[Vincent/JWhitt] Forrest#5032 - Discord - "Toxicity"

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Re: [Vincent/JWhitt] Forrest#5032 - Discord - "Toxicity"

Post by Krzyzstof_K »

Forrest wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:06 am
A bunch of screenshots taken completely out of context, some of these regarding me being shitty to "random people" being bullshit and you know it. Ana and I had a lot of fucking beef with each other because of their actions in and out of the game toward me during most of my time playing on Citadel, and Gabby and I had similar issues as well.
I don't have issues with you, you certainly have issues with me as stuff said on Skyrat and provided by other sources/yourself-Including one of these screenshots.

You've had beef with Ana, but me? No, no I don't, a lot of it is one-sided, I frankly would probably fall over and die if was fighting with you, as I already have enough going on my life as is.

Take a break and stop being angry at people, please?

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Re: [Vincent/JWhitt] Forrest#5032 - Discord - "Toxicity"

Post by Forrest »

Krzyzstof_K wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:01 am
Forrest wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:06 am
A bunch of screenshots taken completely out of context, some of these regarding me being shitty to "random people" being bullshit and you know it. Ana and I had a lot of fucking beef with each other because of their actions in and out of the game toward me during most of my time playing on Citadel, and Gabby and I had similar issues as well.
I don't have issues with you, you certainly have issues with me as stuff said on Skyrat and provided by other sources/yourself-Including one of these screenshots.

You've had beef with Ana, but me? No, no I don't, a lot of it is one-sided, I frankly would probably fall over and die if was fighting with you, as I already have enough going on my life as is.

Take a break and stop being angry at people, please?
I said had because we don't really have any issues as far as I can tell anymore. Most of my interactions with you on the discord as of late were relatively casual at worst. Sorry I didn't make that clearer

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Re: [Vincent/JWhitt] Forrest#5032 - Discord - "Toxicity"

Post by MrJWhit »

Forrest wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:07 am
>throwing shade at... my name?

Now who's the one overreacting to perceived insults
Hey forrest, that's not an overreaction in the slightest, I don't know how you think that. I don't know how you got to that conclusion, how you think that's an insult, or anything else. You look deeply petty with this.

Anyway, let's talk about, apparently, how everyone's walking on eggshells around me. I can't prove that people are, or were, scared of me and how they don't want to say anything remotely negative towards me. I can't read minds or, I guess, private DMs or private discords. I don't see anything in any sort of public chats about how people are annoyed at me, or, don't want to deal with me. But, that's just what I have access to.

But, let's instead ask what makes someone "walk around eggshells around them". Generally it's when someone has a hairpin anger problem, quick to start grudges, and holds onto them forever. Someone nobody wants to deal with, so instead lets them say whatever they want because it's easier that way. My fiancee has an abusive father (I'm not sure if she will admit it though), I'm aware intimately what this means.
I, always, try to make sure anyone I'm teasing, or, making jokes to, is comfortable with it. I will DM people directly asking them if they're uncomfortable with it, and if they are, stop immediately and try to get other people to stop as well. It's important to define boundaries, and keep to them them. Give people attention when they want it, give them love when they need it. I've been actually angry on a literal handful of times on citadel, and I can point to all 5 times of it happening. Hell, I would always try to keep myself open to anything that anyone needs, why was my nickname always Justin Phillips (He/Him) while I was an admin? Because I wanted new players to know who I was, who I played, and, my profile picture never changed. This helps people get the base information that this is who I am. Literally one person suggested the pronoun thing, to make other people feel more comfortable about putting theirs there. It's not a big deal, but, it makes someone better, why wouldn't I. I was told the "lolbanned" jokes made someone uncomfortable, so, I stopped right then and there. It's as simple as that. If anyone wants something better from me, just ask and I always try and accommodate, I'm here to help people.

Your toxicity, however, does require walking on eggshells. Anything saying near you, that you think is bad? Shouted at, insulted, and added into a long list of "see X person hates me and they're the problem". You've admitted that you have problems with people. You think that people are out to get you, when it's just you screaming at people who you think have grudges against you.

There's the golden rule, if everyone around you is an asshole, you're the asshole.

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Re: [Vincent/JWhitt] Forrest#5032 - Discord - "Toxicity"

Post by Krzyzstof_K »

MrJWhit wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:26 pm
You've admitted that you have problems with people. You think that people are out to get you, when it's just you screaming at people who you think have grudges against you.
This, is something I can fully agree with. The whole cliche of starting a war, just to have no battles is, just jeez. Realistically, no one is going to spend there time wasting away on discord or other games just to hate you. Even if in the smallest case this does happen, you really have to ask-Is this something that needs to be done, is it really necessary, or even why? What do you get out of it at the end of the day?

Space Station Syndrome is a bad thing with feeding the perception of grudging and the wild idiolect that the community comes to bring-And if I'm not wrong about the whole grudge thing Justin mentioned and I don't want to be insensitive like you've tried this or thought of that but.
Taking a second look, slow down a bit and avert yourself from the one thing you keep looking at. The whole pie matters, not just a slice. That's my take on this.

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Re: [Vincent/JWhitt] Forrest#5032 - Discord - "Toxicity"

Post by Forrest »

Krzyzstof_K wrote:
Tue Jan 19, 2021 4:41 pm
MrJWhit wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:26 pm
You've admitted that you have problems with people. You think that people are out to get you, when it's just you screaming at people who you think have grudges against you.
This, is something I can fully agree with. The whole cliche of starting a war, just to have no battles is, just jeez. Realistically, no one is going to spend there time wasting away on discord or other games just to hate you. Even if in the smallest case this does happen, you really have to ask-Is this something that needs to be done, is it really necessary, or even why? What do you get out of it at the end of the day?

Space Station Syndrome is a bad thing with feeding the perception of grudging and the wild idiolect that the community comes to bring-And if I'm not wrong about the whole grudge thing Justin mentioned and I don't want to be insensitive like you've tried this or thought of that but.
Taking a second look, slow down a bit and avert yourself from the one thing you keep looking at. The whole pie matters, not just a slice. That's my take on this.
Like I said before, I don't have any beef with you anymore and the only reason I did with you and Ana in particular was because I had a lot of issues in-game and in OOC chats with you both, just as I have a lot of issues with Justin. I highly doubt you've been witness to or understand the exact problems I have with him either, and while I appreciate your advice, I'm gonna say that this is a situation that overall is mostly between me and Justin over multiple compounding problems I've developed with him and his attitude toward me for the past year.
MrJWhit wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:26 pm
Forrest wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:07 am
>throwing shade at... my name?

Now who's the one overreacting to perceived insults
Hey forrest, that's not an overreaction in the slightest, I don't know how you think that. I don't know how you got to that conclusion, how you think that's an insult, or anything else. You look deeply petty with this.

Anyway, let's talk about, apparently, how everyone's walking on eggshells around me. I can't prove that people are, or were, scared of me and how they don't want to say anything remotely negative towards me. I can't read minds or, I guess, private DMs or private discords. I don't see anything in any sort of public chats about how people are annoyed at me, or, don't want to deal with me. But, that's just what I have access to.

But, let's instead ask what makes someone "walk around eggshells around them". Generally it's when someone has a hairpin anger problem, quick to start grudges, and holds onto them forever. Someone nobody wants to deal with, so instead lets them say whatever they want because it's easier that way. My fiancee has an abusive father (I'm not sure if she will admit it though), I'm aware intimately what this means.
I, always, try to make sure anyone I'm teasing, or, making jokes to, is comfortable with it. I will DM people directly asking them if they're uncomfortable with it, and if they are, stop immediately and try to get other people to stop as well. It's important to define boundaries, and keep to them them. Give people attention when they want it, give them love when they need it. I've been actually angry on a literal handful of times on citadel, and I can point to all 5 times of it happening. Hell, I would always try to keep myself open to anything that anyone needs, why was my nickname always Justin Phillips (He/Him) while I was an admin? Because I wanted new players to know who I was, who I played, and, my profile picture never changed. This helps people get the base information that this is who I am. Literally one person suggested the pronoun thing, to make other people feel more comfortable about putting theirs there. It's not a big deal, but, it makes someone better, why wouldn't I. I was told the "lolbanned" jokes made someone uncomfortable, so, I stopped right then and there. It's as simple as that. If anyone wants something better from me, just ask and I always try and accommodate, I'm here to help people.

Your toxicity, however, does require walking on eggshells. Anything saying near you, that you think is bad? Shouted at, insulted, and added into a long list of "see X person hates me and they're the problem". You've admitted that you have problems with people. You think that people are out to get you, when it's just you screaming at people who you think have grudges against you.

There's the golden rule, if everyone around you is an asshole, you're the asshole.
In response to this: I was not throwing shade at your name, and all you're trying to do is gaslight me here by using that and what I said about people that screencap any little post they want to to use against people later as a way of making me seem like the bad guy, something you've done repeatedly in the past and I tried to ignore for a while but after a time it reached a point where I had to put my foot down and say ok, enough is enough. Even despite this I've tried being fair to you in the past, if you'll remember a couple of complaints people made on this very forum toward you (namely the clock cult one), I actually pointed out that what you did wasn't that bad and that people were overreacting. Despite this, you don't relent in trying to belittle and harass me, and that's where this vitriol is coming from. Call it a "war without battles" or me overreacting all you want, it doesn't change the fact that your hands are just as dirty as literally anyone else's on the discord. Unless you and I live in different planets, the entire discord is easily perceived to be toxic cesspool and there's a lot of people who've voiced this in outside communities because they fear admin retaliation if they bring it up on here or in the server itself. My behavior was arguably no different from a mass majority of the regular users, and even then all I did was shitpost sometimes and get half-heartedly involved in balance discussions relating to the server's gameplay or rules changes. You say I was warned multiple times over 4 months, and yet all you pulled out was, again, a bunch of out of context posts and one really old screenshot from DMs I made months ago.

The amount of people out to get me is incredibly slim, if existent at all, the issue here is just certain people being complete assholes for no reason. Google was one, but he's gone, I don't have any issues with Gabby/Lolli anymore, I barely talk to Psyody/Von anyway, so all that's left is Ana, who I haven't seen talk at all in several months much less to me (our last interaction was talking in one of the voip channels and it was a fairly casual conversation, so I assume both of us are on neutral ground anymore) and maybe one or two others I'm forgetting who are probably in the same boat. If people feel the need to walk eggshells around me over how I acted several months ago, then I'm not sure what to say besides don't do that and just speak your mind if you feel the need. Again: these are not issues isolated to me, and if you're gonna ban me for it then you should be mirroring that to a whole lot of other people considering they act the same way, if not worse at times.

Oh, and on the topic of grudges, yeah people hold them against me, a lot of people hold grudges against each other in this community. Go fucking figure. Julio, Von, Nameko, Google, Dapnee, and many, many others would constantly bring shit up that I did half a god damn year ago as if I did it fucking yesterday, and I was pretty good about ignoring it because I got sick of the arguments. And wow, turns out others do it to each other too. Like I said before, you have an admin that was acting like a groomer in the memes channel one day and when I called them out for it I got called disgusting. Shame on me for not reporting it, but at the time I had more important shit to deal with. You can easily find it by searching HRT in the memes channel if you wanna have a look.

Last thing I'll bring up for this array of posts: you've been ignoring certain things I say in favor of whatever suits your own argument and then trying to shove words in my mouth for most of this thread. I've said my piece at this point, and the only thing left to say to you is stop being such a prick and I won't treat you like one.

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Re: [Vincent/JWhitt] Forrest#5032 - Discord - "Toxicity"

Post by MrJWhit »

Let me repeat:
I am not an admin, I can't look up your notes on when you were warned, and I did not ban you. I explicitly did not ban you, I posted the ahelp in the entirety. You're very stuck on the fact that I was an admin, but I'm not anymore, I'm just a player and have no powers in the slightest. At any point, you could have talked to a headmin about my behavior, but you didn't.
I don't know why you're acting like I did this. I did not.

If you have a complaint about another admin, contact a headmin about their behavior. The current headmins are: Bhijn, Silicons, and Captain277. I am not an admin, I am not them, I don't have any special powers over them. I don't even have access to the meme channel anymore, so I can't search that and confirm any behaviors.

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Re: [Vincent/JWhitt] Forrest#5032 - Discord - "Toxicity"

Post by MrJWhit »

As for my admin complaints, they aren't actually anything about my personality, or just a difference in opinion on how main should go. Nobody said I was a tyrant bent on destroying everyone's personality and I was a toxic shitlord holding my admin powers ready and willing to smite anyone who was mean and harassing people about every little thing. Also one about me stealthminning while playing the game.

This is all secondary to the fact that: this is your ban appeal and you've spent this entire time talking about how much of a grudge you have against me. Not to actually improve yourself and showing that you've grown as a person.

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Re: [Vincent/JWhitt] Forrest#5032 - Discord - "Toxicity"

Post by Vincent Airin »

Alright, enough is enough with this nonsense. If you're not going to use this ban appeal to actually appeal this ban anymore, staff are going to render judgement on it and approve or deny it accordingly. As it stands, you've railroaded this into something rather abysmal already. Gonna give it another 24 hours for judgement.

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Re: [Vincent/JWhitt] Forrest#5032 - Discord - "Toxicity"

Post by NicoDeimos »

Against unbanning for previously stated reasons. Take some time for things to calm down and re-appeal later.

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Re: [Vincent/JWhitt] Forrest#5032 - Discord - "Toxicity"

Post by Zeldazackman »

While I'd rather you be unbanned from the discord promptly, sadly it would seem to not be the case considering the... I guess current drama being brought up here that seems to have folks get in a twist?

I'd say redo the appeal in about a month or so as you're not a bad person, just folks are in an odd position currently (And the push to cancel/censor is ever-growing)

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