GrayRachnid - Admin Application

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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by timothyteakettle »

Speaking as a trialmin currently, -1, from my experiences and interactions with you in the past, you typically act far too serious/intense, and act extremely stubbornly when spoken to in tickets.

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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by mouseofthecake »

gray's a baller ansd now that my forums hiatus was magically ended by using microsoft edge instead of chrome i give him my solid +1 of recommendation

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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by Redtail »

Editing my earlier -1. ...I'm sure we'll probably wind up butting heads numerous times if you do become staff, but that isn't ultimately a bad thing if it's done in a tasteful manner. You are stubborn on certain points, much like I'm stubborn on certain points. I apologize for completely shutting down the earlier incident of us butting heads when, ultimately it was primarily because heehoo, OOC isn't the best place for any form of serious conversation. Thus, I wasn't treating it as 'super serious'. So yeah, I'll admit I was in the wrong to act as I did during that specific incident. I've gone out of my way to at least pay some more mind to how you act in game at least and ultimately you're not terrible. I know that still is coming off as begrudgingly acquiescing, but that's just how I am. I'm very, VERY reserved when it comes to doling out compliments. I'll also admit that at the time I was holding onto how our previous interactions tended to play out back in the tailend of...2019? ~2018-2019. You had vanished for a long ass time andso yeah, I'll admit I was incredibly apprehensive of talking to you, or interacting with you period at the time because in my mindset, people don't change from JUST time alone, and we both thought quite negatively of the other at the time.

Ultimately, I cannot give you a complete recommendation but I can certainly say it's not a complete rejection (coupled with an apology about immediately shutting down a communication.).

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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by Enzo_Leon »

From what little interaction I saw you on RP do I am not comfortable with you being on the admin team, at all. There is a severe lack of maturity and disregard you showed in a short time that just soured my thoughts on this since.

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Re: GrayRachnid - Admin Application

Post by Silicons »

right apologies for the late reply
given the amount of controversy i'm gonna have to say no for now.


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