GrayRachnid - Admin Application

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GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by GrayRachnid »

BYOND ckey: GrayRachnid
Character name: Cain Well, Syllin Exo, Grayfia Exo, Exo, Gary Slab Bulkhead, Cyrella Hesse, Leris Kiden, Rei Catherina, Zias
Discord username (+user id): Gray๐Ÿ˜ˆ#3333
How long have you played on Citadel?: Since 2018~
How long have you played SS13?: Since late 2013
What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: EST afternoon to evening
Previous SS13 related admin experience: Yogstation previous headadmin, returned as an admin for a while after taking a break and then a year later spent the rest of my time as a retired admin. Rejoined temporarily as a headadmin at some point when they were having a headmin shortage. Currently headmin of CEV Eris.
Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: None
Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: Kevinz

Reason for application: I consider myself a member of the Citadel community for quite a while now and i'm interested in helping the community using my experience. I am not a perfect person and i'm willing to admit that I have made mistakes and will probably continue to make mistakes. What I do know is that I am always willing to admit when i'm wrong and learn from said mistakes. I have butted heads with a lot of Citadel admins over the past two years and as recently as a few days ago. This stems from the fact that i'm more about following the soul of the rules while some admins are more about following the letter of the rules. Despite this, I have no actual hate or beef against any members of the admin team or any person in this community and i'm always willing to come to a compromise given the opportunity to discuss and debate.

Apologies if my answers are short. I'm just used to being straight to the point and I tend to leave out a lot of details. If you think I didn't go over a question properly, please do not be afraid to ask me to clarify.

1. How would you engage with two players having an out of character altercation?

Assuming the altercation is going out of hand;

If it's in OOC and it's reaching spammy levels, i'd ask them to stop before muting them or OOC(depends on how many people) if they don't comply. If this is happening in discord, i'd ask them to stop, if it continues, i'd make sure to warn them to stop. If they still do not comply then i'd add a muted role to them(assuming it exists.) If the altercation has multiple people in it, then i'd put the channel on slowmode until things calm down, or force things to calm down.

If the altercation was a small squabble, then i'd let it go after things have calmed down. If it was big and a grudge could be left behind between the players, i'd look into making sure I resolve the cause of the altercation so that no harsh feelings are left. Discussions and arguments can help progress some things sometimes, but altercations where anger has taken control lead to nothing and it's important to follow up on them and make sure all sides reach a conclusion.

If it's even way bigger than that, then it's really a case by case basis and I cannot say what my actions would be.

2. What should an admin do if they're involved in a situation that needs admin intervention?

Straight up, do nothing and call another admin. If another admin is unavailable, then avoid admin involvement at all costs unless the situation is one of major grief.

Grief needs to be stopped to make sure the rest of the players on the server get their enjoyment, if someone is blatantly griefing and the only admin is involved, then they really need to calculate the odds and decide if they want to intervene or not. Grief levels vary, but anything that is major grief should be immediately dealt with, regardless of admin involvement.

This is also case by case, but generally if it's not blatant server grief, I will never pick up a ticket i'm involved in.

3. How should an admin determine in what way to punish someone who breaks the rules?

The type of player, their history, their behavior, context, their intentions, and what actually went down. Out of all of these, I tend to value intentions and context over all else. While behavior and history are important, I find that you can't use behavior and history to punish a player if you do not understand the context of the situation and the intentions of the player in the first place.

4. Under what conditions should an admin de-admin themselves while playing?

If they are playing a non-essential role and there are other admins online(service, science, mining, assistants.) I consider Engineering, Medbay, Security, Silicons, and all heads of staff as pretty essential roles. While some rounds engineering and medbay could be quiet enough to re-admin, that's not always the case. If you're going to participate in the round, your focus should be on playing the round. This is all in the context of other admins being around. Security, Silicons, and any Head of Staff should not be played unless you confirm that an admin can stay around while you de-admin and play(IMO). These roles play vital portions in the round and should be kept away from any admin-information that could accidentally show on your chat log. While you do learn to not meta-game information you receive as an admin(hell, I get meta-information as a mentor too sometimes) it is still better to completely de-admin while playing important roles.

If no admins are online, I don't consider de-adminning an option. If the only admin has to leave while you're de-adminned and playing a vital role, i'd cryo out and re-admin to take their spot.

5. What is expected of an admin on Citadel?

This is a tough question and I imagine it varies from admin to admin. Here's my interpretation of what is expected of an admin in general. Admins are there to ensure that all players are getting a chance of having fun in the sandbox that is SS13. It's not fun to be cheated or griefed and we're there to make sure that happens. Enforcing rules is just as important too as you can't really have a running playground without some rules for people to play by. As for what is expected of an admin of citadel. I'd say that it's the same thing as the general expectations of an admin but with a few extra things. Citadel is a little different in that a lot of people are here to have a good time and ERP/RP. This means that for the people who are just here to enjoy the environment, admins need to make sure the environment stays one in which they can have a good time. If they go look for trouble then that's their own playstyle, but if they're minding their own business and just playing the game, then they need to be protected from players who don't carry the antagonist role.

It's... a bit of a rough answer, and i'm having trouble putting it in words. Basically, admins are there for the players. Admins are there so that they can ensure there's a level playing ground where everyone has a chance of having fun.


I'm willing to answer any and all questions. I know that I can be a bit stubborn at times but my intentions are always to come to a compromise/conclusion if i'm debating or questioning something.

P.S applying for Main admin.

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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by Xantholne »

Answers to the scenarios are good, and you have a fairly good head on you although sometimes things can seem to get a bit too heated for you at times. I do believe you have the best intents for citadel even if you aren't very good at showing it at times and give you an unbiased +1

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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by Silicons »

my main concern would be your interactions with other administrators
this place makes everyone heated but being diplomatic helps a lot in making things less of a headache
that said, i completely concurr with xantholne. i've known them for far too long and have seen them admin multiple ss13 servers without issue for honestly longer than most people today have known this place existed.
+1 for main staff.

to be more descriptive,
i do not believe there to be malice behind the argumentation that has resulted at times from their involvement. healthy relationships have arguments and ss13 adminning is no different. i respect someone who plays the game and is not afraid to question when they think something isn't being done properly and is willing to communicate, even if brash, and does not outwardly hold grudges. there's already too many who are too afraid to start a heated debate with others when necessary. maybe having him will help our communication issues, too. they're a proper server administrator who's handled multiple other servers without issue before, and i trust them to remain unbiased and in the best interests of the server at large, not the feelings of a few people. again, maybe tone down the aggressiveness by 10-20%, but they have at the end of the day a good heart and will do us good.

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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by Redtail »

Answers are mostly fine. We've butted heads far too much for me to comfortably endorse and I was told to say as such. -1 Simply due to your argumentativeness and the fact the fact we simply have not agreed on much of anything. Nor do Isee much way to make that work since neither of us have ever tried to make amends, nor do I see that happening. Additionally, you simply have only recently, at least been somewhat more active around these parts. I'm sure Silicons and Xantholne are just as accurate in their assessments but I don't see us comfortably being able to coexist administratively.

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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by NicoDeimos »


You've had a fairly negative history of interactions with staff before and your app even references this. Part of adminning is working well with the rest of the team and despite your credentials staffing on other servers, I can't really see there being much teamwork if you're going to be butting heads with how the rest of staff operates. Another issue is the lack of recent activity on the server or rather a very recent return. Makes it harder to see if you really would mesh well with the rest of staff and unfortunately your most recent activity includes arguing with a staff member.

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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by GrayRachnid »

NicoDeimos wrote: โ†‘
Sat Feb 27, 2021 4:36 pm

You've had a fairly negative history of interactions with staff before and your app even references this. Part of adminning is working well with the rest of the team and despite your credentials staffing on other servers, I can't really see there being much teamwork if you're going to be butting heads with how the rest of staff operates. Another issue is the lack of recent activity on the server or rather a very recent return. Makes it harder to see if you really would mesh well with the rest of staff and unfortunately your most recent activity includes arguing with a staff member.
I've said it in the past, I've said it in my post and I'll say it again. I am always willing to set aside differences and debate or make up with anyone I've ever wronged or butted heads with in the past. I don't hold grudges and I rarely come to hate a person. I am just the type of person who cannot stand seeing something wrong and keeping my mouth shut about it. The recent argument I had with r3d was bad because r3d refuses to enter a discussion with me and straight up asked me to ping the headmins if I think they're wrong.

I have no quarrel with any member of the admin team and I'm always willing to talk our differences out. You cannot blame me that people would rather avoid me than talk to me because I always call shit out. If I see something bad, I will point it out. This has always been me and you can see that Ive done this in the past and continue to do it. I'm never offensive when I call a person out and if I am ever wrong then I will admit it. I sincerely have no idea why any of those qualities are considered negatives considering it's what has helped me remain a cool-headed administrator throughout the years. I genuinely just want to be a help in administrating this community that I keep coming back to.

And on the topic of activity, everyone gets burnt out from spess. I'm not the only one who comes and goes and I doubt me becoming an admin will change that. Spess is not a game you can permanently stay on but I can at least guarantee my ideals and methods of administrating will remain upright whether I'm active or not.

If there's anything you'd ever want to talk with me about in detail then please don't be afraid to hit me up. Dm me or ping me in citcord. I'm willing to talk anything out to resolve any prior misconceptions or misunderstandings.

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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by Trojan_Coyote »

After a bit of interaction and watching you play the past few days, I'm not quite convinced on if you would be a good fit for the admin team. The impression that I get from you is a pretty inflexible view on rules and regulations which could lead to unneeded escalation. Admins need to be able to be flexible in interpretation of the rules and guidelines of the server. "Spirit of the law, not the letter". Your answers to the admin application questions were very good though, and I was impressed by them. -1 for now.

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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by GrayRachnid »

Trojan_Coyote wrote: โ†‘
Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:05 pm
After a bit of interaction and watching you play the past few days, I'm not quite convinced on if you would be a good fit for the admin team. The impression that I get from you is a pretty inflexible view on rules and regulations which could lead to unneeded escalation. Admins need to be able to be flexible in interpretation of the rules and guidelines of the server. "Spirit of the law, not the letter". Your answers to the admin application questions were very good though, and I was impressed by them. -1 for now.
Thanks for the praise, I appreciate it!

In order to improve my chances and hopefully reconcile, i'd like to what that you saw me do which isn't considered fit for the admin team? I just want to better improve my chances of being accepted by fellow admins since that appears the major concern and I want to talk about it.

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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by Blubelle »

This is me speaking as a trialmin currently so I dunno what my worth is. These are good answers, and I feel like you've been fair and well both as antagonist and a regular crew member in my interactions with you - which had mostly been about a year ago mostly but I still remember them well. I think you'll be alright in adminning.


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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by Nik707 »

This application has me torn. I genuinely think you could be a fantastic staff member. You're a very intelligent person, you vocalize your thoughts quite clearly, and you usually manage to be quite cool headed.
However comma
You sometimes seem to take things a little bit too seriously and could do quite well with a touch of lightening up. Having been a hard ass staff member in the past, it's fucking exhausting.
As well as that, you're extremely stubborn. A certain PR involving some job title changes comes to mind.

All that said, I do think you deserve a chance as a trial admin. After all, you've been here for years and the worst that can happen is that you end up not being a good fit. You and I may not necessarily get along perfectly, but I'll still give this my own +1


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