[PastelPrinceDan] Double Black-Eyed Shadekin Application

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[PastelPrinceDan] Double Black-Eyed Shadekin Application

Post by PastelPrinceDan »

Discord name: dan.#8166

Byond ckey: PastelPrinceDan

Characters you currently play: Kiyoshi Maki, Eleven, Katsumi Sato, Orthrus (to name a few)

Job/Races you are applying for: Black-Eyed Shadekin

Name of the character you intend to be using: Coffee & Nyusu

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species:
Coffee was a shadekin like any other - grew up in The Dark, working hard on practicing phase-shifting with their mother and some other shadekins they met… only for it to go wrong during the Ritual. Left almost dead from failing to overload themselves on their own energy, Coffee was dropped off at researcher Nathaniel Galloway’s door by their mother (who had worked with said researcher in the past).
Healed and taken care of by Nathaniel, Coffee was healthy again after a few months of bed rest. Depressed and ashamed of themselves for failing their coming-of-age Ritual, they spent their time inside, in darkness, either trying to phase-shift again and again - unsuccessfully, given them losing all abilities that made them a regular Shadekin when the Ritual failed - or curled up in bed, waiting for time to pass.
What helped Coffee get out of their slump was meeting Nyusu - another black-eyed Shadekin Nathaniel was taking care of. Both of them spent hours and hours talking, Nyusu relating their own story - failing the Ritual as well, but being left alone to die; Nathaniel stumbling upon them and panicking, contacting his colleagues for help, nursing Nyusu back to full health; Nyusu’s own depressed slump, which only passed with lots and lots of therapy from one of Nathaniel’s friends.
Encouraged by Nyusu, Coffee tried out therapy and started socializing with their new ‘keeper’, as they’d taken to calling Nathaniel, more. In the end, they got better, even though they still have days where their situation is a hard one to accept.
Now with not one, but two black-eyed shadekins in his home, Nathaniel decided that Coffee and Nyusu should get, at the very least, some training. He enrolled them in the Ironcrest Transport Group’s training programs, in the hopes both of them would find something they’d enjoyed doing. And after long months of training, both shadekins ended up being sent to NanoTrasen postings; Coffee as a barista, due to their more reserved personality, and Nyusu as a journalist, because of their extremely curious and sociable nature.
Their names, ‘Coffee’ and ‘Nyusu’, were given to them by Nathaniel, after they both asked them for a second name, to leave their old, first name behind, along with their past as would-be regular Shadekin.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it:
Shadekin are a species who primarily live in The Dark, a plane of existence separate from realspace made of energy and nothingness. They can phase-shift from one plane to the other and back, by using a bluespace tunneling effect after overloading themselves on their own energy, and have other abilities like healing through touch or shrouding themselves in darkness. A Shadekin’s personality/background can be deciphered by the color of their eyes, if one were specialized in researching Shadekin. They’re still a largely unresearched species.
Black-eyed Shadekin, however, are forced to live in realspace, as they lost any of their abilities after failing the Ritual - their first time phase-shifting. They’re a lot more frail than regular Shadekin and are completely cut off from The Dark.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: Hard to use black-eyed Shadekin to do that, but: I’d lose my whitelist, and would possibly get banned (either temporarily or permanently).

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Re: [PastelPrinceDan] Double Black-Eyed Shadekin Application

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Re: [PastelPrinceDan] Double Black-Eyed Shadekin Application

Post by Captain277 »

+1 Approved.

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