[kevinz000] ApathyIsKek - Perm RP Ban QC

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[kevinz000] ApathyIsKek - Perm RP Ban QC

Post by ApathyIsKek »

BYOND account and character name: ApathyIsKek Aeric Nim

Banning admin: kevinz000

Ban type/duration (where you are banned from and for how long): HRP, Permanently

Ban reason: qc ban for consistent lrp behavior

Your side of the story: I literally do not remember. Judging by vague memories and outside recollection I probably suicided to escape from brig?

Why you think you should be unbanned: Its been a tad of a while, over a year. Ive gotten more experience in keeping my composure which I believe was a problem back then, with proper medicating to aid. Ive learned the game and better roleplaying, to integrate better within it. I do not have much more to say, since my memories of everything are rather foggy. Either way, a year gone is most likely sufficient for what I have done, and much has changed. The ban was for quality control, and the quality of my rping has increased. What I do remember was not, to be blunt, very smart. Ive seen enough to know better now, given the circumstances, and I hope that it is sufficient. From my experience, it is sufficient.

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Re: [kevinz000] ApathyIsKek - Perm RP Ban QC

Post by Hjorthorn »

We find it concerning that you don't remember your actions that led to your multiple bans. From June to December of 2020 you repeatedly broke the same rules over and over, returning after increasingly long bans to continue doing the same things. You were permabanned in June 2020, which you appealed with an application similar to this one and were accepted. However, upon returning to the community after your ban, you continued engaging in the same behavior including a temporary ban for the same reason you had your first permaban as well as multiple attempts at griefing the server.

The fact that you "don't remember" any of these events, coupled with you continuing to engage in the same behaviors after your last appeal despite stating in your last appeal that you were interested in HRP and would not make these mistakes again, indicates to the staff team that you do not have remorse for your past actions and are highly likely to continue self-antagging and attempting to grief the server. I am inclined to give a -1 to this appeal due to past record.
  • Rule 6 violation - combat exploit. (June 1 2020)
  • Temp banned for griefing; broke a window to flood station with toxins and logged out. (June 3 2020)
  • Warned not to use the name 'Etihw Retlaw", which is Walter White backwards, and general LRP. (August 5 2020)
  • Permabanned: QC for continuing to attack security with no dialog or RP over and over. (August 5 2020)
  • 1st permaban appeal accepted. (August 30 2020)
  • Welded escape dock doors shut, warned for LRP and greytiding behavior. (December 5 2020)
  • Sabotaged cameras and doors, repeatedly attacked security and command staff without cause, arrested twice and attempted to commit suicide in detainment. Permabanned again due to showing no sign of wanting to engage with the community and for continuing to commit violations despite prior appeal's promise for good behavior. (Decemeber 9 2020)
I see no indication you don't plan on doing the exact same stuff that's led to you getting permabanned twice so far, especially as your present appeal is even less detailed than your prior one.

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Re: [kevinz000] ApathyIsKek - Perm RP Ban QC

Post by Jaybirdnerd »

Hello ApathyIsKek,

I have come here to weigh in on the situation at hand as per your ban, and provide my thoughts on the matter as well. Hjorthorn has provided several very good recent examples as well as gave their statement on your case, however, as it stands I feel it well necessary to also provide an outlook on the mentioned actions. There are several in recent recording (as few as 2-3 years back if Hjorthorn's recollection is accurate time-wise) back mentioning several times over you've been stopped and outwardly told about your low effort roleplay shenanigans.

The sheer fact of the matter that you have not only succeeded in getting yourself banned, and outwardly refusing to listen to any of the admins over the course of several times you had been intervened with and explained why these things are of poor choice to do especially after being unbanned twice now, screams in urgency to me for you to have a vouch from a separate HRP server outright stating that you have reformed yourself well enough to be on the HRP server itself. As well as this, it's generally seen as 'bragging over a ban' to have "Banned from HRP" directly in your discord name on the server.

From my perspective, I feel you should not be allowed back onto the server without a separate vouch from another server similar to ours. My word is not final-say, however, but it is a good suggestion personally in order to make me at the very least feel keen on you being set loose on the HRP server once again. After all, you have had every chance from the very first moment you were told to knock it off and follow the rules and you still got banned three times.

As well as that, Hjorthorn has stated their personal take on your situation showing outright proof that you'll inevitably do all of this again and we'll be right back here with you writing a unban post on the forums requesting for your account to be unbanned. It's a very vivid pattern, and this is why I request personally for you to find a vouch from another HRP server proving that you aren't about to do this again.

I hope from this point onward that you do genuinely mean change if by some literal miracle you have this ban appealed, and that we won't have to come back down here a few months down the line and have this conversation again, especially when it's something this preventable to begin with.



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Re: [kevinz000] ApathyIsKek - Perm RP Ban QC

Post by Auraknight »

Swinging in here, I was fully expecting to be a voice of mercy, given that I haven't seen you before, and I generally end up disagreeing with most QC bans on people who actively try to be here. My requirements for people who I view as honestly trying to play and be here, even if they are bad, are likely lower then most of the other staff.

I was disappointed.

From the way you've worded your appeal, I do not get any degree of regret over the actions leading up to your being banned. Your phrasing feels like an attempt at mockery of the appeal system simply because you've gotten past it before with about the same amount of effort on your behalf. Perhaps even a successful appeal elsewhere. You give vague references to an improvement in the quality of roleplay- where has such occurred? Why do you wish to return to Citadel after finding your apparent niche there?

I will echo the statements said above: Get a vouch. If you really have improved over the last year, this should not be an issue. You've gone past the point of leniency, a long time ago. And before you return with said vouch, which, I honestly hope you will, it would be prudent for you to remember: Even if you do get unbanned, a vouch is the final straw. Proof that you can, and have been better elsewhere, and intentionally not a fit for here.

This is a -1 until a vouch is obtained for review.

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Re: [kevinz000] ApathyIsKek - Perm RP Ban QC

Post by ApathyIsKek »

Since the consensus seems to be that I should obtain a vouch, Ill do so before pursuing this appeal further. Thank you for responding to the appeal and giving your collective insights. Until next time, good day.

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Re: [kevinz000] ApathyIsKek - Perm RP Ban QC

Post by Silicons »

right oops I forgot to get to this for an unacceptable amount of time
vouch obtained was not verified for various reasons
furthermore rp staff stated they'd rather not let this through without vouch so nah.

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