn't really a troublemaker, and isn't abrasive from what I've seen.

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Re: [Jaybird1] : [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Captain277 »

Aw yeah. Gonna give this a nice old +1.

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Re: [Jaybird1] : [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Cataclysmanic »

I know you try to make the game fun for others while in character, and while you’re not exactly a troublemaker out of character, to me you come off as a little... standoffish, toward suggestions that go against your way of playing/thinking. Nothing too extreme, and I’ll be supporting it anyway, but a bit more of an open mind is suggested if it’s approved. I know you’re a good cookie.


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Re: [Jaybird1] : [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Silicons »

they're alright +1


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